NichoB | 2007-05-20 17:59 |
Pratice everyday:- Clap your hands , clap your hands , clap your hands to the music stop. Swing your arms, swing your arms , swing your arms to the music stop. Step your feet, ..... Then sing the School Songs:- we are happy little students... 3G students. we confrmed to go SFA, who will go too? |
NichoB | 2007-05-20 18:02 |
Last Friday, I heard the exam is comming soon. Said the supervisor. Prepare to do more work sheets at home. Do you know which tutor campus is good for pre-primary students? Summer group for KV kids. |
寶貝豬豬媽咪 | 2007-05-21 22:11 |
各位媽咪, 我把神經刀都係近排d mental 突然間退步左, 當我問番佢d 問題係問乜野, 佢又諗左好耐都諗唔返出來! 各位可否幫下忙, 問下小朋友們d 問題係點樣?先生係點樣讀出來問佢地? 同埋係黑板到d 問題又係點樣? 因為今次我真係想同佢溫習都溫唔到呀!我唔怕佢心散而做錯, 我最怕係佢根本唔明, 大家知數學呢科, 一唔明就會"kick"左係到, 之後就跟唔上架喇! 得明就請報料! :adore: :adore: |
Kangaroo | 2007-05-21 22:26 |
Hello My son has been accepted for 2007 Kentville K1. Can anyone tell me will there be any Putongha class in K1? Thanks a lot. |
mcheung | 2007-05-21 22:31 |
putongha class will be held from K2.......... ;-) Quote: Kangaroo 寫道: Hello My son has been accepted for 2007 Kentville K1. Can anyone tell me will there be any Putongha class in K1? Thanks a lot. |
mcheung | 2007-05-21 22:35 |
亞囝上星期講過一題mental如下 : 坐船去長州需時一小時, 咁來回需時幾耐?? Quote: 寶貝豬豬媽咪 寫道: 各位媽咪, 我把神經刀都係近排d mental 突然間退步左, 當我問番佢d 問題係問乜野, 佢又諗左好耐都諗唔返出來! 各位可否幫下忙, 問下小朋友們d 問題係點樣?先生係點樣讀出來問佢地? 同埋係黑板到d 問題又係點樣? 因為今次我真係想同佢溫習都溫唔到呀!我唔怕佢心散而做錯, 我最怕係佢根本唔明, 大家知數學呢科, 一唔明就會"kick"左係到, 之後就跟唔上架喇! 得明就請報料! :adore: :adore: |
GloriaBB | 2007-05-21 23:04 |
今日Mental題目: 老師帶20個男仔和20個女仔去睇彩虹,共有幾多人去睇彩虹? 答案是41人(連老師) 全班只有2個小朋友答對。 Quote: 寶貝豬豬媽咪 寫道: 各位媽咪, 我把神經刀都係近排d mental 突然間退步左, 當我問番佢d 問題係問乜野, 佢又諗左好耐都諗唔返出來! 各位可否幫下忙, 問下小朋友們d 問題係點樣?先生係點樣讀出來問佢地? 同埋係黑板到d 問題又係點樣? 因為今次我真係想同佢溫習都溫唔到呀!我唔怕佢心散而做錯, 我最怕係佢根本唔明, 大家知數學呢科, 一唔明就會"kick"左係到, 之後就跟唔上架喇! 得明就請報料! :adore: :adore: |
寶貝豬豬媽咪 | 2007-05-21 23:35 |
佢地學左2x雙位加數喇???Quote: GloriaBB 寫道: 今日Mental題目: 老師帶20個男仔和20個女仔去睇彩虹,共有幾多人去睇彩虹? 答案是41人(連老師) 全班只有2個小朋友答對。 |
寶貝豬豬媽咪 | 2007-05-21 23:37 |
我睇完都 "o" 哂咀........... :-) :-) 仲有無多d sample 呀? thanks x 100! Quote: mcheung 寫道: 亞囝上星期講過一題mental如下 : 坐船去長州需時一小時, 咁來回需時幾耐?? |
lemon | 2007-05-21 23:48 |
Dear GloriaBB, Do you know if the questions are the same in all classes? What class does your kid in? I will ask whether my daugther has encountered this question too.... Thanks a lot for your info. I am not able to get the question info from my daugther too... Lemon |