南區 - 深灣軒啓思老師有愛心嗎?

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lawlawsanhk | 2014-09-12 08:33

lawlawsanhk | 2014-09-12 11:26
[i=s] 本帖最後由 lawlawsanhk 於 14-9-15 17:16 編輯 [/i] 請幫忙分享吓,一兩句都好呀!
tszchungmama | 2014-09-12 13:08
Quote:lawlawsanhk 發表於 14-9-12 11:26
請幫忙分享吓,一兩句都好呀,我想幫”深灣軒啟思” 開專屬的幼稚園討論區,須於過去1個月內持續有新回帖! ...
幫手up 先, 因我細仔明年可能要黎南區讀書
Yimon.Y | 2014-09-12 15:24
easka | 2014-09-12 15:43
南區 - 深灣軒啓思老師??有冇人知丫?

Unclejt | 2014-09-12 23:13
n 年前,我孩子在海怡啟思讀小組班。隨後一年,他們遷往深灣軒,而孩子亦轉到別的幼稚園升讀 K1。今天,他已經是中二生。原來不覺就十年了。
doggy2013 | 2014-09-13 11:55
Quote:原帖由 lawlawsanhk 於 14-09-12 發表

alicefong119 | 2014-09-13 15:23
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sarachk | 2014-09-15 08:23
Quote:lawlawsanhk 發表於 14-9-12 08:33
When it was parent day, I found the conversation of the teacher is too standard. It seems like there are some standard answer for them. Of course, they try to appreciate your child but it didn't sound like that. My son always come home with a dirty mouth. The kids wipe their mouth. It is the only kinder that my son comes home with dirty mouth from tea.
晉寶寶 | 2014-09-15 09:49
my son was in PN class last year, long conversation with teacher during parent's day, found them very nice and caring, taught me how to deal with my son in some odd case, very good impression.
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