DaisyWong | 2005-05-16 01:01 |
Hi Yan Yan ma, yan yan 有咁嘅表現都幾好呀,情况未必真係太差呢;起碼係聽到,大家都要樂觀同努力。 如要去瑪麗ENT,方法有二: 1) 要求東區兒科轉介,但上次兒科唔肯咁做 :ranting: 2) 找私家兒科或耳鼻喉轉介(但會以私家醫生收費,而不是政府收費,每次約$1,000) 可以考慮一下。 子喬媽上 |
DaisyWong | 2005-05-16 01:06 |
yan yan ma, 唔記得同你講,好似話所有東區ENT test 都係四眼陳做.....,真不幸。 :chair: :chair: :chair: 子喬媽上 |
katmami | 2005-05-16 01:31 |
Hi, Daisy, Thanks for your encouragement.... All of us should try our best to support our beloved babies... By the way, since Tze-Kiu has already tried two ABR tests before, did you really stop her from drinking anything for 6 hours before? When did she wake up after that? I'm worry about sedation very much....Is there any tips to prepare before? Hi, loveyanpig, Always "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst"....Hope your little will have a good result on the up-coming test! I think the technician (doctor?) of the OAE test, the nurses and the ENT doctors at Queen Mary Hospital are all very nice and are always ready-to-reply your questions... The one who I met was Mr. Hui, he's very cheerful also.. Katmami ;-) |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-16 03:13 |
Hi all mom, Thank you for your note. After resting for a few days.... my nose is still like an endless tap! :-( :-( :-( But have to go back to work on Monday as I took two days of sick leave already! Hope I can get better really soon! 子喬媽, u're correct, I am now living in US with my husband. So usually go on web "while you are sleeping" ;-) Are u gals having a holiday on Monday in HK? I hope I have so many holidays here too! The "四眼陳" u all mentioned is actually the audiologist in 東區, and he's responsible for testing babies (because the tests are more difficult when compared to testing adults). Well, he's not so bad.... it's just because all public hospitals have the "invisible rules" that audiological test results have to be explained to the patients/ parents by the ENT doctors. That's why he does not want to talk much.... ;-) That's also why I don't like the HK hospitals, they just separate the important councelling part from the tests. 8-) Loveyanpig, Good job! Keep recording what Yan Yan can response to. However, three things again: 1. don't over-test her intentionally, try observing her "usual behaviours". 2. the responses should be using hearing only (if u are holding her and u are the one who's talking, that's not hearing only already) 3. should be repeatable. The list u record will be useful to counter-check with the hearing test results later. Katmami, The institutes that have "*" are those that probably have ASSR, which I don't think many have it for the time being, that's why I put a mark there. All the institutes on the list accept self-referral. Dr. Hui in QM is really a very nice doc! ;-) 稚言治語, Kevin!!!! :-o Then u should ask him to avoid going to the "Szechuan" kitchen he likes! Last time he took my boss to dinner, who then developed stomach-ache the day before he boarded his plane back to US! :wth: :wth: (Don't know if he knows it or not! :-) ) |
loveyanpig | 2005-05-16 12:14 |
其實我快搬去中西區, 係咪可以要求轉去瑪麗? :-? |
DaisyWong | 2005-05-16 20:15 |
Hi loveyanpig, 我唔sure呀,但搬屋應該係一個合理嘅原因要求轉醫院(我個人諗咋),不妨問吓啦。坦白講,東區都算OK,佢哋安排上都好快,可能喺個別醫護人士態度上令人可憎啫。 :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: Hi katmami, 子喬上幾次做ABR test,都無特別要求做之前唔好食嘢,但就一定要佢瞓着覺時做(好彩子喬都幾合作,on the way去醫院嘅時候已開始瞓)。嚟緊8月安排喺瑪麗再做ABR test,今次嗰醫生就有request。我諗住hold起一餐奶,等做完先比佢食,果朝唔好比佢瞓咁多,好似好殘忍,但都冇辦法 :giveup: ,因為如果唔係,嗰test就唔成功架啦。多口問句,你BB喺瑪麗係當私家or政府睇,係唔係次次都係Dr Hui呀?(我上次都係睇佢,nice nice man :-) :-) :-) ) Hi Shiba-Inu, :sick: Take care呀,抖抖先啦,好番再上嚟BK傾過。 子喬媽上 |
稚言治語 | 2005-05-16 20:42 |
Quote: Shiba-Inu 寫道: 稚言治語, Kevin!!!! :-o Then u should ask him to avoid going to the "Szechuan" kitchen he likes! He is my best friend. I don't know whether we have been in the Sichuan restaurant you mentioned. In fact, he is not particularly fond of spicy food. Anyway, I'll tell him then. Btw, who is your boss (or which company)? I am not sure whether he can figure out which one it is. |
稚言治語 | 2005-05-16 20:43 |
Quote: loveyanpig 寫道: 其實我快搬去中西區, 係咪可以要求轉去瑪麗? :-? 應該可以,你不妨問一問。 |
loveyanpig | 2005-05-16 22:30 |
子喬媽: 原來子喬只做左一次ABR test, 咁點解要咁快買耳機?? :-? 兩次ABR又隔左幾耐先做? THANKS! yanyanma |
katmami | 2005-05-17 00:37 |
Hi, Shiba-Inu, Thanks anyway for your info... :wave: Hi, Daisy, Since I brough my baby to public clinic (Family Health Service) for first month vaccination, and did the OAE tests there (free of charge), then after they referred me to QM, they charged me only $100 for the ENT... But I'm not sure how much they will charge me for ABR test... :-? I've only visited the ENT at QM once and also not sure if it'll be Dr. Hui again.. :-? katmami ;-) |