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lamsuetwai | 2007-01-25 11:24
另一方面, father_ho,

謝謝你之前關於英文story-book教學的website, 令我略知一二. 但我想問除了story-book教學, 英文還有沒有教phonics, grammer, writing 呢

是不是雙班主任呢, 中及英, 有沒有abc (只懂說英文的中國人, 還是全nat. teacher),

中文程度是否如local school呢? 已造句, 重組句嗎?

數學是用英文教, 甘是外國的小學課程, 還是用香港出版社的課程呢?

lamsuetwai | 2007-01-25 11:30
15分 寫道:

是就是,但如比了貴學費, 但一般的質素, 政府小學都要處理, 何況是私小.
father_ho | 2007-01-25 13:09
Dear lamsuetwai,

Sorry that I don't know how to type Chinese, I will try my best to answer your questions as far as I know.
Beside story book teaching, I didn't observe they formally teach phonics but there are worksheets concerning this. Grammer, proposition etc., they teach the meaning rather than just memorizing as reflected from the worksheets. Writing, they start to emphasis on Y4 onwards and frankly speaking are depends on how your kids ability. It is not to say they need not write before Y4 but the sentence structure and presentation are not the main concern in Y1 to Y3. During these three year, they are required to read, read and read to capture vocab. and adj. as much as they can and I totally agree with that since I once study a course and told within the ages, their ability is excellent in capturing unrelated words.
For Class teachers, one in Chinese(PTH) and one in English(may be ABC or NET).
For Chinese, the standard is in line with local school(I observed).
For Math, they did use Longman textbook, workbook and the depth seems also in line with main stream but in english(Can't remember is it Longman Hong Kong or elsewhere) . To me the books seem more creative in presentation than the local texbook(ie. not much in mechanical cal. but rather the meaning of Math.). So don't comparing the speed of their cal. with the local student, you will upset.
Just discussed some related issue with my friend and they ask why it is so improtant all the student should not take local exam. To me, taking local exam will kill the kids interest since they need to get back to the traditional mode in comparing speed, reflects action and all the concentration is towards the scoring mark. If part of the student take local and part of it take IBD, it will create labelling effect. It doesn't mean we need to protect them as greenhouse plant, the pressure will naturally come from themself as peer group did comparing how much knowledge they did learn, just without the label and they will not hate learning as they will see themselve as loser if their score is below others. I alway discuss with my kids and expressed they are just comparing their yesterday, that is the most important issue.
papa_pop | 2007-01-25 13:21
Hi Lamsuetwai,

As you have kindly pointed out, it's rather common in primary school (particularly IS perhaps - for you know better than I do) for a teacher to take on more than one subject for his/her class.

I tend to share "15" and Kungi's views on the management of human resources. It's not really a 'hire and fire' culture seeded in most of HK organisations, not to mention the school sector.

I do share your concern about the quality of teachers. We are also holding much hope that the Principal would look into the matters - and take remedial action in due course. Far as I know, the Principal does listen - but it might take some time for a response. Fair to say, some 'unsuitable' teachers have left.

As a Y1 parent, I would attempt to answer some of your questions:
- There are two class-teachers: one being NET.
- There are ABCs and CBCs, and sure they are native-level. (I see no difference from EMB's criteria of being employed as a NET)
- Apart from Chinese and Moral Ed, all subjects are taught in English. Maths is no exception - as to the standard, I think it's comparable to that in western countries.
- For Chinese, the teaching materials are on a par with the average in HK. Mind you that it's the 'exercises' used in local schools that could make a big difference. Sorry to say that 'this' is not what we are after. For Y1, as long as the kid can 'read' simple Chinese books and maintain a learning interest in the language, it looks fine by me.

By the way, what would you expect of a Y1 kid in Chinese standard?

Sure there are some kids who are really bright in one subject or two, and some others will try to catch them up - if they are eager to do so. That is, it's not the teaching materials that make a difference, it's more a matter of the learning environment.

year | 2007-01-25 13:21

kyliema2006 | 2007-01-25 14:23
Dear lamsuetwai,


curry123 | 2007-01-25 18:24
其實,學校要辭退老師,實在是很困難的事。除非老師嚴重失職,傷害學生身體,否則學校不可能因老師能力問題而炒她。有問題的老師,校長會觀課,或發警告信,到學期尾才不和她續約。這並不代表校長姑息老師,而這是合約所定,就算非炒不可,也有緩衝期。新老師力有不逮,在每間學校也存在。有些名校,學生秩序極差,老師半個學期不到便走了。有些老師,even 有經驗,一樣教學馬虎,連改簿也草草了事,在一般官津小學,實在有很多這些人。我明白
3E班家長的憂慮,但這並非只在CKY才出現。繼續向校方反映,校長對老師的投訴,並不會置之不理 。校長可能已經…:sm:
kkpapa | 2007-01-25 22:27
voasia | 2007-01-25 23:19
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TTMummy | 2007-01-26 09:23
Thanks, Voasia,

Totally agree with you. It is a very good advice for us parents who will put our child in CKY later on this year.

TTTmummy :-D :-D
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