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ChunMaMa | 2005-10-06 13:51
Hi! Voasia

Totally agree with you-我希望我的孩子能夠從小接受更純粹的知識文化道德教育,而沒有太多的政治或者是宗教色彩,讓他能有廣闊的視野並且在成長的過程中自己選擇人生的道路.

In view of not sure 培僑書院 has political background, I will not apply for it.

voasia 寫道:

IJJK | 2005-10-06 14:42
I am very much interested about this school, as we have a colleague (an expatriate) sent his son in this school, and the boy likes it very much. So, he's much relieved as the boy did not like to go to school when he's in his home country.

Are the teachers experienced? or fresh graudates?

Do the students need to write composition (in both Chinese and English)? Some people told me that the students seldom need to write.

Many thanks in advance! ;-)

I 記
Boris | 2005-10-07 16:24

實在有太多問號了... 各位家長報讀CKY是否都抱著「有很大機會送孩子出國留學」的心態?有否計劃讓他們讀完CKY後在本地升學?這條路要怎樣走呢? :-?
voasia | 2005-10-07 21:29
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voasia | 2005-10-07 21:47
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IH | 2005-10-08 16:43

Sammymother 寫道:


Being a mother of P.4 student, may I suggest you to make use of the afterschool time by perparing a lot of different story books of her level at home for your daughter to read and enjoy. In fact, this school encourages student to have a good habbit of reading, that's why they have reading section after lunch. I put many books just next to my son's bed, he loves to get one whenever he is free. I also can say most of the teachers in this school show their concern and contribute effort to the students.

But owing to scared homework, I do find my son 's writing skills is quite poor and with no dictation but only rely on phonics, his spelling is very weak, but he really enjoy the school life and would talk to me every night about his classmates and lessons. His understanding and listening on English and Putunghua should be fair better than some local school students (I believe). So I have to balance my own mind about his strength and weakness.

I have to emphasis it is only my own opinion and my son's case but not apply to others.
balloon | 2005-10-08 21:40
Hello Voasia:

Would you pls also send me PTH sound track?

bowling68 | 2005-10-08 22:50
謝謝 Voasia 妳的 PTH. 今天 04:30pm 去交 form 報讀小一. 學校環境幾清幽, 可惜有工程車在不遠處施工. 看見的職員及 老師頗有禮貌及友善. 我同事的朋友女兒今年剛讀小一 (之前讀英文幼稚園), 說女兒非常開心上 學, 經常在家裡都說英文 及看書. 另外亦有報名 陳守仁.

0606 | 2005-10-09 22:13
請問 interview 時 需否帶証書正本?

;-) ;-)
voasia | 2005-10-10 11:00
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