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Jne_Jne | 2006-09-25 10:00
I want to seek for your comment on 耀中國際學校 which is in Kowloon Tong if you konw. Thanks a lot.

babymandy123 | 2006-09-25 14:47
RJSM | 2006-09-25 16:00
Secondary -- a total disappointment in all aspects!

Academic standard not good; poor results in public exams.

Rapid expansion in the last few years has led to the admission of students with poor standard and discipline problems.

Low morale among teachers. Many students have a negative feeling towards the school.

School not responsive at all to parents' feedbacks; no parent teacher association so far despite strong request from parents; strong resistance from school against forming PTA.

A note of caution: YC is opening new schools (one after one) in the various parts of China. Parents can't help feeling that the money they invest in their children's education have been channelled to China!

joenkm | 2006-09-25 18:02
sounds very negative wor, I thought it would be a highly recommend school from other parents tim.
SaBB | 2006-09-25 21:47
I hv heard lots of positive comments from parents who have their children studying in the pre-sch, kindergarten and primary section, but generally negative comments on its secondary sch. They then sent the children to other Int'l sch for secondary education instead , such as CIS and ESF.

dont really know why..
conniedodo | 2006-09-25 22:58

你說:「Low morale (as I perceive) among teachers. Many students have a negative feeling towards the school.」


kamandaddy | 2006-09-26 09:44
我囡囡今年剛剛從local school轉到耀中(中學)讀, 初初兩個星期她的感覺還可以, 但不久以後就很抗拒上學
細問之下, 發現原來有三個原因:
1) 由於科學, 體育, 和其他雜項科目(不關重要)的都編到與別班一同上課(少數學生有這安排), 囡囡少了很多機會與自己班的同學一同上課, 更加難融入同班同學當中, 她更說連誰是自己班的同學也不知道, 感覺有點'兩頭唔頭岸'.
2) 囡囡有一次上體育課時頭暈, 及後在車上胃痛了很久, 但都沒有同學和老師發現(老師跟囡囡坐得非常接近), 下車時還不知什麼事, 其後才叫同學把囡囡帶到sick room休息.
3) 開學後來了兩個新生, 全班超額一個學生, 由於依姓氏開首排先後, 囡囡排最後, 囡囡在某些課堂時沒有位子, 常要花十數分鐘去為囡囡'特別'安排一個位子, 令囡囡好不難受.

就第三個原因我向學校反映, 結果安排囡囡轉班, 可是囡囡非常反感, 她說她不是插班生, 要她轉班是不公平, 錯不在她, 加上她又怕更難融入班中(本來學校已沒有什麼理會新生能否適應). 我對學校的安排也是感到很無奈的.
其實囡囡說整體上學校也沒什麼大問題, 只是學生程度比較參次, 在學校沒有人說英語, 和老師比較冷淡而已, 她說最誇張是有學生連'background'也不慬得串, 就算囡囡的母語不是英語, 也至少慬這個字(這是小學程度). 同時她亦告訴我她的同學經常叫她轉校, 她的同學亦似是不喜愛這學校.
WYmom | 2006-09-26 10:32
kamandaddy 寫道:
我囡囡今年剛剛從local school轉到耀中(中學)讀, 初初兩個星期她的感覺還可以, 但不久以後就很抗拒上學
細問之下, 發現原來有三個原因:
1) 由於科學, 體育, 和其他雜項科目(不關重要)的都編到與別班一同上課(少數學生有這安排), 囡囡少了很多機會與自己班的同學一同上課, 更加難融入同班同學當中, 她更說連誰是自己班的同學也不知道, 感覺有點'兩頭唔頭岸'.
2) 囡囡有一次上體育課時頭暈, 及後在車上胃痛了很久, 但都沒有同學和老師發現(老師跟囡囡坐得非常接近), 下車時還不知什麼事, 其後才叫同學把囡囡帶到sick room休息.
3) 開學後來了兩個新生, 全班超額一個學生, 由於依姓氏開首排先後, 囡囡排最後, 囡囡在某些課堂時沒有位子, 常要花十數分鐘去為囡囡'特別'安排一個位子, 令囡囡好不難受.

就第三個原因我向學校反映, 結果安排囡囡轉班, 可是囡囡非常反感, 她說她不是插班生, 要她轉班是不公平, 錯不在她, 加上她又怕更難融入班中(本來學校已沒有什麼理會新生能否適應). 我對學校的安排也是感到很無奈的.
其實囡囡說整體上學校也沒什麼大問題, 只是學生程度比較參次, 在學校沒有人說英語, 和老師比較冷淡而已, 她說最誇張是有學生連'background'也不慬得串, 就算囡囡的母語不是英語, 也至少慬這個字(這是小學程度). 同時她亦告訴我她的同學經常叫她轉校, 她的同學亦似是不喜愛這學校.

Why her classmates always ask her to change to another school? This is very strange!

When I visited YC's secondary school sometimes ago, I also found that the students seems very boring and demotivated during their lessons. The nos. per class is in fact very small, so the caring for each student should be very good. Besides, they have a lot of specialists and consultants taking care of the students. So why is the morale so low? ?-(
baubautse | 2006-09-26 16:29
Actually, my son is studying in YC as well. Why I like to keep him in the school is that he can really establish both languages, English and Chinese. He has been in YC from kindergarten to secondary, what I find is that he is confident and communicates well in both languages and he is not shame to use Putonghua at all, it is not a problem for him to switch channels. As a parent, I really feel that is what I want.

According to my son, they have been divided into different groups in languages and mathematics and it crosses the whole grade. For example, my son is very good at Mathematics, okay is English and need to work more in Chinese. In this arrangement, he benefits from the subject that he goods at and has extra support in Chinese. He enjoys a lot no matter in big groups or small groups studies. His best friends across the whole grade, and I think this special arrangement, to mix students up in different subjects, really widen his social circle and it helps him to grow.

Being a parent, of course, I do care about his future, especially the articulation after finishing his studies in YC. So I always keep an eye in the academic results of the school, I realize that the public results of the school is not that bad. In IB, the top score student achieved this year is 44, from my knowledge, all graduates has 100% university placement.

I also look forward to have a PTA too!! Right this moment, I found that there is no difficulty to communicate with the school by using traditional ways like, writing in the diary and ring the school. For the debenture, be honest, this is out of my plan, however, I can find a balance with lower tuition fee (from $131,780 to $112,000) and I regard the debenture as a saving (well, no interest!). :-P :-P
RJSM | 2006-09-26 17:48

To have a better picture of the IB results, you better ask the school how many of those achieving good scores in IB are homegrown YC students ( I mean excluding those who joined YC from other schools at Yr 12). Also ask for detailed statistics of their IGCSE results. If the school is willing to give you the figures, you will understand what I mean by " academic standard not good." Check out how they presented their public exam results on the web --- very vague and misleading.

Regarding University placement -- it is not at all impressive; mostly second or third tier UK universities. Check out other IS e.g. CIS and HKIS. They show a very clear account of where the students go each year. YC doesn't show the statistics to that level of details. Just lump everything together.

Regarding debenture -- please do not take the school fee reduction as a big favour. The school is supposed to cut down fee to $8000 + instead of $11000+, according to the agreement with govt!

For the kind of money they charge, YC has far from delivered what they should have. I can't help thinking that the school is more skilled at making money than educating children.

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