kyliema2006 | 2007-06-20 09:47 |
Dear xiaong, 蔡繼有的理念及特色可簡略如下: -Yr 10考英國IGCSE,而 Yr 12考IBD -一條龍學校,不會參加本地試,故有條件貫徹理念 -雙語教學(英�普)及採雙班主任,其中一位是NET teacher,大多數科目均以英語授課。Yr 2及以上學生規定逢星期一、三、五說英語,逢二及四說普通話 -活動教學,小學自編課程 -學校没有默書、測驗,而考試没有名次,成績亦祇會以評語代替 -鼓勵學生自學自理,及多閱讀、多發問 -學習樂器是課程之一 -Yr 4開始每年都會有遊學團,擴闊學生眼界 若真希望多了解此學校,建議可從頭閱讀此thread,屆時妳可知道此學校的優點及缺點,及學生的特性。 Quote: xiaong 寫道: 各位好,小女現升K3, 正為她找小學,本人聽說蔡繼有很好,現可否請各家長提點一下蔡繼有如何好,有何特色。請多多指教 :adore: :adore: :adore: |
WYmom | 2007-06-20 10:12 |
kyliema2006, As you said, 學習樂器是課程之一, so you mean learning instrument is compulsory? Is there extra tuition fee for it or is it included in school fee already? Is the instrument lesson conducted in normal school hours? And is the instrument assigned by the school or is freely selected by the students? Many thanks. |
kyliema2006 | 2007-06-20 11:17 |
Dear wymom, The instrument lesson conducted in normal school hours, once a week. But we have to pay for the tuition fee. CKY will arrange the music camp to introduce different kinds of instruments to Yr 1 students, so that they could choose whatever musical instruments to learn. |
papa_pop | 2007-06-20 11:54 |
Deleted - for duplicated answer. |
NikNik123 | 2007-06-20 12:07 |
Dear CKY parents, What instrument your kids have chosen??? My kid cannot attend this year's music camp as we will not be in HK during 12 & 13 July. Any info. & recomendations? Thanks. |
Lis | 2007-06-20 15:54 |
we live in waterloo road hill, near 培正中學. we'll be interested if the bus route passes 培正道. cheers. |
Lis | 2007-06-20 16:06 |
yes. thanks, Maman2001. |
xiaong | 2007-06-21 16:30 |
Hi kyliema2006, 多謝指教。 :-D Quote: kyliema2006 寫道: Dear xiaong, 蔡繼有的理念及特色可簡略如下: -Yr 10考英國IGCSE,而 Yr 12考IBD -一條龍學校,不會參加本地試,故有條件貫徹理念 -雙語教學(英�普)及採雙班主任,其中一位是NET teacher,大多數科目均以英語授課。Yr 2及以上學生規定逢星期一、三、五說英語,逢二及四說普通話 -活動教學,小學自編課程 -學校没有默書、測驗,而考試没有名次,成績亦祇會以評語代替 -鼓勵學生自學自理,及多閱讀、多發問 -學習樂器是課程之一 -Yr 4開始每年都會有遊學團,擴闊學生眼界 若真希望多了解此學校,建議可從頭閱讀此thread,屆時妳可知道此學校的優點及缺點,及學生的特性。 Quote: xiaong 寫道: 各位好,小女現升K3, 正為她找小學,本人聽說蔡繼有很好,現可否請各家長提點一下蔡繼有如何好,有何特色。請多多指教 :adore: :adore: :adore: :-D :-D :-D |
suriasia | 2007-06-22 00:02 |
Hi kyliema, Do you have more information about IGCSE? Thanks. |
Sammimimi | 2007-06-22 09:02 |
2007-2008年度, 學費加至每月$4600.-, 是否正確? Thank you. |