Re: 女拔究竟可唔可以交 Portfolio?

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Chole | 2005-09-08 15:22
女拔究竟可唔可以交 portfoilio? 報名表話唔可以, 只可以交五張A4紙。 點算? 有沒有BK媽咪舊年報過,是否一樣
0甘講? 到時又收唔收呢?

Chole :-?
勞媽媽 | 2005-09-08 15:53

今日派表比我個老師好似有暗示這是新措施 (但我不肯定,因為一知道唔淮交portfolio之後,我個心有
晴晴晴 | 2005-09-08 15:59
mission | 2005-09-08 16:01
Last year I have seen some parents that applied DGJS made portfolios somewhat like a "box file" and "wedding album" for their kids!! It's wise for DGJS to change their policy this year. There are thousands of applicants and the Headmistress may not have time to go through all those "bulky" portfolios.

By the way, the kid's family background, kindergarten that the kid has studied in and her impression/performance at interview are far more important than portfolio in applying DGJS.;-) ;-)
phoebe-lily | 2005-09-08 18:20
If so, it's wise that DGJS not to take portfolios this year. As most of the information attached in this kind of bulky file must be useless. Frankly, it's really a waste of time to review all these information.

The performance at interview will be much important this year.

Chole | 2005-09-08 18:24
I really hope that they really stick with the policy and don't accept portfolio anymore.


Teresa | 2005-09-08 18:33
我路過, 容許我搭咀.

試想, 如果你係DGSJ既校長, 你會唔會花時間去逐個睇? 就算Portfolio有多精美多吸引, 都會fatigue啦. 佢仲有日常校務要處理, 邊可以有咁多時間去睇呢? 況且佢地有自己一套criteria去收生, 如果有個學生既background真係"好岩好吸吸引", 佢冇portfolio都會照收啦.

不過, 我真係好戥你地做好哂portfolio既爸媽dum 心!!!
ThePooh | 2005-09-08 18:43
july_rhapsody | 2005-09-08 19:16
Dear Moms,

What would you submit in these five pages?Quote:
Chole 寫道:
女拔究竟可唔可以交 portfoilio? 報名表話唔可以, 只可以交五張A4紙。 點算? 有沒有BK媽咪舊年報過,是否一樣
0甘講? 到時又收唔收呢?

Chole :-?

EdT | 2005-09-08 19:19
唔係唔使做, 係要掉哂唔等駛D資料濃縮做最有用的5頁紙。即係話唔睇包裝喇, 睇下你5頁紙可以有幾堅。如果呢5頁紙無料到,interview答個兩三個問題幾叻都係假。

5頁紙舉例可包括鋼琴幾多級既証明,可以係YMCA gmnastics / swimming level 幾既証書 (所以好多人私人學完都要入YMCA再學過攞番張cert), 可以係韋氏IQ test証明, 又或者係某立法會議員的personal reference。幼稚園校長既reference letter 無大用,除左CCKG。小朋友既墨寶同藝術大作可以收翻埋俾第二間。

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