Re: 女拔是否平民免問有冇成功家庭分享面試經驗

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FatWater | 2005-06-17 22:09
How come? DGJS cannot be someone's backup for lucky draw as you are not allowed to join the lucky draw after accepting the offer of DGJS.

Mrssslui 寫道:
DGS for her only as a backup.
She may afraid of her girl's ability.
She's still waiting a subsiz school in Central district, of course, this school cannot compare with DGS.
It's true.

?-( ?-( ?-( ?-( ?-(
hellohoo | 2005-06-17 22:44
duplicate entry: see below.
hellohoo | 2005-06-17 22:49
i'm sorry if this has caused fury in other parents esp the 2 新加入國民 ClaraFong and BoBoCute.
I'm just sharing my experience with what i encounter in medical school and children's choir. This is what happened (re "not very welcomed in groups and they always like to stick together with other DGS girls or DBS boys'")
Maybe because my DGS friends from these samples are either smart or rich. But this is the truth.
I am not against DGS at all. I think it's a very good school indeed. I was being admitted to DGJS, so no biased at all. It's just that in general, they are indeed more snobbish than those other smart students i encounter from other elite schools. That's it! No offence!
ClaraFong 寫道:
I also agree with BoBoCute.
hellohoo's comment about DGS girls being 'usually not very welcomed in groups and they always like to stick together with other DGS girls or DBS boys' is very biased. 這些批評並沒有客觀理據支持,單靠主觀感覺,對DGS學生不公平. :angryfire:

Gorowitz | 2005-06-18 03:12
Dear hellohoo,

How about St. Paul's Co-ed., arguably in the same league as DGS? Do you find their students arrogant and snobbish? Your comment is much appreciated.

Mrssslui | 2005-06-18 09:43
Why not?? DGS is a private school not DSS, so they have chance in lucky draw.
FatWater 寫道:
How come? DGJS cannot be someone's backup for lucky draw as you are not allowed to join the lucky draw after accepting the offer of DGJS.

Mrssslui 寫道:
DGS for her only as a backup.
She may afraid of her girl's ability.
She's still waiting a subsiz school in Central district, of course, this school cannot compare with DGS.
It's true.

?-( ?-( ?-( ?-( ?-(

Mrssslui | 2005-06-18 09:45
This is an ever ending question.
I think it depends on personal character and family background more than which school they studied.
The comments are given by different person, can't compare.
Gorowitz 寫道:
Dear hellohoo,

How about St. Paul's Co-ed., arguably in the same league as DGS? Do you find their students arrogant and snobbish? Your comment is much appreciated.


FatWater | 2005-06-18 10:31
Ask some one who has really been accepted by DGJS. Once you accept the offer of DGJS, your name will be given to EMB of the government. If you join the lucky draw, EMB will inform DGJS your lucky draw result before 4 June. DGJS can cancel her offer to you immediately. This is a well known procedure that many famous private schools will cancel the offer to you once you join the lucky draw. Otherwise, there will be not a topic in BK asking 請各家長提供資料>邊間私小收生後唔容許大抽獎 at

I am not being offensive. But, if your friend has really joined the lucky draw after accepting DGJS offer, ask her to be careful that the offer might have already been cancelled.

Mrssslui 寫道:
Why not?? DGS is a private school not DSS, so they have chance in lucky draw.
FatWater 寫道:
How come? DGJS cannot be someone's backup for lucky draw as you are not allowed to join the lucky draw after accepting the offer of DGJS.

Mrssslui 寫道:
DGS for her only as a backup.
She may afraid of her girl's ability.
She's still waiting a subsiz school in Central district, of course, this school cannot compare with DGS.
It's true.

?-( ?-( ?-( ?-( ?-(
Mrssslui | 2005-06-18 10:42
I know she is on the waiting list of the subsid school, then will DGS cancel her seat?
Sindy | 2005-06-18 11:49
Mrssslui 寫道:
I know she is on the waiting list of the subsid school, then will DGS cancel her seat?

WYmom | 2005-06-18 12:00
Don't understand, if the girl has joined lucky draw, she should have been allocated to a school, then DGJS will have cancelled her seat already. ?-(
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