heichunmum | 2009-04-03 17:24 |
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當媽 | 2009-05-02 15:29 |
屈指一算,『當仔』已停藥兩年零三個月!現在,已是一位中一生了! 回望過往,確是苦樂參半! 目前正要面對的,卻是他的成長叛逆期–性情剛烈、收藏心事、諸事不順、憤世嫉俗,當有事故或誤會時,確令我難受非常,但當心情平伏後,都理解到這只不過是:他跟其他孩子一樣,都是正值情緒的波動期,只要好好處理,定必平安度過! 可能是從前的壓抑、可能是同伴影響、可能是反叛對抗,他常常進食『垃圾食物』,卻又不肯進食有益的食物,每當假期,更深夜不眠,故對他的起居飲食,真是擔憂非常! |
blesshim09 | 2009-05-06 12:06 |
chris1874 | 2009-05-06 14:05 |
各位媽咪, 我對專注力不足認識不多, 可否幫我睇吓以下情況算唔算係呢..... 我小朋友讀幼稚園, 讀書成績幾好, (可能在家都有教佢, 開開心心佢好快讀識, 駡佢唔聽發夢就會比本來情況更衰) 在校 老師一停口要自己做野,就開始唔專心好容易比周圍影響 成日要人叫好多次, 明明少少野做好耐都未做完! 但坐埋一邊就會快 d 做完! 但係一惡佢就好似突登唔做咁, 要氹先做! 但係其他聽書, 做其他活動教學, 聽故事又會留心! 同埋平時在家好多野講, 不過, 上堂就唔多咀! 請問如果專注力不足係任何時間/情況都係唔專心 or 都係時好時壞的呢?? 係咪個個小朋友都係一駡就無心機做野, 個個都要氹先做呢? (因為我知佢老師對佢都惡, 唔知係咪咁所以佢愈叫佢愈大聲佢就愈唔想做) please help!!! thank u!! |
當媽 | 2009-05-06 20:42 |
當媽 | 2009-05-06 21:22 |
當媽 | 2009-05-06 23:11 |
blesshim09 | 2009-05-07 14:19 |
achow | 2009-05-07 16:41 |
My son took pills for 2 weeks. I would like to update his status. First week he took 18g and second week he took 28g. So far I cannot see he lost so much appetize, only eat less at lunch time, but OK he still not loosing any weight but gain a little. (I tried to cook him more healthy food during breakfast and dinner). He can seat down 3 hours to do his homeworks nicely. Although some homeworks no need to hand in the next day but he willing to finish all in the same day. The tutor and class teacher told me that he have more confident then before and he seem more happier. He rise up his hands to answer questions more often. Thanks god that he changed so positive. I am so worry in the beginning, focusing on his appetize and side effect. Hope he can keep it up. I will bring him to the Dr tonight for following up. Good luck to everyone |
當媽 | 2009-05-07 23:07 |