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LuLuCheung | 2006-12-06 11:10
HI, kyliema,

I'm interest on this school too. Seems that CKY is a good school on language development. BTW, are you plan to send your kids for U study at oversea. As CKY is apply the IB exam, do you know is it high chance to get a seat from the U in HK. Many thanks! :adore:
kyliema2006 | 2006-12-06 14:01
Dear LuLuCheung,

IBD是一個國際認可的考試,既然外國知名學府都認可成績,我相信本地大學都不會拒人於千里。聽聞部份本地中學如男拔、St Paul Co-ed亦有意參與,投考IB可能會是一個趨勢。本地大學競爭激烈,祇要學生成績可以,選本地大學或外國大學應不存問題。所以,我覺得投考IBD並不等於一定要海外升學,祇是家長的一個選擇而已。

15分 | 2006-12-06 14:03
Hi LuLuCheung,

So based on what you think, the Us in HK ONLY accept the people got HK certificates, which is very wrong.

IB is worldwide acceptable. I can't see the reason why Us in HK didn't take the people who got a good mark in IB. OR put it that way....if I got a good mark in IB, why I have to choose Us in HK. I got plenty of choices.
BookloverJ | 2006-12-06 15:37
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father_ho | 2006-12-06 16:20
Dear BookloverJ,

May be you are right that Non-JUPAS way to get into the local U's are difficult than the traditional school, but in the long run, local U's are accepting student from all over the world to boost up themself as world class U and if your kid are bright enough(as suggested by 15marks :lol: ), parent should not worry about that. I just thinking if you look around which DSS and private school can claim themselves will not follow the HK exam. system(except IS) completely. Creative will separate class, ST. Paul also, Logo also and some others I can't remember. Only the school claim they will not follow the traditional system then they will have the freedom to train student as like IS does. Otherwise they will just in the middle and lastly back to mechanical/duck feeding one since they need the performance to showoff. That's the main reason for me to let my kids study here. I am not to sell this school but if you can find same condition school in the market, I am more than willing to know about it.
BookloverJ | 2006-12-06 17:51
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EdT | 2006-12-06 19:18
又再講多一次,non-JUPAS 係一個讓本地讀國際學校嘅學生入番本地大學嘅途徑。大家都係納稅人,所以名額只分係吾係本土生,Non-JUPAS entrants係無名額限制架。

參考http://www.hku.hk/admission/nonjupas.htm, 內容講得好清楚:
Non-JUPAS Admissions Scheme

The University of Hong Kong welcomes applications for admission through what is called the "non-JUPAS" Admissions Scheme to our many undergraduate programmes from international and local candidates who are not current students in the mainstream schools in Hong Kong and who are not applying for admission on the strength of Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination results. In fact, this University takes in many of its students from the many thousands of applicants who apply through this route each year. There are no fixed quotas for non-JUPAS applicants, the number of students that are admitted being a function of the number and quality of students applying each year from both the JUPAS and non-JUPAS schemes.

Associate Degree or Higher Diploma (i.e. sub-degree) graduates (or those who expect to obtain such a qualification by August 2007) should apply under the non-JUPAS scheme (but see also the Note at the bottom of this page). Applicants who are currently enrolled in a full-time bachelor's degree programme in a local tertiary institution funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) should also apply through this route. Please note however that following UGC's guidelines, inter-institutional transfer is normally not accepted, and the University is only able to consider applicants who are applying to programmes which are the same as or similar to the programme of their current studies.

Closing date for applications for admission in September 2007:

January 31, 2007

You will receive a decision on your application in or after April 2007. Once selected and if you accept the offer of admission, you are required to pay a deposit of HK$10,000.

kyliema2006 | 2006-12-06 19:46
Thanks EdT for your detailed information.

Then, the question may be changed to whether the IBD graduates have more advantages in applying local universities, as its syllabus is more encompassing, and all-rounded. This seems more meet the future pursuits.

Ha ha, take it easy, just kidding!

wingpapa | 2006-12-13 14:05
dear yeenmama,
I borrowed one book from library . I found it is very interesting and easy to read. I can't stop to read it too! I think it is quite better than the books of school's reading scheme ! The books are needed to wait from the library because so many children to read it! BTW, thank a lot!
beaver | 2006-12-13 17:40
I have a question about CKY school uniform.
If there is another uniform supplier besides "Law's Tailor"?
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