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heiditcp | 2007-01-21 14:28
Hi TT Mummy,

Thank you for your information.
Welcome to CKY.

tim928 | 2007-01-22 10:25
Dear father_ho,

Anyway, thanks for your advice!
Hope my son can enjoy the new school-life!
Agassiboris | 2007-01-22 21:25
Dear fellow parents,

I would be most grateful if some of you can offer me advices on which school to send my son to.

The situation is this, my wife and I are torn between sending our son to Rhenish Primary School and Choi Kai Yau.

I was educated in the UK (I guess you cannot tell from my bad English) so I am quite fond of the idea of a relaxed learning environment where my son can grow up to be an independant person who is capable of original thoughts.

However, I have also learned from another Baby Kingdom forum that the teachers at Rhenish are very loving and caring. Fellow parents at my son's kindergarten (HK Preschool) have also said many good things about Rhenish.

This is a really difficult decision for my wife and I. Previously I joked with my wife that if we get a rejection from CKY, it would make our lives easier. Of course now this is not the case.

I appreciation any advices. I need all the help I can get.

Thank you very much


A concerned dad

nody | 2007-01-23 00:29
Hi Agassiboris,
My son also admitted by KRS last year. However, I gave up before registration. I also heard that the teachers in KRS are nice and caring. However, the kids are still have pressure in studying. KRS is like a traditional school, with regular dictations and tests.
Since I wish my son to have a happy school life, thus, I chose CKY. So far, the school can provide a good language environment for my kid. There is no need to send your son to English class after school. My son has spare time to read and relax after school. He can particapate in various activities.In CKY, the class size is small. Thus, the the teachers can provide individual help to each child. My sons' teachers are considerate and nice. They are willing to communicate with the parents. Besides, there is no need to choose the Secondary School a few years later. Good luck.
Agassiboris | 2007-01-23 05:37
Dear Nody,

Thanks for your advice.
appleyummy | 2007-01-23 12:38
Dear Agassiboris,

One thing I can sure that most of the children love learning in CKY. They love their classmates, teachers and principals very much. It's not uncommon to see the children embracing the teachers in the corridors merrily.

Indeed there are also tests and dictations in CKY but they are renamed as "challenge" and "spelling". Parents would not be told when the tests/dictations will take place. The children just think as if they are going to take the "challenge" and have fun. Teachers will develop various kinds of games to help the children to "study" and remember the spelling. So they won't have too much pressure towards tests at all.

Besides, it's funny that children usually get 100+ marks in Chinese test as there's an open section for children to get more marks depending on how many extra words that he/she can write. That's no full mark but the highest mark among the class only. They seldem compared the marks with each other and develop jeolousy. That's why they are so happy to learn under such encouraging environment.
木土土 | 2007-01-23 14:21
Any CKY parent can help to answer my query. Please click ---> 保良局蔡繼有學校..year 6
voc42 | 2007-01-23 23:25
Hey CKY Parents

Do not over expecting the school. This is a lovely school indeed, but the quality of teachers varies a lot! Most of the class teachers are capable to do their work, but there are still a few teachers who are really under qualified. I can give you an real example, I heard from my friend who is a parent of Class 3E. The Class teacher teaches English, Maths and Science, but she is not good in either subject at all. She even doesn't know how to do simple P.3 standard Math's multiple and division, and makes many mistakes in class. Her mistakes are always picked by her students at class, and she even made calculation mistakes in front of the parents during the observation day. What a Shame! Other subjects are falling behind also. The parents of the whole class had written a joint complaint letter to the principal before the Christmas holidays, but the principal takes no action at all. The principal is not capable to do the management at all, perhaps she is too busy for the school relocation. However, what is more important to students? A nice campus for fun, or what student can learn from school? Good Luck to all CKY parents!

kyliema2006 | 2007-01-24 09:27
Dear voc42,

一位新加入國民,您好!歡迎到此分享 你朋友揭秘式的故事。


voasia | 2007-01-24 11:36
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