Re: BB聽力測試

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稚言治語 | 2005-05-12 01:31
Shiba-Inu 寫道:
1. how's your gathering with your audiologist friend?

2. The brain may or may not be able to integrate the two diff sounds: one is totally normal perception, another one is amplified and perceived by a impaired ear. Patients may report dizziness, headache, annoyed amplified sound etc. Of course there are succssful case too.

Dear Shiba-Inu,

1. OK la. I met Kevin almost once a week, 冇乜新意啦﹗

2. Thank you very much for your info.
Quote:u asks me all the difficult questions! ;-)

:-) :-) Because I know that you'll have perfect answers ma!
katmami | 2005-05-12 11:41
Hi, Daisy,

Nice to meet you here, let's try our best to support our beloved one!.... As my ENT doctor said, what we can do at this moment, is to provide as much stimulation to our babies as we can. Since the most critical period for human beings to learn to speak is from 0- 4 years of age...then she could get the concept of speaking/hearing earlier, that will definitely help her development...

Katmami :roll:
loveyanpig | 2005-05-12 18:14
我今日終於同yanyan去了東區醫院專科check耳仔, 但仍然只做了OAE, 結果也和之前在健康院一樣----不及格, 要兩星期後再看耳鼻喉醫生, 然後再排期做其他test!!! :oops:
唉...雖然我已作了最壞打算, 但仍然很不開心, 又要等.....等待的過程是最痛苦的!
今日幫bb 做test的那個男人態度又差, 問他問題, 他竟不耐煩地說:"我不能答你, 答了你也不會明白, 你起碼要讀一個星期書先會明!" :angryfire: :angryfire: 把鬼火! 我明就唔洗咁擔心啦! 真不明白為何有些醫護人員會如此, 難道他們不知道父母的憂心, 為何不可盡力幫我們??

Shiba-Inu, 其實我想問何謂OAE test"不及格"? 它是以一個population中表現高低來計, 還是其他? 我真的不明白!

傷心的yanyan mama :-( :-(
mdoip | 2005-05-12 19:23
Hi loveyanpig ,

我BB的情況跟你的一樣 , 現在正等候做ABR TEST. 之前健康院的姑娘及醫生不停跟我說在醫院做的OAE十分精細 , 多數合格 , 但......., 所以我也十分擔心和難過 !
令我安慰的是在這裏我遇到了很多天使 , e.g. shiba-inu, daisy, reingang...... thank you ! so 振作吧 !
DaisyWong | 2005-05-13 00:21
hi yan yan ma,

替你BB做test的男人是否姓陳及戴眼鏡呢?第一次子喬做ABR test 上述仁兄的態度我仍記憶猶新呢,當時個test result 係"not better than lose hearing"(當然有其他圖表), 我問是否代表bb失聰,他竟說:唔知
reginang | 2005-05-13 01:00
子喬....... 加油, ee幫你打氣
8-) Quote:


reginang | 2005-05-13 01:03
你太誇獎啦 :oops: :oops:
一齊努力呀 :lalala: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-13 09:57
Hi Katmami,

I totally agree and respect your decision as your baby's mom! ;-)

Please check email, these are private hearing aid companies/ hospitals that have the equipment to do hearing test with kids. (Well, ENT doc don't have them because they are so expensive!;-)) Those with asterisk may have the ASSR testing equipment as well. Call them to enquire if needed.
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-13 10:11
Hi all mom,

I think I caught a cold :sick: :sick: :sick: . Have to stay away from your cute babies for a little while. Sorry that I don't have enough energy to answer all your questions, hope to do so later!

However, the following information should be enough for u to explore for the time being:

1. 林寶貴(1994)。《聽覺障礙教育與復康》。台北:五南圖書出版公司。

2. 何華國(1995)。《特殊兒童心理與教育》。台北:五南圖書出版公司。

3. It Takes Two To Talk: A Parent's Guide to Helping Children Communicate
by Ayala Manolson, Barbara Ward & Nancy Dodington (1996). This book has the Chinese translation. Check with some academic bookstores like A & P.

- 第24届百花奖最佳故事片奖《漂亮妈妈》 , 导演:孙周 , 演员:巩俐;高忻 (1999). It’s a story about how a single-mom in Chinese raises her hearing impaired son. I do not totally agree with the method she teaches her son (the more information you get later, the more you know about the different methods of teaching). However, the story itself is touching and the little kid in the movie is a real hearing impaired actor.

Resource center:
- EMB特殊教育資源中心 (九龍何文田巴富街六號特殊教育服務中心地下102-104室 . Telephone: 2760 6203)
- Should be opened to public too, call to enquire for further details
- Have a very good CD-VCD on hearing impairment. It’s called “Integrated Education – Helping Students with Hearing Impairment”. The VCD is specially touching with the stories of four local hearing impaired kids.
- Have the following brochures about hearing impairment:
1. 助聽器的認識
2. 耳模的認識
3. 聽覺是什麼
4. 弱聽的級別
5. 弱聽的類別
6. 你孩子的聽覺有問題嗎
7. 人工耳蝸簡介
8. 學前兒童輔導及訓練服務
9. 如何幫助你的弱聽學生

1. 特殊教育資源中心
2. 雅文兒童聽語文教基金會
3. Hong Kong Society of Audiology
4. Oral Deaf Education
5. John Tracy Clinic
6. Clark School for the Deaf
7. Canossian School for the Hearing Impaired, Singapore
8. The Listen Up Web
9. Auditory-Verbal International
10. Learning to Listen Foundation

loveyanpig | 2005-05-13 12:27

其實我已多次試bb對聲音的反應, 我有以下發現:
(1)如果在她面前發出聲響, 她只會望著我, 好像沒有太大反應, 但當我躲在她背後發出聲音, 如拍手, 搖鈴, 甚至叫她的名字, 她多數也會向那個方向望, (當然有時也沒有反應)
(2)她有時睡覺會被開門嘭門聲, 關櫃門聲, 推椅子聲等吵醒;
(3)最明顯是餵奶時, 她吃得昏昏欲睡時, 我只須用脷發出"lak lak" 聲她便會醒, 有時我大聲少少叫工人為我拿東西, 她也會馬上震一震.....
其實還有很多很多事也顯示她對聲音是有反應的, 但我怕我只是自欺欺人......

p.s. 我在東區也是那個姓陳, 戴眼鏡的男人做test, 我怕之後也是他...... :-( :-o
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