warrrren | 2006-03-25 11:10 |
Quote:你唔覺得嗰位xxma根本就是MoF咩! I don't think so. warren |
judy | 2006-03-25 11:26 |
quote]Of course you can raise any questions you like and I don't mind. 你覺得我咁問無問題?你真係可憐!!!咁樣問問題係人都知道有問題(唔係人先至覺得無問題)。做人唔可以喜欢做甚麽就做甚麽,就算人地唔mind,都唔可以!!! Quote:However, please note that I don't think there is any BK parent will interest in my married life but I think there will be some BK parents will have interest in re-thinking whether there is any problem in the in-take process of DGJS/DGS. BK parents 日日都係到討論、检討邊間学校好,邊間唔好啦,但BK parents(绝大部分,除了像你咁嘅貨色除外)都知道不可以因己之interest, 而去攻击他人啦。 如果你講嘅有理,係唔係只要有一班人對你有興趣,就可以做他们喜欢之事呢? |
judy | 2006-03-25 11:28 |
warrren, 我講得唔清唔楚,我意思係:她和MoF一樣,為了吹捧自己,而刻意去攻击人地。 |
leehoma001 | 2006-03-25 11:29 |
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leehoma001 | 2006-03-25 11:35 |
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leehoma001 | 2006-03-25 11:38 |
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critor | 2006-03-25 11:39 |
I think what leehoma001 wants to prove with a comparison with “elite international schools” (though without concrete support) is that the girls admitted to DGJS are not good enough, and the School fails to make them better. If my observation is right - All the P1 students are very good (though may not be the best 108 girls among the 2000 applicants) - should we conclude that there must be something wrong with the process and hence the output? If that is the case, I must say that DGS' prestige is nothing more than vain glory. What stupid 2000 parents every year! By the way, I do hope that the discussion can be more constructive. |
leehoma001 | 2006-03-25 11:49 |
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judy | 2006-03-25 11:50 |
Quote: "如果你講嘅有理,係唔係只要有一班人對你有興趣,就可以做他们喜欢之事呢?" BK is a place to express free views and sharing of experience. If there are really some parents interested to talk about me. Please go on and I will clarify those facts if they are wrongly given. 我己表達了我的觀點:言論自由,不表示可無中生有地攻击他人,以達到自已之目的。 關於你,你在此Topic中己赤裸裸地展示出你係咩货色,咁cheap嘅貨色,我在此先聲明:無興趣!!! |
judy | 2006-03-25 12:01 |
critor, leehoma001一再強調他不想做comparison. 他只想express her view. 他express her view 没問題,但是他以下列句子為基楚: "Why there is such a great variation in the overall achievement of the students when they graduate from DGS/DGJS? " (在定里,他一再迥避何謂great variation ) 然後問: "Maybe 戴何天美校長 has to admit that DGS doesn't have an effective and good education system to help educating all the students to a similar high standard or 戴何天美校長 has to admit that she herself is not capable of selecting most of the top students during the interview although she gets a large pool of applicants for her selection. Which senario is more close to reality or both ?" 如果咁嘅做法可以成立,天下間人人都可向他人做出無理指責(然後說成討論)。 |