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karismum | 2007-05-15 11:27
what I mean is if their chinese writting standard is close to other local school. I am not compare to USA or UK. Just want to say even western countries also notice the importance of chinese. So for our chinese kids, surely they need to have certain standard of chinese. I just concern they are concentrate on english and chinese becomes minor.
ckwliu | 2007-05-15 12:19
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kkpapa | 2007-05-15 12:24

don't worry about the chinese standard of cky. Principal Lau is the core member of 'primary chinese language education research association' which is under the support of HK government. this summer, a 'one world one family' (a chinese cultural exchange programme for youth) program will be organize for the youngster from overseas, China, taiwan, hk and cky students. Actually, there are many chances for the kids learning putonghua, chinese writing no matter in HK or thru the overseas tour.
15分 | 2007-05-15 14:33
I think CKY students got a reasonable Chinese capability. Standard,...depend on which "Ruler" you use to measure.

Overall, CKY can provide a good atmosphere for the kids. Even Year 1 students, they have no problem to switch channel from Chinese to English or vice verse. They are very confident to speak Chinese or English.
kyliema2006 | 2007-05-15 16:28

Happy小米 | 2007-05-20 00:51

我都好like自然學校既理念, 但我太还了!

ckwliu 寫道:

oh you wanna risk 真道? they said they will go for IB eventually. however, their expension is a wee bit too fast for my liking. ohoh recently, I found out there is a school called 自然學校 http://www.gaiaschool.org/. sounds like paradise to me but pity they dont have a secondary school.

JEE | 2007-05-27 00:38
Dear CKY parents,

My daughter is going to P1 in this Sep and it would be grateful if any parents can let me know more about the school life. I am concern if extra-curriculum is required for CKY students, for example, do they have to take extra english/chinese courses after school, or follow the school curriculum is good enough.

Thanks a lot
kyliema2006 | 2007-05-28 18:43
Dear Jee,


ckwliu | 2007-05-28 23:48
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JEE | 2007-05-28 23:49
Dear Kyliema,

Many thanks for the information provided. Know that there're students from traditional or famous schools has to take extra courses after school, I would rather my girl can play or do some exercise after completed the 'reasonable' homework. And my girl loves reading, she will be happy to know that the school encourage students on reading rather than providing a lot of homework.

Thanks for letting me know more about CKY, it really helps to choose the right school for our child.


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