Re: 面試表現更重要 拔萃女小學戴何天美校長

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che | 2006-03-24 23:36
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GOGOLETSGO | 2006-03-25 00:21
:-D :-D :-D Quote:
stccmc 寫道:

有邊個報 DGJS 的家長唔知道每年有 2000人考, 每人得三分
GiCa | 2006-03-25 00:26
:-D :-D :-D :-D
囝囝爸 | 2006-03-25 00:43
一個見三分鐘, 二千人要一百小時. 每個見完又要花約分零鐘寫低評分. 每天不停見五六小時都要花差不多近一個月時間. :-D :-(
leehoma001 | 2006-03-25 10:22
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judy | 2006-03-25 10:50
Quote:I raise out the questions for BK parents to re-think whether there is any problem regarding the in-take process of DGJS because I myself don't know why if the interview conducted by the principal is really reliable in selecting the top students but there is such a great variation in the outcome performance of the students.

不如你講吓點樣there is such a great variation in the outcome performance of the students先,你連點樣嘅great variation in the outcome performance of the students都唔知,你 raise out 的問題等同放屁!!!

不如再講吓 some local elite international schools 點achieving an overall high but quite even academic performace among all of their students啦?

Quote:Maybe 戴何天美校長 has to admit that DGS doesn't have an effective and good education system to help educating all the students to a similar high standard or 戴何天美校長 has to admit that she herself is not capable of selecting most of the top students during the interview although she gets a large pool of applicants for her selection.

Which senario is more close to reality or both ?

如果你上述講嘅嘢可以說成I raise out the questions for BK parents to re-think whether there is any problem regarding the in-take process of DGJS ....咁我下面呢段都行得通:

leehoma婚前婚後個样变化好大(咩问我变化好大之定義如何)。:Maybe leehoPa 不得不承認他没有好好去對待他的妻子,或者根本是他唔認揀,雖然他有大堆女朋友。

Which senario is more close to reality or both ?

Bluestar | 2006-03-25 10:52
收左 = fair game
唔收 = unfair


這題材超速degenerate至 MoF 式漫罵的水平 !!

8-) :sick: :-) :giveup:

我只可以讚,戴校長的眼光,真準 ! :-)
judy | 2006-03-25 10:56
Bluestar 寫道:
收左 = fair game
唔收 = unfair


這題材超速degenerate至 MoF 式漫罵的水平 !!

8-) :-)


Bluestar | 2006-03-25 11:05

有呀,但無法100%肯定,又無 stat 支持,只是my suspicioun。

:sick: :-)
leehoma001 | 2006-03-25 11:06
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