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beaver | 2006-12-13 17:51
voasia 您好,
我是新加入的,想要下載您的普通話兒童故事,可否告知方法? 謝謝。
beaver :-P
pc528 | 2006-12-14 09:20
Hi Voasia,
瀏覽多時你向各人的回覆及意見, 非常欣賞你抽出寶貴時間提供多方意見心得給各家長, 可以使各方都有借鏡參考, 得益不少...! :-D
另也向你請教要引導平日很少自動自覺看圖書的小朋友(p.4), 他比較喜歡我閱讀給他! 但始終要自己閱讀比較能加深文字及理解.有沒有方法可提供作借鏡? :-?
謝謝您! :lol:
voasia | 2006-12-14 09:48
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pc528 | 2006-12-14 10:07

謝謝您的意見! 我不時都帶他到書店逛逛, 不錯他也提出買一喜愛書藉如老鼠記者中文版及一些英文故事書, 不過有時看來是父母希望他看書才作出此行動, 因為回家後很快看後說看完.. :-x 或交回給你閱讀給他聽.. 真氣死..! 無奈也會讀給他聽.. :-(
唯有耐心的繼續等待成功那天啦!! 希望在明天!!!! :yawn:
kyliema2006 | 2006-12-14 10:29
Dear pc528,




voasia | 2006-12-14 10:53
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pc528 | 2006-12-14 11:39
Dear kyliema2006 ,

謝謝你的意見! 我也贊成身教是十分重要, 如本身不自律更本不能服眾, 此道理我是不會犯的!!
我也很欣賞您向各家長提供意見, 有你們那麼熱心助人, 大眾多有福!!! :-D

beaver | 2006-12-14 12:38
已收到,謝謝您 !
Beaver ;-)
achow | 2006-12-14 15:59
Dear CKY parent,

My son is a P1 student. He took Kumon class for more then 3 years. And he also have an award in Kumon competition as well. Myself think he did quite good in Math subject.
Unfortunately, I found out that he did very poor Math in school. Myself think it was because the Math was in Sentance format, especially in English.

May I know what can I do to improve him on this matter?! Thank you in advance

papa_pop | 2006-12-14 16:50
Hi achow,

I don't know much about Kumon but I guess its approach is way different from CKY's. (Remark: Those in the know kindly correct me if I'm wrong.)

CKY puts emphasis on mathematical concept and problem solving rather than mechanical calculation. You might find your son's worksheets are rather wordy.

When it comes to "standard", you might even find CKY's a bit behind that of conventional schools in HK. But it seems it's on a par with schools in other countries. (Therefore I don't feel the urge to push my kid to any supplementary class or course in this regard).

In this semester, Y1 students are still working on addition and subtraction (within two-digit numbers). But they are taught to identify those familiar words e.g. plus, minus, less, add. These help their understanding of the (mathematical) problem. I think they need to have a grip of the purpose of mathematics - what it means, what's the problem, and how to approach it.

I wouldn't say which approach is better.

Given your son's performance in Kumon's competition, I guess he must be rather good and fast in numerical calculation. My congratulations.

Don't worry about his school performance in Maths at this stage. He will pick up soon.

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