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IrisCheng | 2007-06-22 14:00
dear all mom

can you share with me how your honey and yourself like this primary school.

my son is going to enroll sept's application, but he has only 15 marks. do you see the chance?

thanks in advance.

小魚 | 2007-06-22 16:49

46網係人口老化網,出年即係02年BB吧! 出生率底,我想妳可放心選。

15 marks,未必一定1st round 入到,2nd round 機會好大啦! 要是頭兩 round 都選它,校長多數係3rd round 收番。

IrisCheng | 2007-06-23 11:10

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hi 小魚


is your kid studying in this primary? what grade?