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Orangeyan | 2007-05-21 17:42
我個女無讀N1. A-Z又只是唸口黃. 記得唸N時,又記不起QR. 又不識認字. 字更加不要說寫呢.

如果此情況. 直讀n2有沒有困難? 好多時,朋友常說"那麼小,不識有何出奇. 不知是真定安慰我. :-(

weekend, 你個仔有沒有學playgroup.
elizatyy | 2007-05-21 23:26
Orangeyan 寫道:
1/ 上次是學校來信通知. 開放日當日主任同我講他們很小做開放日,今次是特別安排. 如果你想知,你可打電話向他們詢問.
2/ interview時小朋友在旁邊玩玩具,校長會問家長小朋友平時在家情況及誰照顧小朋友..等. 至於小朋友只是對話,沒有考甚麼.
3/ 他們是依教育署規定1:14定15. 不是太記得.

1. The school told me they did not have the schedule for open day in 2007 yet but they would call the parents for visiting the school if they have applied for N1.
3. 1:14定15 for N1, can the teacher take care all the children?
elizatyy | 2007-05-21 23:27
Orangeyan 寫道:
1/ 上次是學校來信通知. 開放日當日主任同我講他們很小做開放日,今次是特別安排. 如果你想知,你可打電話向他們詢問.
2/ interview時小朋友在旁邊玩玩具,校長會問家長小朋友平時在家情況及誰照顧小朋友..等. 至於小朋友只是對話,沒有考甚麼.
3/ 他們是依教育署規定1:14定15. 不是太記得.

1. The school told me they did not have the schedule for open day in 2007 yet but they would call the parents for visiting the school if they have applied for N1.
3. 1:14定15 for N1, can the teacher take care all the children?
elizatyy | 2007-05-21 23:28
Orangeyan 寫道:
1/ 上次是學校來信通知. 開放日當日主任同我講他們很小做開放日,今次是特別安排. 如果你想知,你可打電話向他們詢問.
2/ interview時小朋友在旁邊玩玩具,校長會問家長小朋友平時在家情況及誰照顧小朋友..等. 至於小朋友只是對話,沒有考甚麼.
3/ 他們是依教育署規定1:14定15. 不是太記得.

1. The school told me they did not have the schedule for open day in 2007 yet but they would call the parents for visiting the school if they have applied for N1.
3. 1:14定15 for N1, can the teacher take care all the children?
ETET | 2007-05-22 10:48
Orangeyan 寫道:
我個女無讀N1. A-Z又只是唸口黃. 記得唸N時,又記不起QR. 又不識認字. 字更加不要說寫呢.

如果此情況. 直讀n2有沒有困難? 好多時,朋友常說"那麼小,不識有何出奇. 不知是真定安慰我. :-(

weekend, 你個仔有沒有學playgroup.

ETET | 2007-05-22 10:54
elizatyy 寫道:
1. The school told me they did not have the schedule for open day in 2007 yet but they would call the parents for visiting the school if they have applied for N1.
3. 1:14定15 for N1, can the teacher take care all the children?

佢地每班有2個老師.....一定睇得掂......放心!! :-P
elizatyy | 2007-05-22 22:19
Is there any native english speaker on teaching English?
ETET | 2007-05-23 10:00
elizatyy 寫道:
Is there any native english speaker on teaching English?

有......好似唔知N2定N3先係開始佢教英文 ?-(
jysjj | 2007-05-23 14:56
彌敦行有一間新開的little monster 有英文playgroup/音樂班導師是現職英文教師/名校net teacher,有興趣可留e-mail或27109788
馬媽媽 | 2007-05-23 16:39
They have NET for N3 class, once per week. For other classes, you may have to check with the school.

elizatyy 寫道:
Is there any native english speaker on teaching English?

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