wwc | 2006-06-28 22:55 |
moondream3003 : 我幫你問到了,天水圍循道衛理是的主日學是從幼稚園園開始,入學前的小朋友都是同爸媽一同崇拜,但有育嬰房可以一同崇拜。十一時開始,希望幫到你... 我個人覺得為小朋友建立朋輩一同在主裡成長都好重要,所以如果你教會的弟兄姊妹沒有這個氣氛,真是要努力加油! |
moondream3003 | 2006-06-28 23:26 |
wwc, Thanks a lot. :adore: :adore: |
sauyeema | 2006-06-29 09:17 |
Dear cy98ma, If you live in Tin Hau, you can try 北角宣道會 at Fortress Hill. It is on top of fortress Hill MTR. It is a big church. On Sunday there are many sunday school levels for different ages ranging from 2 years old to children level. If your son is 3 years old, you can leave him in the class and you can join the morning service. Quote: cy98ma 寫道: I live in TinHau, the church I used to go has no sunday school for three years old kid, so I have to take care my kid, so I cannot attend the Sunday Service as well. Anyone who could introduce me a church which got kid's sunday school, another one is there is a small group with same backgroup could share together, the group I attend , whose kid's already 7-10 years, so cannot express fully in my group. so very unhappy church life.... cyma |
WMCHAN | 2006-06-30 23:14 |
Dear Candy07171975, I join Tsim Sha Tsui Baptist Church. We have a sub-church in TSW, you may call to know details: 3145 2274. Yes, back to church will be good for U and your BB and your whole family. Mrs CHAN |
omchung14 | 2006-06-30 23:38 |
Hi,各位!我係新加入o架! 我個囝囝剛4個月大,我都想知幾時開始帶佢認識神好呢? 我好早之前已經想買一o的for小朋友o既聖經故事講比囝囝聽,但我老公又話我太早買,bb都唔知我講咩喎! 咁係咪應該由祈禱開始先呢? :-? |
cy98ma | 2006-07-01 01:34 |
dear sauyeema, I went there bf, however, it is too big for me,anyway, thanks, I would like to attand small to medium size church as I will feel warm, thanks again cyma |
moondream3003 | 2006-07-01 21:48 |
omchung14, 你除時都可以講聖經故事架, 照顧囝囡最緊要係0吾好睇小佢地呀! 咁就會有好多驚喜架啦. :-) :-) :-) 食奶都要幫佢出聲祈禱, 養成習慣. 晚上睡前也可以為他祈禱. 總之就係0吾使理佢明0吾明架. :-) :-) :-) |
omchung14 | 2006-07-02 17:34 |
moondream3003, 嘻...我終於都買o左本幼兒聖經故事書,打算講比仔仔聽,希望佢會鍾意聽啦! :-) 各位, 其實有冇o的咩基督教o既書籍,係教我地o的基督徒父母如何教育子女及認識上帝呢? :-? |
DMJ103 | 2006-07-03 11:13 |
For your information, North Point Alliance Church also offers "Sunday school" for infants and toddlers from 0 - 2 years old. Of course they are just playing under the care of some aunties, but it is nice that parents can focus in their own Sunday worship.Quote: sauyeema 寫道: Dear cy98ma, If you live in Tin Hau, you can try 北角宣道會 at Fortress Hill. It is on top of fortress Hill MTR. It is a big church. On Sunday there are many sunday school levels for different ages ranging from 2 years old to children level. If your son is 3 years old, you can leave him in the class and you can join the morning service. Quote: cy98ma 寫道: I live in TinHau, the church I used to go has no sunday school for three years old kid, so I have to take care my kid, so I cannot attend the Sunday Service as well. Anyone who could introduce me a church which got kid's sunday school, another one is there is a small group with same backgroup could share together, the group I attend , whose kid's already 7-10 years, so cannot express fully in my group. so very unhappy church life.... cyma |
moondream3003 | 2006-07-03 16:07 |
OMCHUNG14, 有呀! 我買左, 不過會教人打仔(第二及三本), 但係你可以0吾跟打個part, 健議你成個系列買. 你可以click入看一看 <<<<從零歲開始 book 1 & 2 (for 0至2歲)>>>> <<<<如何教養孩子品德(2歲以上)>>>> |