hellohoo | 2005-06-18 15:19 |
Gorowitz, To be honest with you (and other parents too), i personally feel that there's not much difference at all ACADEMICALLY between the top well-known elite schools-- eg St Paul's co-ed, DGS, DBS, Maryknoll, La Salle, Wah Yan, etc etc etc (+many others not mentioned). They all have very smart students and average students. The main difference is probably the more active participation in extra-curricular activities, school spirit, the way students carry themselves under the influence of their 師兄師姐. Rich and smart students not necessarily are snobbish. Average students can be arrogant too. But from what i encounter, among all the above top elite schools, DGS has the highest level of snobbishness. Although i hate snobs, i understand one can be snobbish if she's smart or rich, but in many DGS cases, they are like 餅印 ,they believe they are the best and a lot never listen to others and to 講難聽D, some even look down on other non-elite school students. But the good points of DGS is well-known -- good academic result, variety of extra-curricular activies and participation, and the strong sense to the school. For St Paul's co-ed, I cannot make a more detailed account than DGS, because I know less SPCC students than DGS, but from what i encounter, they put more emphasis on academic but not on activities, which i think are as important. In terms of being snobbish and arrogant, they also think they are the best, but different from DGS, they compete with 自己 to reach own's goal rather than competing with other students or colleagues to reach the goal. The 心態 is totally different. As influenced by the traditional history of 師兄師姐, SPCC students do tend to run along the civil servant 'road'+ other profession. what i mean is, different school can nurture different types of students, depite same academic level. :giveup: :giveup: |
Stones | 2005-06-18 17:06 |
dgs is dss now! :tongue: |
navigator | 2005-06-18 21:22 |
當大家把話題轉到女拔的學生似乎經常給人一種自以為高人一等的印象時,我看這又能引伸到『平民』與『達官貴人』做人的一般特性了。『達官貴人』在社會上有地位,有頭有面,經常受到人們的『敬重』,內心當然是覺得高人一等。有修養及謙卑的,他們不會處處在人們面前『擺款』以便顯示自已是高人一等的。打個譬如來講,真正的有錢人是不需要自已經常向人家說自已是怎麽有錢的。我個人認為在現今人情冷暖和勝行虛偽的社會裏,有修養及謙虛的『達官貴人』不會是多數的。正如女拔是一家超級名校,其大部份的學生的學業成績等表現都很卓越,受到萬人的『敬重』般,肯定有些是沒有修養及謙卑的SNOBBISH學生存在。至於是多數抑或只是少數的學生才是這樣就不得而知了。假如教出來的學生多數這樣的,從另一個層面來看,女拔則很是失敗的。 |
BillyM | 2005-06-18 23:19 |
Quote: hellohoo 寫道: Gorowitz, To be honest with you (and other parents too), i personally feel that there's not much difference at all ACADEMICALLY between the top well-known elite schools-- eg St Paul's co-ed, DGS, DBS, Maryknoll, La Salle, Wah Yan, etc etc etc (+many others not mentioned). They all have very smart students and average students. The main difference is probably the more active participation in extra-curricular activities, school spirit, the way students carry themselves under the influence of their 師兄師姐. Rich and smart students not necessarily are snobbish. Average students can be arrogant too. But from what i encounter, among all the above top elite schools, DGS has the highest level of snobbishness. Although i hate snobs, i understand one can be snobbish if she's smart or rich, but in many DGS cases, they are like 餅印 ,they believe they are the best and a lot never listen to others and to 講難聽D, some even look down on other non-elite school students. But the good points of DGS is well-known -- good academic result, variety of extra-curricular activies and participation, and the strong sense to the school. For St Paul's co-ed, I cannot make a more detailed account than DGS, because I know less SPCC students than DGS, but from what i encounter, they put more emphasis on academic but not on activities, which i think are as important. In terms of being snobbish and arrogant, they also think they are the best, but different from DGS, they compete with 自己 to reach own's goal rather than competing with other students or colleagues to reach the goal. The 心態 is totally different. As influenced by the traditional history of 師兄師姐, SPCC students do tend to run along the civil servant 'road'+ other profession. what i mean is, different school can nurture different types of students, depite same academic level. :giveup: :giveup: I don't agree that there's not much difference in academics between the top schools. Some schools you mentioned can teach better, and some worse. |
ginny66lee | 2005-06-20 17:22 |
其實我覺得學校好睇小朋友識唔識講英文同 講得好唔好,而作首要條件, 真係咁多有錢人讀咩,你估全港真係乘得 佢哋一間名校?我唸三份一是 舊生子女,三份一是有家底嫁學生, 最後三份一就是英文講得好和成績好嫁 學生。我個女讀ST,佢班就有兩個取錄咗, 但佢哋d成績不算特別好,只可講是一般, 但佢哋用英文做母語,而講中文就一D都唔惦! BK網有D媽咪講佢D朋友個仔都係靜識講英文而取錄咗。 |
andrew | 2005-06-20 17:57 |
Quote:i personally feel that there's not much difference at all ACADEMICALLY between the top well-known elite schools-- eg St Paul's co-ed, DGS, DBS, Maryknoll, La Salle, Wah Yan, etc etc etc I don't agree! It is difficult in HK to find more than 2 schools have the same standard as DGS. |
Stones | 2005-06-20 18:03 |
Re真係咁多有錢人讀咩,你估全港真係乘得 佢哋一間名校? HK真係有好多有錢人(貧富縣殊),DGS肯比位你去讀,大把人仆去!讀唔倒一件事。 :adore: :giveup: |
123daddy | 2006-11-13 21:22 |
Perhaps you are right, but interview is conducted in Cantonese unless you have specified in your application form the kids speak english only. |
123daddy | 2006-11-13 21:27 |
請回令千金讀邊間kindergarten? :giveup: :giveup: |
123daddy | 2006-11-13 21:36 |
這說明了爛船都有三斤釘 |