Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-10 09:14 |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-10 09:26 |
Quote: Chr336 寫道: 我的大仔(三歲)有自閉傾向,細仔(二個月)左耳有問題,簡直令我不知如何是好.都唔知細仔會唔會有自閉問題,如果早知大仔的問題,我就唔生第二個. "Positive attitudes are the secrets of spirtual richness". Look forward but not backward, step by step you will find your way. Your younger son's hearing really sounds not too bad, unplug one earphone and listen to your disc-man and you can try "experiencing" how he hears. |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-10 09:39 |
Hi 稚言治語, :wave: Long time no see, how's your gathering with your audiologist friend? I don't think we have any evidence on hearing problem leads to the autistic features. Rather, autistic kids sometimes are too sensible to some nonsense sounds, or just do not response to sound that they can "physiologically hear". So testing their hearing is really a big challenge! "By the way, provided that the child is going to have problem is discriminating speech sound in noise as well as sound localization, is the HKSAR government gonna to issue him a hearing aid?" --- Well, frankly speaking, fitting hearing aid on monolateral hearing loss person is another challenge (u asks me all the difficult questions! ;-) ) The brain may or may not be able to integrate the two diff sounds: one is totally normal perception, another one is amplified and perceived by a impaired ear. Patients may report dizziness, headache, annoyed amplified sound etc. Of course there are succssful case too. As far as I know, our govt issues one h/a for those who have two impaired ears, and zero to those who have one impaired ear (They may have loan h/a though) |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-10 09:55 |
Hi Katmami, :wave: Good to see you here again! Let me ask u some questions first: 1. how old is your baby? 2. do you concern about sedation? If u do it in private, you baby will be sedated for that test. And in case she fails, QM probably will still do the ABR in July to confirm and she will be sedated again. 3. u want me to pm u or email u? The info is in a word document and emailing seems more convinent.... 4. If u want to do ASSR rather than ABR, it's more expensive and I think only one or two private settings in HK have it now. Some public hospital has it but may not be using it in the first testing of a baby. The adv of ASSR over ABR is that it gives you the hearing levels of more frequencies than ABR. "如成因是sensory/neural問題, 是否通常兩耳都有問題的呢?" --- Yes, as compared to conductive hearing loss (problem of outer or middle ear), we see more symmetrical pattern in sensorineural hearing loss. Of course there are exception, like chr336's baby. |
Chr336 | 2005-05-11 01:46 |
Quote: "如成因是sensory/neural問題, 是否通常兩耳都有問題的呢?" --- Yes, as compared to conductive hearing loss (problem of outer or middle ear), we see more symmetrical pattern in sensorineural hearing loss. Of course there are exception, like chr336's baby. Actually, I still don't know what's the problem of my baby's left ear. My baby will see the doctor in June, hope that the reason will be known (inner, middle or outer of the ear). |
Chr336 | 2005-05-11 01:55 |
稚言治語, Thanks, I've received the document. It is very useful. Chr336. |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-11 09:32 |
Quote: Actually, I still don't know what's the problem of my baby's left ear. My baby will see the doctor in June, hope that the reason will be known (inner, middle or outer of the ear). Oops... I made that statement too early :oops:, it's because pure conductive hearing loss cannot go down to 85 dBHL. |
katmami | 2005-05-11 13:38 |
Hi, Shiba-Inu, Thanks very much for your reply!:-P 1. My baby girl is 3 months old; 2.'re right, sedation is an important factor to be concerned, I really don't want my baby to be sedated twice... She's still too small... 3. Yesterday, I've visited a private ENT doctor with my baby and his comment was that --- the basic structure/condition of her outer ears are good enough-- no "water", not much earwax.... but there was no response from my baby while he tested her by clapping hands around her!.... Then that means the problem would most probably be the middle/inner parts of the ears... He also suggested us to wait until the test that will be done in July.... Because he believed that it would be enough for my baby at this stage.... But anyway, can I have the info for my reference...just in case....Could you please e-mail to:[email protected] 4. Since the ENT doctor also commented that we should wait for the test first, I think I'll not insist to do the test earlier in private clinic, I'll only try to give her as much stimulation as we could before the test. How do you feel? Katmami :roll: |
DaisyWong | 2005-05-11 22:58 |
Hi katmami, 你BB嘅情况同我子喬類似呀。 Hi Shiba_Inu, 想八一八, are u in USA ? 子喬仲等緊覆診攞hearing aids(政府嘅一般工作效率),攪攪吓又就快半歲了, 又担心又心急,想問吓有セ嘢已家好做呢?or 坊間有冇書籍有關類似BB case可介紹? :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: 子喬媽上 |
Nail | 2005-05-11 23:40 |
didn't show up here for a long time. so surprised but sorry to see that a number of mama suddenly have similar problems. although i am just a layman and cannot offer any help here, just wanna show my support towards u all, 子喬 ma, yanyan mama etc. 努力, 加油 :-D :-D looking forward to hearing your news |