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TTMummy | 2007-04-17 16:07
Dear Voasia,

Sorry for writing in English as my Chinese typing is very poor. Appreciate your sharing and encouragement, we can tell that your wife has been doing a great job in teaching 子淳. This child is a special child, very impressive.

What a coincident, my daughter and husband are also 上海人 but borned in HK and not speaking shanghainese very well. My husband studied in Singapore and he can speak fluent Putonghua. Therefore, we have started to create a putonghua speaking environment at home so that she is not shy to speak the language in future. So far, the progress is good although she sometimes change the cantonese words into Putonghua directly and that was funny. We believe English is not as difficult as Chinese and we are confident that CKY can put our kids on the right track.

I am a working mother and it will be a challenge for me to spend a lot time to teach my girl in future. Anyway, we will try our best.

Thanks a lot and speak again soon.

Best regards,


:wave: :wave:
TTMummy | 2007-04-17 16:12
Hi, Funfamily,

This is great to hear that the school will arrange those who go to school direct in one group to receive the classroom teaching time. This is a good arrangement. Then I might consider bringing her to school directly. As I am really worry about the long traveling time on the bus and the safety issue.

Hope our kids can be in the same class lar...

We might move to Kln East end of the year...will consult you later for the 褓母車.

Best regards,

TTMummy :-D
waifunsiu | 2007-04-17 18:06
Dear funfamily and owenmami,

I live in Kln East also. Would like to join the 褓母車 toegether. It will be great if we can sort out the transportation issue.
voasia | 2007-04-17 21:29
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tszhomama | 2007-04-17 23:59
We are living in Tiu Keng Leng... We are interested to join together for a direct school bus to Tin Hau Temporary school. Any idea ??? Any other students living in the same district interested ?? Pls tell us ... Thanks :-D Quote:

owenmami 寫道:
Dear funfamily,

Thanks for sharing such useful information!
We are also living in Kln East. Any interest to find/hire a 褓母車 together?:roll:

funfamily 寫道:



funfamily | 2007-04-18 18:17
owenmami, waifunsiu and tszhomama,

It's great if we could join together for a coach. I really worry about the long travelling time and safety issue for the school bus. But, I have no idea where to locate them. Anyone has insight? I live in Lam Tin and learnt that coach running to St. Paul's Kinder is $1,300 a month. Let's see if any of us can find out more details and keep in touch.

funfamily | 2007-04-18 18:19
Hi TTMummy,

We have chated before, remember me? Hope our children could be in the same class! Keep in touch.

TTMummy | 2007-04-18 20:50

Thank you very much for your sharing. Agree with you on the ways of teaching our kids. I can find common attitudes on CKY's parents on their attitudes ad approaches in teaching their children. They are all very positive and emphasize in 多溝通,多鼓勵,少責罵. My daughter is very interested in talking in Putonghua so we believe the CKY environment is good for her.

Thank you once again for your advices and recommendations, we are more confident about our daughter's future education at CKY.

Hope you don't mind that we might have more questions to ask in future.

Thank you very much and best regards,

:-D :-D :-D
TTMummy | 2007-04-18 20:53
Hi, funfamily,

Yes, I remember that we have chated before, really hope that our kids can be placed in the same class. I think I am even more excited than my girl in welcoming the new school year.

Let's stay in touch.


waifunsiu | 2007-04-18 21:13
Hi, parents in Kln East,

Perhaps I can ask the bus driver of my daughter. Will PM the information to you.

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