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voasia | 2005-09-12 13:48
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kkuen | 2005-09-13 00:08
WYmom | 2005-09-13 10:14
May I ask if CKY use native English teachers to teach subjects other than English, such as Maths, Science, General Knowledge, music, P.E. and art?
DESP | 2005-09-13 11:20
My girl's in P.3. Major subjects like English, Maths, Science are taught in English by native English teachers. Other cultural subjects like art, music, computer etc are taught in both Putonghua and English. They have 2 to 3 lessons each week in each of the above cultural subjects. Putonghua and English teachers will teach alternatively. I think this is a good idea as they can sing both Chinese and English songs, learn and appreciate those music terms and terms of art and computer in both language. P.E. is taught by NET teachers. Moral education is taught in Chinese.
WYmom | 2005-09-13 11:28
DESP, thanks for your detail information.
voasia | 2005-09-13 18:43
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肥火箭 | 2005-09-14 12:32
I'm also interested in this school. But we live in HK island and there is no school bus available.
Sammymother | 2005-09-14 13:39
Hi Voasia,

My kid also joins the family of PLKCKY this year. She likes the school so far but unfortunately, she has caught some viruses and has been sick for 2 days. I've tried to read her the Chinese book (One day in School) but she didn't seem interested. It would be great if you can PM me the site that you've created so that I can try one more time. Thanks a lot in advnace.
voasia | 2005-09-14 18:14
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jesse | 2005-09-14 19:29
May I know how much of the school fees ?

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