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YC-MOM | 2007-06-22 10:54
lulusing 寫道:

Any information about the destinations of YC graduates?


學校只有一個 list,列出佢地畢業生升讀的大學。但個 list 並沒有分年份,沒有分校舍,即係香港,北京,上海學生都係同一個 list。
我冇留低個 list,我記得以前 website 有,但而家搵唔返個 link。
我只記得,冇人去過 printon,harvard,cambridge,oxford,印象好 d 的大學,有 imperial college,waterloo,cornell ( 其他真係唔係好記得),另外香港間間大學都有。
同埋,亦都沒有講學生入邊個學系,遠唔講,近近地,講 hku,會唔會醫學院同文學院的收生情形會唔同呢?我無貶意,因我唔熟識香港各大學的情形,不過傳統上,hku 醫學院的確係競爭大 d。

YC-MOM | 2007-06-22 11:33
終於搵返,原來係 baubautse 話耀中學生 "100% university placement" 喎。
好想知 baubautse 本身的教育程度。
我都諗好耐,應唔應該咁樣講,不過,我真係覺得,入大學一 d 都唔難,只係入間 "好大學" 就難。
你可以話我囂,但我兩夫婦當年唔係 top students,都入到唔錯的大學,我唔信我的孩子,連山卡啦大學都唔收,起碼,以佢現時的學習情形,及佢性格,我好有信心,佢會有多個大學 offer。
唔好睇讀大學係好大 achievement,要間大學學系,在行內有江湖地位先算係叻。唔係點解人地 harvard business school 未畢業,就大把大行羅致?唔係點解咁多人想入 imperial college law school?

唔講咁遠,就講 hku,傳統上都係 medical school 同 law school 比較有地位,可能加上新興的 business 等,如果你肯屈就,去 d 冷門 faculty,我唔覺得真係咁難。

我只可以講,大家有唔同要求,100% university placement ? no big deal 。

baubautse 寫道:

from my knowledge, all graduates has 100% university placement.

RKY | 2007-06-22 12:40
我都想個仔入到好大學, 以下8間都唔錯....
Brown University
Columbia University
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Harvard University
Princeton University
University of Pennsylvania
Yale University......
:-) :-) :-).......一笑.
其實而家想入好大學, 不單靠成績, 還要求學生對社會要有承擔, 國際視野要廣闊......各式各樣的要求.....真係唔係咁簡單.

lulusing | 2007-06-22 16:49
WYmom 寫道:

I have attended some intro session of YC last year, if I remember correctly, the average IB results of YC is 28. The average of other IS is 33 to 35. So good or not is obvious.


Many thanks for the information. Any further information about the average IB scores of individual IS?
WYmom | 2007-06-22 17:38
lulusing 寫道:

Many thanks for the information. Any further information about the average IB scores of individual IS?


You can check IB scores of individual IS on their websites. I remember that some other IS (CIS, ESF, Li Po Chun) with IBD have average scores in the range of 33 to 35, with around 50% or more scores over 35. For YC, they have around 33% scores over 35. School with best results of course is Li Po Chun, which intakes almost the best students to their IBD program.

That's just some rough figures I remember.

YOSASHTO | 2007-06-23 08:57
I had contacts with YC students on two accounts.

The first was when I was hiring a summer student assistant last year. One of the interviewees was from YC. He had already graduated and is in University Year 1 in the UK. The first impression was ok, but as we talked on, he mentioned that he doesn't "need" a summer job, that even if he lays around the house doing nothing all summer his mom won't get mad. His attitude was very much that of a kid from a wealthy family. When we talked about his school, he did tell me that they speak a lot of Cantonese and not so much English, except in classes. Of course, language is not the reason I did not hire him, it is the attitude.

The second encounter was when I visited an after-school learning centre early this year. One of the girls there goes to YC Grade 1 (or 2, not sure), and has attended since Kindergarten. We got talking about what she likes about Hong Kong, and, my goodness, her English was so poor you will just never guess she attends an IS. When I say poor, I don't mean just the accent. Her accent was strong Chinglish, needless to say, but the choice of words and the sentence structure was really bad. What makes it worse was that she spoke very fluent bad English (as opposed to the slow word-by-word from some local school kids), which made it difficult to understand.

Of course, these are just my experiences with 2 out of the many students of YC. I have no intention to discredit the school, and I am sure there are good examples out there, but these two have already formed the impression for me.

mesenfants 寫道:
The following is an incident I would like to share with you all.

