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kyliema2006 | 2006-11-22 09:56
Dear voasia & year,






appleyummy | 2006-11-23 11:38
Dear voasia,

Can you pm your link and password to me pls? Many thx.

father_ho | 2006-11-23 14:52
Dear parents,

For those who had brought the NG theme set series, please don't forget to download the teacher guide from official NG web as follows (one of it):


Hope this can help more,
broccoli | 2006-11-23 18:47
Dear Kyliema,

I am most impressed by the happy learning environment during my class observation. I am glad I have chosen a right school for my son as students can learn through an interactive, interesting and encouraging teaching method. I totally understand why my son said he loves primary school more than kindergarten. They will not be boring at class. I also much appreciate the efforts of the teachers for preparing interesting teaching materials and the good design of the homework.

I would say they are very lucky to study in CKY. Looking back to my old school days, it was so dull and boring. The teachers just spoon fed us for examinations, without inspiring us for any creative thinking or other aspects of development.
curry123 | 2006-11-23 19:06
Dear broccoli,
I have the same feeling as you. After the observation, I am deeply impressed by what the teachers do for our kids. They use various kinds of methods to stimulate the kids to learn and think.
Before I think that they don't have Dictation in the
class, I am abit worry about that if the kids can memorize the words. After the observation, the teacher shows us the dictation book, she also explained to us the interesting and creative approach which they adopt in dictation. She told us that she won 't give us the books as the school didn't want the parents to do dictation with the kids at home. My boy enjoys the school life very much. Even the English lesson, the kids are active and attentive during the class. They are willing to say and response.I am happy that I have made the good choice for my boy. :-D
kkpapa | 2006-11-25 01:19

agreed your comment. I can hardly find another school has the same confidence as CKY to arrange class observation for parents. It is a challenge for teachers as well.
| 2006-11-25 12:09
Cindy | 2006-11-28 14:52
Dear kyliema2006

Pls kindly check pm, thanks.
papa_pop | 2006-11-28 15:02
Hi Everything_for_him (what a good name, I meant it),

Don't think many of the CKY parents would give you a direct answer, lest it might present an unfair picture. Just give you a 'feel' of the 'kindergarten mix' - there are kids from international schools (e.g. Yew Chung, ESF) and all those popular kindies in Kowloon Tong (you name it).

If you want to draw any conclusion, it's those parents who are willing to pay a premium for school fees to enroll their kids to CKY. It seems the school really appreciates parents with similar mindset - no spoon-feeding 'knowledge' and 'drilling'. Students' achievements are not measured by scores, but their progress against their own benchmarks and their enthusiasm to learn. Even for musical instrument lessons, students are not encouraged to take 'grade' exams to prove themselves.

While students are not expected to compete for the highest scores in dictations or tests, most of them display a certain level of confidence in class (they even raise their hands to dare questions they don't really know the answer). They are truly happy learners.

If you need any pointer, here's my two cents worth: prepare your kid for a grip of languages (English and Chinese), and nurture a reading interest.

After all, it's not really the kindies that make or break, it's more the parents. Well, if you are a bit indecisive over which kindie to enroll your kid, try those with similar education approach.

HMMA | 2006-11-28 20:44
My kid graduated from a kindergarten in Tin Shui Wai. She is now P.2 in CKY. The school does not just choose the kids coming from popular kindergartens in Kowloon Tong.
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