Re: 面試表現更重要 拔萃女小學戴何天美校長

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leehoma001 | 2006-03-25 12:07
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leehoma001 | 2006-03-25 12:19
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anxiousparent | 2006-03-25 12:41
For christ's sake it is as simple as that:
DGJS (and many many other schools) is difficult to get into.
There is no necessary correlation between quality of intake and quality of output. Things change over time.
The problem is not limited to DGJS, or any primary school, or even any particular school.
Look around you, you see morons being churned out from Ivy League Schools and Oxbridge, day-in-day-out. And they are difficult to get into.

To elevate the question into an issue relating to a particular school is to lose sight of the big picture. Let's start a topic about what's wrong with the admissions procedure of Oxbridge/Ivy league schools la.
TWMa | 2006-03-25 14:33
"Why there is such a great variation in the overall achievement of the students when they graduate from leehoma001's elite international school? "
依你那驚人的邏輯, 把你那些 Questions 中的 DGJS/DGS 和 elite international school 字眼互調, 一樣成立. (事實上, 我真的認為所有的所謂 elite international school 學生的表現並不比 DGS 差異小), this is only perception, if you like, you may even provide your evidence or any data to disprove or challenge on the views that you do not agree.
不要再說你其實並不清楚這, 不知道那, 而又在這兒大放厥詞 (我斯文點, 不說放X).
leehoma001 寫道:
"Why there is such a great variation in the overall achievement of the students when they graduate from DGS/DGJS? "

What's wrong with my statement? This is only perception.

You may have your own perception. If you don't agree on any views posted here, you may state your own views but not personal attack on others' views.

If you like, you may even provide your evidence or any data to disprove or challenge on the views that you do not agree.

TWMa | 2006-03-25 14:41
warrrren 寫道:

I don't think so.


的確唔係, 只不過曾大大聲話大臣處事不當, 為表抗議, 要永遠係 BK 消失罷了.
warrrren | 2006-03-25 14:55

No need to go into that matter. It is up to the individual to change his or her mind. No big deal. I sworn the day before yesterday that I would do some more exercises, but I did none yesterday.

critor | 2006-03-25 15:23
I agree with Anxiousparent that the problem is not limited to DGJS, but also other top schools. But in this way, Leehoma001 is right (though as a matter of perception) in pointing out there may be something wrong with our education system or the schools themselves that turn some or many of these supposedly top students mediocre when they grow up.

Based on DGS' past academic achievements, I must say that statistically they sound great, but still they are not good enough for these girls, who so proudly claim themselves to be the best in town.

I have been thinking over this question for years myself, and still cannot find a satisfactory answer.

anxiousparent 寫道:
The problem is not limited to DGJS, or any primary school, or even any particular school.

To elevate the question into an issue relating to a particular school is to lose sight of the big picture.

foolmama | 2006-03-25 17:15
戴何天美校長暗笑: "睇你們的對話, 笑足三分鐘, 人都笑死"
warrrren | 2006-03-25 22:07
Dear Leehoma001,

There is a reason why people are jumping on you. You are saying something like "I have a perception that warrrren is gay. I don't have any evidence and this is purely my perception ... Now, let's discuss why warrrren is gay." The "personal opinion/perception" qualification is no justification for the statement built into your topic for discussion, right?

Have a nice weekend,
warrrren (who is not gay and has nothing against gay)
leehoma001 | 2006-03-25 22:53
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