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BBPro | 2013-03-02 12:51
係咪真係咁差...好多人想入呢間wor..我都唸住近., 比我入到呢間..我都開心la
bamabi | 2013-03-03 22:15
下?係唔係個別例子?我見d 學生都係乖乖地的,而且算係多人想入的學校(去年20分都入唔到)。我個friend 係小學老師,話呢間情度都算深深地,因此我將來都會考慮。好想知全面d 啊!

MargretMa | 2013-03-20 18:03
我來年k3, 都準備第一輪報這間因有20分, 麻煩你pm我講係咩事呀!! 謝謝各位!!
macy0421 | 2013-06-02 01:58
:toocold: just get an offer.. so worry after reading your post. If the mamas dont mind , please also pm me tell more ?? Or can i pm you to ask more details?? Many thanks.
vincenthocs | 2013-06-02 22:06
回復 macy0421 的帖子 Don't worry, I am not familiar with this school either. Just know from at least 3 persons (one is studying, one is graduate, one is a kindergarten teacher) that it is a good school.
cskclare | 2013-06-03 10:38
亞囝而家讀緊P1, 佢返學返得好開心, 功課/測驗係緊張D, 但真係一間好學校, 不用擔心 :excited:
BBPro | 2013-06-15 14:32

tytma | 2013-06-21 01:25
Hi i want to know more detail about this school thx

forgethim | 2013-06-29 17:41
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