leehoma001 | 2006-03-25 23:05 |
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leehoma001 | 2006-03-25 23:27 |
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critor | 2006-03-26 22:09 |
Leehoma001, I understand the problems you wanted to bring out. I also followed other BK parents' points of argument. I would say everyone is right in one way or another. Honestly, I share some of your views but not the others. 1. Is there great individual variation in academic performance in DGS (and other top local schools)? Individual variation is not limited to top schools, let alone DGS. Yet, whether the variation is great or not is purely a matter of degree, so subjective a thing that it is pointless for me to challenge you here. As other parents have said in earlier postings, a supposition without concrete evidence or statistical support is misleading and irresponsible. You said however your perception is based on your numerous encounters with DGS girls. How can I therefore say that your perception is groundless? I will not expect all DGS girls to have straight A's in HKCEE. Nor may I conclude that any result less than that reflects a great variation or poor performance. However, given the competitive admission procedure and the teacher-parental supports given to the girls, I think their academic results are not quite commensurate with their presumed quality. What has happened in the 11 school years? 2. Are international schools better than local schools? Each system has its own strengths and weaknesses. I am sure that parents have the wisdom in judging for themselves whichever is more suitable for their beloved kids. In my case, I did not make a decision solely on paper, but in deed - I gave up an elite international school you mentioned for DGJS. Of course, I have taken into account their teaching methods and academic results. |
Vernique2005 | 2006-03-26 22:21 |
Quote: anxiousparent 寫道: To elevate the question into an issue relating to a particular school is to lose sight of the big picture. Let's start a topic about what's wrong with the admissions procedure of Oxbridge/Ivy league schools la. Basically, the problems of the admission procedure of Oxbridge/Ivy league schools fall into these categories: (I'll try to focus more on US because I don't know the UK system very well) 1) Sexism: From a Chinese newspaper in Hong Kong, there were once reports quotinng from professors at Oxford that "while getting straight A's from a guy suggests intelligence, getting straight A's from a girl suggests hard work". In another occasion, the president of Harvard claimed that women are incomparable to men in the science fields. That guy is called Lawrence Summers, not sure what happened to him in the end, btw. I'm not sure how much effect it would have on admission, yet to some degrees, it certainly affects those who apply for fields like civil engineering/physics? 2) racism There used to be "ratio quota" for different racial groups when you apply to US universities. Now it's optional for private schools to state your ethic backgrounds when you apply, provided that you're not asking for scholarships. In some public univerisities in US, this rule is still maintained because the universities have to obtain funding from the government. 3) Discrimination against religion: According some research, one factor that suggests the difference in SAT verbal scores among students with relatively similar school marks is the students' religion background. Students who are familiar with Christian terminology find it more comfortable to do reading comprehension, esp the articles that concern history (Medieval Crusades/Pope/18th,19th century literature that were written by religious authors). The difference, if I remember correctly, is about 30/40 marks out of a scale of 800. 4) Discrimination against students' place of birth In the written exams, formal English is stressed, where colloquial languages are seen as incompetent. 5) Discrimination against students' family background: If you wish to apply for private universities (if I remember correctly, including public universities for non-US applicants), you need to submit your tax form to prove that your family income is sufficient for you to study without having you to work part-time. Your parents' as well as your siblings' degrees/graduate degrees/ are being asked as well..... All these are commonly seen as the inequalities in the academic realm... Yet, many school tries to alleviate the problems by offering scholarships to really talented applicants. If you want a "sure-win" application, these are what you have to do: 1) try to enroll your children in a famous high school, meaning those that have a history of sending students to Ivy League and making sure that they'd graduate successfully. 