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belledog | 2007-05-25 12:24
The ESF now has their Chinese lessons every week and they are adding more and more Chinese to their curriculum, my daughter once in YC, but had quit last year for we noticed their were many problems in the school, the academic, or admin, the campus, the teachers...., yes, they emphasized on both language, Chinese and English, but the Chinese they just push the students to learn thousands of words within a year, and to write essays of several hundreds words within a short time, the school expect the parents to help a lot, if the parents do not have much time to follow up their homework, this will be a big problem, and the kids will then lose all the interest in further studies of the subject, also, the Chinese curriculum is written by people from China, and some are not really suitable for Hong Kong students, we parents have complained many times about the wordings used. I can only say everything is in a rush in this school, the teacher will teach 3 -4 chapters in a week so as to finish the textbook before holidays, or before the test, and expect the parents to teach at home. Maybe that's why their students change to other school always, this already reflect it's problem. If a school is good, then why so many students run away from it?? I think this is like a local school more than an international school according to it's teaching style.Quote:
DMum 寫道:
Dear all,

Please don't compare the english standard between ESF and Yew Chung. I am not the yc staff or yc parents and I only discuss with you about the difference between the two schools. Kids in ESF only studied English and they don't know the Chinese. My friend told me his kids are in grade 6 and in grade 5 respectively, they only know how to write their name in chinese,they treat the chinese words like pictures and draw it on the handwriting book. In ESF curriculum, they are compuslory to take english lit. and english but they don't sit for the chinese language in IGCSE, Please see their websit. However, YC insists their students to sit english and chinese papers in IGCSE as first language. If you have only limited resources (timing) . you invest all your time in English or you want your kid to learn english and chinese. If you want your son learn a kind of language, expecting him to speak extremely fluent english . I think you must select ESF. However, if you want your kids to speak fluent english in order to communicate with others, express himself and learn chinese language, you can select YC.

When my son sat for the placement test in YC this month, I am very surprised because the duration time for the placement test last for 3 hours. The test was inclusive of english, chinese and mathematics. My son told me he wrote at lest two chinese essays which essays must be more than 300 words. I think their chinese standard is the highest in the international schools. According to the IGCSE, they only wirite 350-400 words for essay in chinese language as the first language in grade 11. My son also told me he also write the english essay without words limitation.The mathematics paper is so difficult because it has a lot of reasoning questions.

Does any parent to share view on the placement test with me?

DMum | 2007-05-25 12:48
Dear Belledog,
ESF chinese standard is far, far behind YC. Even they add chinese to their curriculum, but they never ask the students to sit for the examination becuase this paper is not easy in IGCSE. Do you tell me your kid in which grade. According to the statistics provided by yc, 97% of students get c or above in IGCSE examination for english and chinese paper. I agree the chinese is more difficult than the english. It is so hard for students to learn two language at the same time. However, the briitsh curriculum compares with the local curriculum, you feel that one is heaven and the other is hell. Do you know the chinese curriculum is in local primary school, the kids must analyse which 修辭 are used for each sentences. The kids must analyse the whole passage.
belledog | 2007-05-25 13:29
I agree that the Chinese in ESF is not as good as YC, the ESF is about 2 grade behind, that is year 5 student will study the year 3/or year 4 longman Chinese textbook. I choose an international school for my daughter is for her to study happy, not much pressure as local school, and the kids can expand more interest , that is the difference of local school and international school. I cannot get this feeling from YC, and my daughter is not happy, that's why we leave the school, if i were to pay such a high school fee, and just get decks of homework, i think this is not worth.
My daughter shows great improvement in English after going to ESF, before she can just spend all her time in Chinese when she was in YC, you may notice that the English standard is not so good in YC as in other ESF, the YC students speak English like a local school, their accent is not good enough. Before, i like YC very much, but after these several years, I know YC is not what i am looking for.
DMum | 2007-05-25 14:25
Dear Belledog,
Can you tell me the workload for your kid and how many hours does she spend everyday. I see the leaflet it show that kids must spend two hour for Grade 7 to do his assignment everyday. Please tell me yor kid in which grade before leaving yc. How many chinese worksheet for her to do?
DMum | 2007-05-25 14:52

Can you tell me more about yc curriculum? There are 5 lesson for chinese only per week but all the other subjects are taught by native speakers, why the kid speak local english. I don't concern the accent and only want to know whether they can speak fluent english.Singaporean and Australian has different accent when they speak english but this is not a great problem. Both of them speak fluent english and nobody laugh at them.

