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WYmom | 2007-04-16 08:22
Has the school told parents how long will the school bus take travelling from the temp campus at 廣利道 to the temp campus at Tin Hau Temple? I think even if there is no stop in-between, it takes half an hour from Kln to HK; so if it normally takes one hour school bus from NT to CKY in Kln, the whole travelling time for the new P1 students will be at least 1.5 hour. This will be too long for a 6-year-old kid!
voasia | 2007-04-16 09:25
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Maman2001 | 2007-04-16 11:01
Hi hohodaddy,

I also attended the meeting last Saturday. Yes, all students will go to 廣利道 first by 校巴 then change to shuttle bus to HK island.

hohodaddy 寫道:
Maman2001 | 2007-04-16 11:03
Hi WYmon, you are correct. All parents have to consider this before sending our kids to CKY in these two years.

WYmom 寫道:
Has the school told parents how long will the school bus take travelling from the temp campus at 廣利道 to the temp campus at Tin Hau Temple? I think even if there is no stop in-between, it takes half an hour from Kln to HK; so if it normally takes one hour school bus from NT to CKY in Kln, the whole travelling time for the new P1 students will be at least 1.5 hour. This will be too long for a 6-year-old kid!

Maman2001 | 2007-04-16 11:05
Hi voasia,

Your boy did a very good job last Saturday and so did other four students too. :-D
天使媽媽 | 2007-04-16 11:15

本人小兒亦是今年九月份來cky大家庭, 本人參觀天后校舍, 相比廣利道校舍, 空氣及附近環境亦可接受, 唯一交通問題, 我覺得學校安排在校巴設老師同班同學一起 及story time 可以解決一課堂.大家家長試想一想,忍2年之苦, 將來校舍多美好完善設施.

在上星期六, 其中表演者講普通話環節是不是你小兒,:-D :-D 真又趣,神態非常生鬼!非常流俐!請不要介意我多問些?
LuLuCheung | 2007-04-16 11:25
Just want to know did anybody will give up this school due to the temp campus is in HK island for coming two years? ;-)
hohodaddy | 2007-04-16 13:41
Thanks voasia and everybody.

A staff of CKY informed me just then that we parents could send our children to the temp. campus in Tin Hau direct without attending the first and last classes in the school bus. Trial run of the shuttle bus would be conducted within this week for the shortest/safest route and the time for the journey would be known then. Bus fee for the journey from Kwong Lee Rd. to Tin Hau would be paid by the school.

ckwliu | 2007-04-16 14:34
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voasia | 2007-04-16 14:55
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