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panchu | 2006-09-07 22:12
死啦!終於到阿女揀學校,好難揀呀........點算! :-( HELP~~~

有無34綱家長 :wave: :wave:
mcheung | 2006-09-07 22:17

1st round揀邊間學校??
tinatam | 2006-09-07 22:44

Aug Kowloon Tong School (Primary Section)

1 Sep St. Paul Colledge
2 Sep St. Fransic's
2 Sep St. Joseph Colledge Kwun Tong
4 Sep St. Paul Co-ed

9 Sep G.T (Ellen) at TKO 2pm
9 Sep DBS at 2pm or 4:30pm
16 Sep Raimondi Colledge

Ying Wa Colledge is quiet good and got 9A Top student at Form 5 result. NO.1 School

tinatam | 2006-09-07 23:19
My son is sleeping now. 9:30pm goes to bed everynight cox he must wake up at 7:30am every morning now. How above winter? So cold in the morning......

On Sat, we join little bee activity at 9am-11:30am. Let have ice-skating afternoon...I join 12pm class and join YMCA swimming & Gym class on Monday & Friday. In summer, my son have passed two levels and get two cert.s that I don't belive. Some specialists said 5 yrs old kids are quick learner. They can catch up very fast.

Yesterday, I went to Ocean Park and saw some Kentville 's classmates... we can play all games and watch pandas . It's so cuit and funny.

Who want to have a Japaness class 4-6 students, we can group to join QQ club on Sunday. There is a biggest playground with a lot of Thomas Trains & Toys at City Garden.[img]

panchu | 2006-09-07 23:27
mcheung 寫道:

1st round揀邊間學校??

十五十六,唔玩最舒服 :-)

聖羅撒好定協恩好呢 :roll:
tinatam | 2006-09-07 23:42
1st must be St. Fransic's - English Standard is higher and good training before Secondary School. Most of them can go into English Sec. School.

tinatam | 2006-09-07 23:55
HK Gov't - just like a six mark...cannot to belive that you may go in 1st choice school. You may better choice HK side -famous school because no more competition in HK primary. 1st choice must be win!!!
If your kid is studying HK Kindergarten, choice Kowloon Tong must win due to they have more vacant seats. My friend's son was studying St. Cat. and choice St. Joseph . win 1st round. If choice la salle, many lost 1st round & second round because too many applicants in Kowloon Tong. Even they are Cathalic but their kids cannot win!!! May be the vacant seats must be share with all HK, Kln, NT. Kindergartens. Each kindergarten have get few seats by goverment random.
So I think, 1st round must be in HK. bingo and higher properbility to win!!!
mcheung | 2006-09-08 09:11
hard to choice...........headache problem:-)

panchu 寫道:

十五十六,唔玩最舒服 :-)

聖羅撒好定協恩好呢 :roll:

panchu | 2006-09-08 11:25

你諗住round 1同阿仔報邊間? :cheeze:
寶貝豬豬媽咪 | 2006-09-08 11:41
我前幾晚仲發夢我去左排隊攞form 呀....... :verycold: :verycold:

而家唯有自己阿q d 諗, 呢次lucky 都係80% luck, 20% 係實力..........係kent. 到畢業, 點到會有入到好o既私校做back up o既, 唔使咁擔心.........

係咪好阿q 呢???
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