Re: 女拔是否平民免問有冇成功家庭分享面試經驗

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navigator | 2005-06-12 23:07


ClaudeeMa | 2005-06-12 23:22

我個人很同意你的見解! :-D
iris3816 | 2005-06-13 00:51
:-D :-D :-D
Mrssslui | 2005-06-15 15:50
我見到一位成功投巧大家心目中 dream school 既人,佢現正等待叩門入一間津校,如津校一收,佢就會放棄女拔.
WYmom | 2005-06-15 16:19
Mrssslui 寫道:
我見到一位成功投巧大家心目中 dream school 既人,佢現正等待叩門入一間津校,如津校一收,佢就會放棄女拔.

Really? Just wonder why they apply for DGJS and then want to drop it? Which 津校 they like instead?

Personally I think that getting into DGJS is mostly due to parents' background rather than the kids' ability, so success in DGJS does not mean that the kids are very intelligent or smart. However, if the girls can apply DGS secondary successfully, I would think that the girls are really smart as they need to get in with their own results and abilities.

Mrssslui | 2005-06-15 16:47
DGS for her only as a backup.
She may afraid of her girl's ability.
She's still waiting a subsiz school in Central district, of course, this school cannot compare with DGS.
It's true.

BoBoCute | 2005-06-15 18:41
I cannot agree with you.
I don't think girls from DGS are more snobbish than girls from other famous schools such as Maryknoll and St. Paul's. All schools have some snobbish students. Maybe you encounter girls from DGS that are snobbish, but you cannot make that judgement, saying that DGS girls are not welcomed in groups. That's not true!!!

I have friends from DGS and they are as popular among our social circle as girls from other schools.

ClaraFong | 2005-06-16 00:50
I also agree with BoBoCute.
hellohoo's comment about DGS girls being 'usually not very welcomed in groups and they always like to stick together with other DGS girls or DBS boys' is very biased. 這些批評並沒有客觀理據支持,單靠主觀感覺,對DGS學生不公平. :angryfire:
iris3816 | 2005-06-17 00:03
agree :-D
i give up the interview! :-o
song | 2005-06-17 17:33

I completely agree with you. If we think we are not that RICH, don't waste our time.
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