Nearly 2 years ago, my husband and I took our daughter to an IS school in Kowloon for an interview, which she passed on the spot. As we waited for the Principal to return to take us to show us around the school, we met the Assistant Principal (AP). We talked about my daughter and as soon as we mentioned she studied in YC, the AP said 'Yew Chung? The English isn't particularly good in that school, is it?' As parents from YC at that moment, we felt quite embarassed actually because afterall it was the truth. Not only this was the truth to us YC parents, in fact it was known to other schools too.

AAARGGHHHH - the shame of it!!!

But now every time I mention it to my friends, I find it hilarious!!! :-) :-) :lol:

lulusing | 2007-06-23 22:52
WYmom 寫道:
lulusing 寫道:

Many thanks for the information. Any further information about the average IB scores of individual IS?


You can check IB scores of individual IS on their websites. I remember that some other IS (CIS, ESF, Li Po Chun) with IBD have average scores in the range of 33 to 35, with around 50% or more scores over 35. For YC, they have around 33% scores over 35. School with best results of course is Li Po Chun, which intakes almost the best students to their IBD program.

That's just some rough figures I remember.


Many thanks again. Since you often show yourself knowledgeable in the area (IS), definitely you are able to choose the most suitable school for your kids. By the way, it is good that parents express their experience and opinions about IS schools here, no matter if they are positive or negative. The more information the other parents get, the wiser the choice would be.

mesenfants | 2007-06-23 23:07
Oh dear!

Yes it is really a shame that the children, or I mean the adults fail to realise that not only English is important (that's why they're in an IS school) but the attitude during their development is essential too!

Actually I think it is up to the parents now to correct their grammar and accent because the teachers just do not rectify their mistakes! When my girl was very young she used to ask me why her pronounciation was different from her friends? For example, the most used word 'the', her friends pronounce 'de' and 'game' to 'g-em'!

Let's just pray that YC chiefs can see this forum and act accordingly!

Good Luck, YC parents!!!
YC-MOM | 2007-06-24 08:58
Let's just pray that YC chiefs can see this forum and act accordingly!

Good Luck, YC parents!!!

各位,我好肯定耀中高層係知道 bk 有人討論緊學校。
學校名聲好,口碑好,自己孩子出到黎都威 d 啦,
而家孩子們一比人知係耀中學生,有 d 人客氣,就讚下你學校,但心低裡係唔係真心讚,大家知啦;遇著憎人富貴的人 ( 耀中學費貴,亦令很多人反感 ),就很不留情開口,話你學校好似麻麻喎之類的話。
我都諗過,好唔好在 bk 講咁多,但我見其實先後都有好多家長一齊出聲,我都知道係冇做錯。
有 d 好捧場的家長,甚至學校高層,都會覺得我地講得太多,令學校名聲受損 ( 先後有好多人出聲為學校平反,邊個係真家長,邊個人學校的人,我唔會深究喇 )。但其實如果冇人出聲,學校可能係唔會知原來好多人好不滿。
有 d 不滿的家長,會積極的同學校傾,
不滿的,係學校行政問題 ( 包括處理家長投訴,處理學生在校內的問題,及新生的質素 )。
好多家長兩夫婦都要工作,不像我地這些不用上班的媽咪,能經常有時間和其他家長交流,好多野都唔知,我自己就係希望,用 BK 這個平台,將學校的情形話比大家聽。

PS 唔該學校請陳校長趁暑期放假,去學好普通話;又或者,如果學校早會或學校活動,都想安排由兩位校長,一英一中的發言,那就不如請陳校長講廣東話;又或者,單單請 FOSTER 一個說話就好了。陳校長的普通話真的 "很爛" 。

m.(x3) | 2007-06-24 19:28
mesenfants 寫道:
The following is an incident I would like to share with you all.

Nearly 2 years ago, my husband and I took our daughter to an IS school in Kowloon for an interview, which she passed on the spot. As we waited for the Principal to return to take us to show us around the school, we met the Assistant Principal (AP). We talked about my daughter and as soon as we mentioned she studied in YC, the AP said 'Yew Chung? The English isn't particularly good in that school, is it?' As parents from YC at that moment, we felt quite embarassed actually because afterall it was the truth. Not only this was the truth to us YC parents, in fact it was known to other schools too.

AAARGGHHHH - the shame of it!!!

But now every time I mention it to my friends, I find it hilarious!!! :-) :-) :lol:

I was told by an official at the Renaissance College that the student who scored the highest in this year's Y7 entry test (which was mainly an English test held in Nov/Dec 06) was a Yew Chung student.

I am sure this is about as isolated a case as yours. Agree? :-)

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