Last week, I attend the introduction meeting and one of parents is foreigner and she can also speak fluent catonese. She asks the assistant director whether it offers intensive chinese course for new student. I surprise why foreigners want their kid to learn chinese.

Chinese language is very, very difficult than English. If you don't always practice, you can't remember how to write the chinese words.

From esf website, the kid are not compulsory to sit for the chinese paper in IGCSE and the reason is esf know that their standard is not sufficient to sit for this paper. However, we never say their chinese standard is not good and their accent has problem.

Actually, I don't think the Chinese language in ESF is only two years behind the yc standard. You want to spend $10 to buy an orange or you want to spend $10 to buy an orange and apple at the same time.
If you spend $10 to buy an orange and apple, I think you don't compare $5 orange is not good as $10 orange because it is unfair. Why you don't think the kid can eat apple with orange at the same time.
belledog | 2007-05-25 14:53
Dear DMum,
My daughter left YC last year and that she finished grade 4 there. On average, she spent 3-4 hours doing the homeworks. Everyday she had English/or/and/Maths homework, that only spend about 1 hour to finish, Chinese is not the same everyday, sometimes one/two homework, at weekend, you may have 3-4 homeworks in Chinese, my daughter is very slow doing Chinese, like just looking up the dictionary, she spent 2 hours to finish one chapter, of course, i had helped her , if not it would take even longer time, sometimes the teacher just tell them to copy the whole chapter as homework, and my daughter cannot go to bed until 12 at night , so every night, we struggled for the homeworks, and give up other after school learning. If your child is in Grade 7, then you must be entering the new campus, that's once an attraction to me, that time i wish i could wait until my daughter can go into the new campus, but i had finally chose to leave with her 10 other classmates at the same time. I have no comments for the secondary, but i know many moms do not consider secondary in YC.
DMum | 2007-05-25 15:05
Thank for your reply. My son is studying in local school and he must do a lot of supplementary exercise such as maths and chinese. Everyweek, he must do more than 100 maths questions and 12 pages of chinese worksheet except the school homework. He also practice piano and learn music theory in order to fulfill the school requirement. Therefore, he do all at least 10:00p.m.. After 10p.m., he is very tired. His academic is not poor but I think if he wants to keep the standard in secondary school, he must at least do his homework after midnight. This is my reason to apply for yc secondary school.
belledog | 2007-05-25 15:07
Yes, i agree that Chinese is very important today and many foreigner want to learn Chinese either. YC has presented a good curriculum, but whether they can really put into reality is a question. The Chinese teachers seem not to have a criteria to follow the teaching progress, e.g. my daughter's Chinese teacher teach about 2-3 chapters a week, and have dictations on the 2/3 chapters every week, but in another class, their Chinese teachers only teach 1 chapter every week, and NO dictation every week, only maybe once a month... then when the school term is nearly over, the Chinese teacher in another class cannot finish the text book, so he teaches 1-2 chapter every day and a whole week for dictations! I was really surprised when the other parents told me. I do not say YC is not good in the curriculum, but only the school have so many problems inside they may not be able to implement it. If you have time, you can spend some time to go through all the comments from other parents, that you can have a broader view of this school.
DMum | 2007-05-25 15:23
How many chinese chapters did they teach to student per term? Do they request students to have recited dictation? I don't want my son to spend a lot of time to learn chinese in local primary school becuase the standard of existing local primary chinese curriculum is equivalent to secondary level. Even, we use a lot of time to do supplementary exercises but the mark is not so high.
belledog | 2007-05-25 15:51
For year 4, the textbook has 14 chapters, and the whole year they have 6 textbooks, so each term they will teach about 28 chapters. There are 3 terms each year. Upper grade may have more...
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