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yoyoapple | 2005-10-02 22:15

tigger_ahoy | 2005-10-02 23:54
事關有人告訴我,到時侯可能會用英文,普通話或廣東話都不一定要視乎對方用何種語言問.......家長就回該語言是嗎? :-o

voasia | 2005-10-03 08:43
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HuiTung | 2005-10-03 08:59
voasia 寫道:


Hi! voasia,

It's me again. Regarding to the above point, I have the same view as yours. Not only such school will have management problem, but also the integrity of the whole school; and a weak sense of belonging found on staff, teachers & students. I cannot imagine how that school would be by having just certain year levels of students. An isolated school with isolated students?

I also want to add something about native speaker teachers. It is not unusal that they have a high turnover rate. It does exit in other international schools, too. In fact, it is very difficult to find a native speaker teaching in a foreign country for years. I don't know their salary arrangements. However, does the salary includes housing allowance and/or other benefits? What is the salary arrangement of the teachers in other international schools?

越看你的回應, 我越覺得你是一位十分有見地的家長. Thank you so much for your sharing!
Sammymother | 2005-10-03 11:16

CYCmama | 2005-10-03 13:43
I would not be surprised if CYK's NET turnover rate is high, given that they are highly in demand. The message did worry me when I considered this school.
However, I feel a bit 'settled' after my daughter join it. I note the teachers there no matter be therm NET or local teachers, they are doing their jobs with passion. In my daughter's class, they take turn to jot down remarks on the school handbook to update you of your kid's development/situation in school every Friday. They set up some mail boxes in the class encouraging kids to write them letters and they did make an effort to reply your kids on the same day to keep the kids' momentum.
Just like staff, you cannot guarantee how long they will stay. However, I reckon it is more important to make sure they deliver as long as they stay and system/environment are there to ensure their successors also did the same if they leave. I think this is the best the school can do with the imbalance demand and supply for NET.
tigger_ahoy | 2005-10-04 00:09
非常謝謝你的回應. 其實我對CKY也是很有好感.希望囡囡可以考進去.........不過,我想今年會蠻多千禧B考的. :roll:

tigger_ahoy | 2005-10-04 00:26
我選CKY的原因也是跟妳的看法一樣. 我希望讓她學知識的同時,不會因為學校給予她功課壓力而做成我跟她之間關係變緊張.更何況現在是有不同的受教育方式可以選擇哩.


bowling68 | 2005-10-04 05:52
Hello Voasia,

可以PM一份給我參考嗎? 謝謝!
voasia | 2005-10-04 15:11
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