Karinachu | 2007-05-11 13:56 |
Mrs Fong & Gloria BB, 當我每晚同囡囡唱時, 我其實都有流眼淚, 時間過得真快, 話咁快完成三年幼稚園生活, 我都同您們一樣好唔捨得. 唔捨得Kentville的所有, 唔捨得囡囡大得咁快。 雖然我好少同她上學, 但我也認識了很多一同等校車的K.1及K.3媽咪及工人姐姐, 不過我地已開始交換電話號碼, 可以在家附近玩玩。我諗7月開party果日(回校最後一天), 我都會同上年一 樣, 請日假等她放學, 跟各位say good-bye. 但我怕忍唔住 :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( |
HORSEHEADS | 2007-05-11 17:05 |
I want to join, too Renee Chan K3J----2 persons |
Kwinghei | 2007-05-11 19:32 |
i still want to plan a party for our kids, date should be on 24/6 sunday morning price should be $100-$150 per person. is anyone interested ? name ........... class.............. no. of person Kwing hei.... ...3D..................2 vyko................3H...........2 Renee Chan .........K3J----2 |
0002 | 2007-05-12 01:32 |
作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 |
0002 | 2007-05-12 01:55 |
作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 |
mcheung | 2007-05-13 16:58 |
![]() |
lemon | 2007-05-15 15:48 |
我都好有同感.....雖然根德園d功課係多咗d, 不過囡囡日日返學都好開心. 希望每位根德園畢業生都有一個難忘的畢業典禮, 小學生活都順利開心! Lemon |
sixcats | 2007-05-15 16:40 |
Dear all, 請問你地小朋友d mental 有冇俾之前錯多了? 會出什麼題目呢? 謝. |
3lamma | 2007-05-15 18:50 |
Dear all, Is there a singing contest coming? My son said the best in class will represent the class to perform. Gloria BB and summer, have you heard anything from your child? For the mental quiz, my son said only one student got 100 in both papers and quite many got one 100 including him. When I asked him what was the content of the quiz, he always said he forgot (as usual!). When I looked at his homework from weekend, I was actually quite surprised because it's no difference to primary homework. 3lamma |
GloriaBB | 2007-05-15 22:49 |
我都想知mental題目,亞女呢排都唔係幾好。 另外3lamma, 唔係唱歌比賽,係中文朗誦比賽,3R的誦材分別是"地球先生"和"小青蛙';上星期Miss Lai叫小朋友返屋企練習,。仲可以自己諗動作,然後每日叫幾個小朋友出嚟唸俾佢聽,再選一個代表出嚟比賽;同上次英文朗誦比賽一樣。 你聽到亞仔唱歌,係唔係唱"畢業歌"啊? |