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achow | 2006-12-14 16:59
Dear PaPapop,

Thank you so much for your kindness explaination. And thank you for your greeting.

I don't mean to push him on any subject, but I am afraid he will go to dislike it, if he found himself always got a poor marks (So many cross) on the workbook.
papa_pop | 2006-12-14 17:23

I share your concern that the 'crosses' do discourage a student.

As your earlier posting suggested, it might be due to the English language that has intimidated him. May I suggest you spend some more time with him on Maths. For homework, try to guide him to read through the worksheet; for classwork, perhaps you would need to explain to him that he's still good at numbers (praise), it's just that the questions are a bit tricky that he might have misunderstood them. As you know better than I do, maintaining his 'confidence' in this subject is critical.

Hold your faith in your son and let him know it.

I still believe that your son will go through this stage and leapfrog sometime soon.

P.S. Perhaps other parents should chip in.

achow | 2006-12-14 17:57
Dear papapop,

Thanks again. I will try to focus on his math, hope he can enjoy this subject.

Have a nice day and Merry Christmas
EdT | 2006-12-14 18:13
Hello achow

Don't worry too much about the Maths workbook. For P1 it is just measurement and simple additions and subtractions only, I guess the most difficult part for P1 student is to understand the sentences/questions.

Other than the workbook, there are minutes maths and Maths challenges in class to keep the students interested. As your kid has studied in Kumon for so long, I think he should excel in the minute maths. This should keep him interested anyway.

kathiema | 2006-12-14 20:27
achow 寫道:
Dear CKY parent,

My son is a P1 student. He took Kumon class for more then 3 years. And he also have an award in Kumon competition as well. Myself think he did quite good in Math subject.
Unfortunately, I found out that he did very poor Math in school. Myself think it was because the Math was in Sentance format, especially in English.

May I know what can I do to improve him on this matter?! Thank you in advance

Teach him some maths vocab, e.g. addition=altogether=plus=sum...etc.
pc528 | 2006-12-15 10:36
Dear Kyliema2006/Voasia,

如孩子不主動閱讀, 是否真的讀傳統學校比較好?
入讀蔡繼有有困難? :roll:

kyliema2006 | 2006-12-15 11:50
Dear pc528,

father_ho | 2006-12-15 12:41
Dear kyliema2006,

You are more than correct and very good observation. In fact, my elder kid studying P4 now, he also say within his class, there are some student performance is far below and some far above standard. So for existing CKY parent, please also bear in mind that there will some sort of selection and examination in the higher year anyway and if their kids performance is not good enough, they will face difficulty in continuing their study.

For the reading habit, I still think it is the problem of parent since I still believe every child actually behave some sort similar and the only different is their environment during their childhood period. You can talk, read, accomplish your kids to read but bear in mind don't change all in a sudden since even adult may not like to change as such.
papa_pop | 2006-12-15 15:12
Hi pc528,

Are you wondering whether to send your P4 kid to CKY?

If yes, you really need to talk to the principal, although we, as CKY parents, would give some advice. You would need to consider the following factors:
1. approach of the current school of your kid (how it differs from CKY's)
2. your kid's characters and learning style

If your kid is happy with his current school, it might not be advisable for him to change - just because you fancy another school.

As Kyliema and father_ho said, it really depends on the kid and his parents. It's a matching game.

But I can't say those without an initiative to read would be better off at traditional schools.

pc528 | 2006-12-15 16:18
Hi! papa_pop, father_ho, Kyliema2006

本人都明白不同性格/背景/學習情況, 是可作參考!
小孩看來是不會主動閱讀, 但父母理應可慢慢培養及耐心教導, 因為傳統學校都主張你閱讀, 且要交閱讀紀錄, 不過不強迫你日日要看, 且沒有要求陳述或交閱後書本之感受等.. 所以只是為了交紀錄而已, 不太積極了解課外書本內容, 但如果轉cky閱讀變成功課, 小孩會否可接受及配合, 是一個未知結果....
:-o cky 是本人喜歡的一個不錯學習雙語環境, 但友人不贊同, 原因(1) 費用不便宜,將來費用可比國際學校(2)校齡太新, 沒有過往歷史... 不過大家看法不同, 不應作出爭論! 對嗎!
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