2) try to go for summer camps offered to gifted children at universities (such as Duke/Harvard, etc) 3) try to get a volunteer position in some international associations (Unicef, Red Cross, etc) 4) get prizes in international contests (Olympiad...) 5) GOOD reference letters (those from alumni are especially preferred!) BTW, a survey done by UBC medicine school (not so famous when compared to Ivy League) shows that roughly 85% of the students have at least ONE relative (father/mother/uncle) who are doctors, and 50% of students have both parents as doctors..... hm.... what do you think? Fair? Not quite? Still, I'd join the game... how I wish to have a son from Columbia law school/Harvard medical school/Princeton Institute for Advanced Study! :oops: Seriously, I guess even if my son (imaginary) doesn't get in the most famous ones, joining the game is not a bad thing... Other than Harvard/Ivy League, we still have the UC's/Washington/McGill/LSE/UMich.... SO, my view regarding these admission procedure is: face reality; know what's really there/what they're really looking for before applying. After that, it's luck and chance. If accepted, be happy, yet simultaneously reminding myself that there're "dirty tricks." If not accepted, no worries. Being rejected doesn't mean that my son is worse than the day when we apply... That's all! |
Sindy | 2006-03-26 23:02 |
好忍唔住要開口............eeeeeee.....你地又寫論文啦!!!.......... :-) :-) :-) |
Vernique2005 | 2006-03-26 23:09 |
Quote: Sindy 寫道: 好忍唔住要開口............eeeeeee.....你地又寫論文啦!!!.......... :-) :-) :-) Sorry! 打完POST左出來才知這麼長。。。 :cheeze: :cheeze: :cheeze: :cheeze: 其實可以仲長一點的﹐你小朋友仲細啊﹐如果吾係我打埋張 LIST OF RELIGIOUS TERMS 給你以備不時之需啦﹗拒地有政策我們可以有對策架﹗哈哈哈﹗ 你幅相真係好CUTIE啊﹗真想抱抱﹗ |
mattsmum | 2006-03-26 23:14 |
Quote: leehoma001 寫道: ... school having an effective and systematic teaching system can help to achieve a high but also relative even academic performance of the students. . agree, a detail explaination. I check out ESF secondary school's academic result from internet and from some friends. they have many A grades, all most all students in my friend's kid's class got a seat in a university. so I agree that school /education method do make a difference. they don't seem to be as paintful as us. |
Sindy | 2006-03-27 00:04 |
同學仔家長同佢影的呀 有乜list呀?我有個女中學架.............不過我仲未夠班睇你地d野....睇極都唔多明.......... Quote: Vernique2005 寫道: Sorry! 打完POST左出來才知這麼長。。。 :cheeze: :cheeze: :cheeze: :cheeze: 其實可以仲長一點的﹐你小朋友仲細啊﹐如果吾係我打埋張 LIST OF RELIGIOUS TERMS 給你以備不時之需啦﹗拒地有政策我們可以有對策架﹗哈哈哈﹗ 你幅相真係好CUTIE啊﹗真想抱抱﹗ |
emchan | 2006-03-27 00:21 |
其實我都不明白你們為何執著說三分鐘面試不公平,更何況是肯定三分鐘嗎?我記得當天我的女兒和另一個小朋友入去見校長,我刻意留意時間,足足等了約二十三分鐘,孩子們才出來,我的女兒很高興的走出來,還立刻吻了我一下,這情境令我領會到校長的友善。雖然那時我不知道我的女兒能否成功,但我深感到校長是喜愛小孩子的,我很想女兒能成功。 另外,我的女兒亦有報考其他的小學,如聖芳濟各、九龍塘小學、聖心、宣道、St.Paul Co-ed,除了聖芳濟各需要約四十五分鐘筆試,St.Paul Co-ed一小時三十分鐘外,其餘的面試時間都是大約二十分鐘,但當我問我的女兒時,她說只是在課室外等候或看看圖書,見老師時只是問了幾條問題,然後就出去了。最後以上幾間學校,除了St.Paul Co-ed,全部都收了我的女兒。但我肯定的告訴你們,戴校長足足花了二十三分鐘去見兩位小朋友,因為我是坐在課室門口等候,而校長是親自接兩位小朋友入去,態度十分友善。我相信拔萃女小的面試時間絕不會短過其他學校,還有令我讚嘆的是戴校長那種積極勤奮的態度,試問那間學校的校長會花這麼長的時間去接見考生,足足個多月的時間,親力親為的為學校服務。 另外,我亦不讚同你們說只看家底,我認為校長很重視考生的幼稚園成績,你們是否記得小朋友甚麼都不用帶去,除了低班的成績表?我的女兒說校長除了問她問題外,還看了她的成績表很久。我相信除了孩子的表現外,成績亦是十分重要的。 至於你們常說不公平,難道其他的學校就公平嗎?培正不派表格給九月出生後的小朋友,聽說St.Paul Co-ed校長揚言不愛收細仔、細女,說除非是神童。那麼你們說對那些細仔、細女是公平嗎? |
Sindy | 2006-03-27 00:39 |
我諗你只係個別例子,的的確確大部份人都係大約三分鐘的面見時間........我女去左兩次,好的確咁話你知,係三分,兩個人入去,total六分鐘.......... 細仔細女唔係無機會入讀,只係遲一年吧了....各學校有學校既理念,人地覺得細仔細女不如遲一年先讀吧....我專重,我亦覺有好處,我細女便是三歲七個月正式入k1的了 Quote: emchan 寫道: 其實我都不明白你們為何執著說三分鐘面試不公平,更何況是肯定三分鐘嗎?我記得當天我的女兒和另一個小朋友入去見校長,我刻意留意時間,足足等了約二十三分鐘,孩子們才出來,我的女兒很高興的走出來,還立刻吻了我一下,這情境令我領會到校長的友善。雖然那時我不知道我的女兒能否成功,但我深感到校長是喜愛小孩子的,我很想女兒能成功。 另外,我的女兒亦有報考其他的小學,如聖芳濟各、九龍塘小學、聖心、宣道、St.Paul Co-ed,除了聖芳濟各需要約四十五分鐘筆試,St.Paul Co-ed一小時三十分鐘外,其餘的面試時間都是大約二十分鐘,但當我問我的女兒時,她說只是在課室外等候或看看圖書,見老師時只是問了幾條問題,然後就出去了。最後以上幾間學校,除了St.Paul Co-ed,全部都收了我的女兒。但我肯定的告訴你們,戴校長足足花了二十三分鐘去見兩位小朋友,因為我是坐在課室門口等候,而校長是親自接兩位小朋友入去,態度十分友善。我相信拔萃女小的面試時間絕不會短過其他學校,還有令我讚嘆的是戴校長那種積極勤奮的態度,試問那間學校的校長會花這麼長的時間去接見考生,足足個多月的時間,親力親為的為學校服務。 另外,我亦不讚同你們說只看家底,我認為校長很重視考生的幼稚園成績,你們是否記得小朋友甚麼都不用帶去,除了低班的成績表?我的女兒說校長除了問她問題外,還看了她的成績表很久。我相信除了孩子的表現外,成績亦是十分重要的。 至於你們常說不公平,難道其他的學校就公平嗎?培正不派表格給九月出生後的小朋友,聽說St.Paul Co-ed校長揚言不愛收細仔、細女,說除非是神童。那麼你們說對那些細仔、細女是公平嗎? |