Re: 九龍塘Nottingham Children Campus好唔好?

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HoHoMom | 2004-12-20 17:13

prettywife | 2004-12-20 20:49
It's good! My girl started the playgroup in Sept this year. The teacher is caring and the campus is clean.
Having said that, some of the staff ,members at the reception/registry are quite indifferent but the teaching staff are helpful and experienced. ;-)
tingtingma. | 2004-12-20 23:05
Jodiemama | 2004-12-20 23:57
No wonder I don't receive any reply from my email enquiry. I guess those general staff don't bother to write me back any email. In this case, they should cancel their email contact lor. :evil: :evil:
HoHoMom | 2004-12-21 10:24
Thank you for your replies. They are helpful.

But could I have more info on what exactly the kids do at the playgroups at Nottingham?

My son went to one in the Hong Kong side for 6 month and they did a lot of singing and dancing. They also play with a big parachute everytime. There is a room full of outdoor equipment like swings and slides and a bouncing castle. But since we have been there for quite a while, we want to go somewhere else for a change.

Is Nottingham anything like that ?
Bowiema | 2004-12-21 14:46
我覺得Nottingham OK ga, 模式似幼稚園, 同埋真係native speaker 教, 加一個local助教. 1班大概10人. 最重要係佢地同st. catherine, 根德園有聯系, 收既機會真係好大 (而我細仔讀果時, 個個都收晒. 我就無報, 因為弟弟巳經諗住會讀哥哥果間).
bb517 | 2004-12-21 23:32
Hello!我都好有興趣呀,知唔知返幾多堂及how much?
Bowiema | 2004-12-22 10:32

Good Morning!

Nottingham 既收回:$250 / lesson / 2 hours, including snakes. 你可以try 下, 佢地係8 lessons 甘收, 你可以try 8 lessons. 佢地from Monday to Saturday 都有lessons, 你可以join one day per week, two days per weeks or 3 days per weeks 都可以, even everyday都得. 不過要一個parent or maid 陪上堂既. 我個人認為one lesson per week 都ok. 主要比佢習慣下幼稚園模式, 聽多d英文. 不過如果你choose 2-3 lessons per week, 佢地會有cert or letter 比埋你去考幼稚園.

另外, 你囡囡好cute呀!! 好靚女呀!
ang_chiu | 2004-12-22 18:44
May I know which school your baby attent to in Hong Kong side? Quite interesting.

tingtingma. | 2004-12-22 22:47
之前我仔仔都係返1 day/per week....到差不多要取表考kinder....我問果位staff可否代取St.Cat and Kentville的form....
佢態度勁差:"冇ga bor,你要代拎form,咁你讀多幾日啦!返1日冇架!"
好在自己去考都一樣考到... ;-)
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