Re: 統計 - 有冇讀女拔的家長兩個都要工作?

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sadsam | 2005-09-08 13:47
Mrssslui | 2005-09-08 14:52

yungyungmama | 2005-09-08 15:11
i am the one. we are working parents.
sadsam | 2005-09-08 15:11
Almost 100% of them are 高級人員?! Right!
Mimi_Ma | 2005-09-08 15:27
我朋友夫婦兩個都要工作, 佢囡囡讀書都好叻, 但佢兩公婆都有請補習老師代他們睇囡囡功課及溫習.
CDMa | 2005-09-09 14:38
Would u mind telling us your experience of interview with the headmistress? What are overriding matter? Do you know any related party to get into the school? Sorry if I offend you by saying this. However, as a matter of fact, there are so many rumor about this, just wanted to know the chance of getting a place there if no relationship like me.

Yukyuk | 2005-09-09 14:39
除了校長選擇"家底厚"之考生外(有助捐獻學校), 他們都會選平民叻女ga.

Interview Period

(From: September to December 2005 長達三個月
由於校長一個人負責in 小朋友(she is the decision maker), 都唔好話唔堅呀, 她的忍耐力非常驚人, 正常事務都要處理. 而她對每個家長都用她拿手好戲"金精火眼"由頭望到腳(是指定動作), 作為家長的你就要保持儀態 (好似選miss hong kong咁定企定有自信俾佢瞄下 law, 記得送個梨窩淺笑, 咪話我地做家長唔 professional !)

妳估佢唔boring gar, 本人萬分敬佩, 真係好professional!

1) (讀書型 + 上進型) 觀察力強, 表達能力高, 反應快(轉數快), 充滿自信心 (得戚果隻)

從成績表老師對小女孩之評語 及當日考presentation (講述一件環保小手工的用詞都會分得到 who is the outstanding one.

2) (運動型) sporty - 手長腳長, strong, 有d muscle.
當校長go through 家長時, 可能是看看考生之父母是有冇運動細胞, 因為呢d大部份 是遺傳的.) 有潛質為校爭光.

我曾經見過校長in 人後, 主動與該名穿著 好sporty 衣著好單薄 - 不是飄逸, 身材高大之家長傾計.

3) 音樂藝術 - 有d小朋友 3歲學琴或小提琴 5歲就有grade 2 to grade 3 或以上 (正常小朋友有興趣兼肯practise). 有d 幼稚園在k.1 時會 invite 他們d student 參加校際音樂節ga, 有興趣咪玩下 law.

3) 最後, 衣著方面可以 neat & tidy (喜歡穿褲都可以) is ok. 

good luck!


CDMa | 2005-09-09 14:39
how to define senior management, there is no way to verify the titles unless contacting the company to confirm......
doristsang | 2005-09-09 14:46
我有個親戚, 兩個都要工作
一個係牧師, 一個係教統局督學
judy001 | 2005-09-09 21:18
Yes, I know one admitted with parents both working but their girl got Grade 3 distination both in violin and piano in K.2.

Yukyuk 寫道:
除了校長選擇"家底厚"之考生外(有助捐獻學校), 他們都會選平民叻女ga.

3) 音樂藝術 - 有d小朋友 3歲學琴或小提琴 5歲就有grade 2 to grade 3 或以上 (正常小朋友有興趣兼肯practise). 有d 幼稚園在k.1 時會 invite 他們d student 參加校際音樂節ga, 有興趣咪玩下 law.

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