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咪咪媽 | 2007-04-03 18:13
Hi! Accounding to your commond, you are feeling so good in Yew Chung. Why you are not going to let your chirld studying in Yew Chung secondary? Can you tell me the reason? Thanks!
Tasha | 2007-04-04 10:37
這個不是competition,是一個由University of New South Wales辦的assessment.用來評核小學生在英文,數學和科學的水平,試題全是選擇題,YC學生在這個assessment 一向都有優異成績, 好多学生取得distinction 或higher distinction.成績單中顯示出的top XX %,是根據在同一地域一同應考的學生的成績來比較. YC是由學校安排學生應考,所以獲得優異成績的學生的人數亦自然較多.以我所知,ESF或其他IS並沒有為学生安排應考 (如果這說法不正確,請其他家長指正 ), 應考的學生是自行報名的,因此將YC和他們比較是不公平的.

YC小學在培養學生的閱讀和思考方面頗不錯,但在spoken English方面始終較其他IS遜色.

m.(x3) 寫道:
Lots of questions here... :-)
6. Yew Chung has been sending their upper primary kids to a competition in the last 3 years (or more.) Last year, there were 70,000 kids of 3 age groups in Hong Kong and the mainland participated in the compitition in 3 subjects. Yew Chung kids scored substantially higher than average. The school was quite proud of this that they are still posting the result at the entrance to the basement office at Upper Primary. My 10-year old scored very high (top 0.2% in English among the 70000 kids, top 0.5% in science, top 5% in math) and was invited to an award presentation. There were about 400 kids (including kids from Beijing and other mainland cities) in the award presentation, and I believe the only school that has more kids than Yew Chung made it to the top-400 was DGS. I saw a few names from KG5 and other ESF schools. Yew Chung has about 10 kids in the top-400.
m.(x3) | 2007-04-04 13:56
I know this is borderline on technical arguement, but if you look at the organizer's web site, they repeatedly refer to the accessment as "competitions". I used the term "competition" with reason. That is to make the event sound less formal, to reflect it's true nature.

Even though I don't know about other school's policy on joining this competition, 70000 participants is a large enough number for the purpose of comparing to the "general standard".

Tasha 寫道:
這個不是competition,是一個由University of New South Wales辦的assessment.用來評核小學生在英文,數學和科學的水平,試題全是選擇題,YC學生在這個assessment 一向都有優異成績, 好多学生取得distinction 或higher distinction.成績單中顯示出的top XX %,是根據在同一地域一同應考的學生的成績來比較. YC是由學校安排學生應考,所以獲得優異成績的學生的人數亦自然較多.以我所知,ESF或其他IS並沒有為学生安排應考 (如果這說法不正確,請其他家長指正 ), 應考的學生是自行報名的,因此將YC和他們比較是不公平的.

YC小學在培養學生的閱讀和思考方面頗不錯,但在spoken English方面始終較其他IS遜色.

csce | 2007-04-04 14:30
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nintendo | 2007-04-07 12:54
m.(x3) 寫道:
6. Yew Chung has been sending their upper primary kids to a competition in the last 3 years (or more.) Last year, there were 70,000 kids of 3 age groups in Hong Kong and the mainland participated in the compitition in 3 subjects. Yew Chung kids scored substantially higher than average. The school was quite proud of this that they are still posting the result at the entrance to the basement office at Upper Primary. My 10-year old scored very high (top 0.2% in English among the 70000 kids, top 0.5% in science, top 5% in math) and was invited to an award presentation. There were about 400 kids (including kids from Beijing and other mainland cities) in the award presentation, and I believe the only school that has more kids than Yew Chung made it to the top-400 was DGS. I saw a few names from KG5 and other ESF schools. Yew Chung has about 10 kids in the top-400. Yew Chung did not prepare the kids for the competition before hand. Last year they told the parents about the competition and told the parents not to do anything special. This year, they did not even bother to tell the parents about the competition. I learned from my kid that she took the tests few days ago. So this is a true test of what the kids know, not how well they prepared.

