Re: 女拔是否平民免問有冇成功家庭分享面試經驗

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hellohoo | 2005-06-09 00:26
Top schools eg DPS, Maryknoll, La Salle, St Mary.... No $$$$ and yet the standard is about the same as DGJS bor.... what i mean is, on average, the standard of these schools are really about the same. I don't see a big gap between these government aided schools and private DGJS.... to be honest my friends from DGJS/DGS are about the same standard as the said top schools in terms of academic and confidence. Of course there are few really brilliant students in each school, and all schools have less able students as well....
how about other parents?
IT04 | 2005-06-09 10:28
navigator & hellohoo,

Totally agree with you! As 平民 parents, we have been helping DGJS to promote the school through media by lining up for the application forms each year. For those who are interested to apply in the future, please review your own background first in order to save your precious time.

I know two girls who are accepted by DGJS this year. Both have similar background: parents are university graduated (both mums are MBA), mum is full time housewife, father is senior executive in big corporation, Jockey Club member, rich and famous family background, with two or three maids and driver, lives in luxury residential area... One parent told me that she was surprised that her daughter was accepted by DGJS as her performance during the interview is bad.

navigator wrote:

navigator, you are absolutely right! This is exactly the right attitude a famous school should have.

Mrssslui | 2005-06-09 10:40
Thks for yr sharing.
This is the fact.
But evey year, many parents still get hope and dream in entering the school, so queue is still long and the ratio is still high.

WYmom | 2005-06-09 10:45
IT04 寫道:
navigator & hellohoo,

Totally agree with you! As 平民 parents, we have been helping DGJS to promote the school through media by lining up for the application forms each year. For those who are interested to apply in the future, please review your own background first in order to save your precious time.

navigator wrote:

navigator, you are absolutely right! This is exactly the right attitude a famous school should have.

Yes, 100% agree. DGJS or DBPD choose kids who have very good family background with parents who can teach the kids very well already by themselves or by private tutors. Those kids usually can speak very good English already before going into the schools. If the students cannot perform, the schools will ask them to leave.

As navigator said, 真正的名校應該是有教無類的, so are Maryknoll and La Salle belong to this?
cherly | 2005-06-09 11:41
請問女拔應是津校,自行報名投考是在哪個階段?? ?-(
TWMa | 2005-06-09 11:44
As navigator said, 真正的名校應該是有教無類的, so are Maryknoll and La Salle belong to this?

非常早期香港的 "名校" 可能真的是有教無類, 但那時可送子女上學的父母, 相信也是經濟較佳或是重視子女教育的, 這樣的家庭背景, 大抵也比較容易打造出成就較高的子女. 但隨著教育的普及, 傳統名校名聲也建立了以後, 誰說他們仍是 "有教無類"!
在校長分未取消前, 對大多數學生而言, 那10分其實才是真正取錄關鍵. 取錄標準是什麼? 真的有人相信短短10分鐘的面試時間可選一個最 "Smart Boy/Girl" 出來!(不談少數例子) 在一般情況下, 挑選什麼樣家庭背景的小朋友最有"收生保證"? 答案顯而易見.
Maryknoll and La Salle 他們不想擁有收生權嗎? 非也, 只不過更改不了遊戲規則, 又要遵從教區政策...
傳統津貼名校沒有了收生權, 學生素質會下降嗎? 還是相信 "學校本身就有本事把一個平庸的孩子教育自行提升至優秀"?
官、津學校在自行收生階段, 若申請人數超過學額, 則按計分分數高低取錄, 若計分後, 同分者人數仍多於可提供之學額, 則可由教署或學校自行 "抽籤" 決定, 由學校抽籤時便可有一些 "學問" 了, 信耶?
iris3816 | 2005-06-09 16:12
hi TWMa,
由學校抽籤時便可有一些 "學問" 了, 信耶?
?-( ?-( ?-(
iris3816 | 2005-06-10 17:32
?-( ?-(
navigator | 2005-06-12 13:17
yuma | 2005-06-12 20:04


navigator 寫道:

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