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kyliema2006 | 2007-03-19 18:44
Dear achow,

小兒班內就差不多有三分一至一半的學生有兄弟姊妹,而有學兄、學姊就讀在蔡繼有的人數也不少哩!我今年就聽過有個案,姐姐讀三年級,弟弟考07年小一,結果是on waiting list。父母都摸不著頭腦,現在努力寫信斡旋!

SueWin | 2007-03-19 22:02
我們年少時是用九因歌的, 現外藉老師又如何教學生背乘數表的呢?
papa_pop | 2007-03-21 11:02
There is the so-called Times Table or Multiplication Table. It's the same as the Chinese version except that it includes numbers up to 12.

I know there are websites offering special techniques or tips. Simply google "multiplication, times table" and you'd get lots of them, I don't intend to try them out though.

SueWin, if your kid has learnt the Chinese version, I think that's fine. In fact, the Chinese 'song' seems easier to memorize.

papa_pop | 2007-03-26 12:58
At the Year 1-2 Parents' Night, a parent shared the case of her boy.

He was not a keen reader at the beginning of Year 1 at CKY. One day, he found the Magic Tree House story (retold by his English teacher) fascinating and asked her mom - taking her by surprise - to take him to a book shop to buy the story series. He was so interested in the story that he could spend two hours - uninterrupted - reading it. It seemed that he was competing with his classmates on reading. By the end of the school year, the Y1 boy finished the whole series (30+ books) of the story. The mom was thankful for the school for nurturing her son's reading interest.

While this story is truly admirable, I have to say it is not an everyday occurrence. It's not that once enrolled in the school, the child will 'naturally' become a keen reader. It much depends on the facilitating role of the school and parents - and the characters of the kid as well. But without the constant pressure of homework, dictations, tests and exams, CKY can really claim a great environment to raise a reader-learner.

beaver | 2007-03-26 14:09
papa_pop | 2007-03-26 14:27
Far as I know, it's the tendering procedure that takes time. I gathered that the demolition/construction contracts have just been awarded and work would commence soon.

The Principal assured us that the new campus has to be ready August 2009 the latest.
kyliema2006 | 2007-03-26 15:11


塞曼莎 | 2007-03-26 21:01
:giveup: 生三個,我就一定唔會,想像日日去Field Trip的生活,比死更難受 :-)


kyliema2006,你又覺得學生的素質及進度如何呢?我覺得他/她們用英文溝通自如(對答/玩笑),觀察力很強.她們能說給我知,巴士特別的地方是"No Roof".回想開學時,上英文堂說中文要stand in the corner,家長是有點意見,但現在相信大家不會再覺得老師的做法有問題,況且沒有人要stand anymore.

近來囡囡給我最大的驚訝是她能兩天看完一本Rainbow Magic's Fairy書(只在學校讀書時間內),一星期已完成兩本.原來推動力是校巴上的CKY大姐姐,她已看完了whole series.開學時,Chapter Book跟本沒有看過,一步一步,一本一本,進度真不錯.所以在Parent Night上所說的小一生已讀完Magic Tree House,不令我驚訝.相信你我小朋友都能做得到,或者更好些,只是困難的第一步...但可愛的同伴(小朋友)就能幫到你手.Thank You.
kyliema2006 | 2007-03-27 18:45
Dear 塞曼莎:

妳亦曾參與過field trips,換句說話你没有三名小孩嘛?我就認識有兩名家長,他們都有三名孩子就讀於蔡繼有-真的所費不菲呢!

其實參與Field Trips,主要原因是出於對蔡繼有學生英語水平的好奇。孩子是需要全程以英語溝通,基本上是做到的,他們明白教師的說話,英語交談亦算流利。但若論他們的語文運用能力、詞彙的應用及發音等,部份學生的表現就比我想像中的低,又或者是我要求高啦。現舉例以說明之-有小部份孩子對解題目有困難,所以不懂得答問題;又有部份孩子缺乏串字的能力,經常問人以取答案。可能是小兒的語文能力不錯嘛,所以希望一山還有一山高囉(請勿見笑)。


papa_pop | 2007-03-28 13:55
I also attended the field trip this week. I found most of the students can comfortably converse in English - with each other and the class teacher. Although their English standards vary, their willingness and confidence are definitely worth a big pat on their back.

While their listening and speaking skills are undoubtedly above average, I agree that their weakness is on spelling (not to confused with writing). Having said that, I would rather a kid confident in 'using' a language than one good at spelling but intimidated to speak it.

In my own opinion, for a kid to pick up a second language, encouraging them to use it is far more effective than picking their mistakes - and 'perfecting' them with repetitive 'corrections'.

For a pressure-free learning environment like CKY, students really need to have an initiative to learn. Otherwise, they would easily fall behind the crowd.

By the way, even in the UK, a considerable percentage of their citizens - native English speakers included - have difficulty in spelling and grammar, reading and writing. Similarly, international school students in HK who possess 'native accent' - that draws admiration from 'some' parents - could find it hard to write a fine article.

Sorry for sidetracking. I just hope this would not happen in CKY.

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