你係邊個 web-site 得到資料,可唔可以比個 link 睇睇

8. There is a competition among international schools in Hong Kong called Battle of the Books (BOB.) Last year was Yew Chung's first year joining the competition, and they did really well. They lost in the first round to the school that has been the grand champion for the last 5 years. Yew Chung lost by 2 points 82 to 84, and each complete answer was worth 3 points. That means the margin was less than 1 question. I imagine if the order of the questions change a bit, Yew Chung may have won. But for me, the highlight of this competition was not the narrow defeat to the former grand champion. During the competition, two questions were disqualified after being challenged. One challenge was raised by the teacher from another school, and the other challenge was raised by a Yew Chung kid. I was very happy that the kid was very confident and not afraid to challenge the authority.

你都幾清楚 detail,連幾多分都知?
乜家長有得去睇咩?點解我朋友冇份去睇 ?

m.(x3) | 2007-04-08 01:43
nintendo 寫道:
你係邊個 web-site 得到資料,可唔可以比個 link 睇睇

For information about the competition, see the ICAS section in http://www.eaa.unsw.edu.au/

Information about YC kids overall performance from the certificates hanging near the entrance to the school office at the Upper Primary.

Informaiton about the number of students in the competition, their school, etc... from the booklet handed out in the award ceremony.

你都幾清楚 detail,連幾多分都知?
乜家長有得去睇咩?點解我朋友冇份去睇 ?

I was there, with about 20 other parents.

Each kid interested in the competition would need to read the 20 designated books in the few months leading to the competition. Every one or two weeks the teacher in charge would check with the kids for their progress, then she picked 12 kids to form the two teams required.

Unless your friend's kid was in the team, otherwise he/she may not know about or have interest in watching the event.

belledog | 2007-05-20 20:54
A school of disappointing!
DMum | 2007-05-25 11:27
Dear all,

Please don't compare the english standard between ESF and Yew Chung. I am not the yc staff or yc parents and I only discuss with you about the difference between the two schools. Kids in ESF only studied English and they don't know the Chinese. My friend told me his kids are in grade 6 and in grade 5 respectively, they only know how to write their name in chinese,they treat the chinese words like pictures and draw it on the handwriting book. In ESF curriculum, they are compuslory to take english lit. and english but they don't sit for the chinese language in IGCSE, Please see their websit. However, YC insists their students to sit english and chinese papers in IGCSE as first language. If you have only limited resources (timing) . you invest all your time in English or you want your kid to learn english and chinese. If you want your son learn a kind of language, expecting him to speak extremely fluent english . I think you must select ESF. However, if you want your kids to speak fluent english in order to communicate with others, express himself and learn chinese language, you can select YC.

When my son sat for the placement test in YC this month, I am very surprised because the duration time for the placement test last for 3 hours. The test was inclusive of english, chinese and mathematics. My son told me he wrote at lest two chinese essays which essays must be more than 300 words. I think their chinese standard is the highest in the international schools. According to the IGCSE, they only wirite 350-400 words for essay in chinese language as the first language in grade 11. My son also told me he also write the english essay without words limitation.The mathematics paper is so difficult because it has a lot of reasoning questions.

Does any parent to share view on the placement test with me?

RKY | 2007-05-25 11:40
Jne_Jne 寫道:
I want to seek for your comment on 耀中國際學校 which is in Kowloon Tong if you konw. Thanks a lot.

DMum | 2007-05-25 12:15
YC is in Kowloon Tong and one of the paper for Chinese as first language in IGCSE is to write an essay from 450-600 words.ESF was subsided by HKSAR, monthly fee is around HK$9000 for secondary school and the monthly subsided amount by HKSAR is about HK$2500. When you add two figures, the montly school fee for ESF is about HK$11,500. It is same amount with YC and other international school. Of course, they don't need students to but debentures. Do you know HKSAR will subside HK$300 million to ESF each year?
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