Hochingman | 2007-08-03 00:45 |
本人小朋友於07年9月讀蔡繼有P1,現想找褓母車經九龍東油塘接到學校(天后)因時問緊迫:-( 可致電 王先生65909900, e-mail :[email protected] |
owenmami | 2007-08-03 10:53 |
Hi Hochingman, You may try to contact Private School Bus operator: James Wong at tel:90802514. Quote:原文章由 Hochingman 於 07-8-3 00:45 發表 本人小朋友於07年9月讀蔡繼有P1,現想找褓母車經九龍東油塘接到學校(天后)因時問緊迫:-( 可致電 王先生65909900, e-mail :[email protected] |
owenmami | 2007-08-03 10:57 |
Hi chancherry925, I think so. Quote:原文章由 chancherry925 於 07-8-2 20:24 發表 哦,o甘係咪9:00返到天后就ok?.... |
rchan | 2007-08-03 11:00 |
Dear parents of CKY students, I am really interested to send my kids to CKY and would like to ask for your kind experience sharing on: 1. Since CKY does not adopt the local education system, are most parents of CKY students plan to send their kids to overseas universities ? 2. I understand from the information session last month that CKY does not have a lot of homeworks and tests. May I know if it is true ? In addition, are CKY students really happy and enjoy their school life much ? I was impressed by the kids presenting in the information session. 3. If there is not much homework, will the kids become too 'lazy' or they have the self-initiative to learn/read ? 4. Will CKY teach grammar ? 5. Will CKY give preference to admit kids with sister/brother studying in CKY ? Many thanks for your kind sharing. Rebecca |
chancherry925 | 2007-08-03 19:16 |
vic6 | 2007-08-04 03:06 |
cky會否委難入? any hints? Quote:原文章由 chancherry925 於 07-8-3 19:16 發表 我建議你可由頭到尾看這個討論區一次,所有問題都找到答案,到時自有決定.我覺得會選CKY的家長的質素都比較高,分析力較強,他們都不太滿意現有的香港教育制度,認同學校的辦學理念.所以會選CKY.我覺得現在的小孩很 ... |
kyliema2006 | 2007-08-04 10:12 |
chancherry925 | 2007-08-04 21:58 |
我十分贊成kyliema2006的見解.我覺得與其說cky是揀學生,更恰當的是說揀家長.她與傳統學校最大的分別是家校的合作是更密切的.這樣的合作不只是派成績表時見家長,平時聽下講座那麼簡單,而是貫穿小朋友整個學習的過程中,家長可能也要分擔教師部份的工作,跟小朋友一起完成或指導課業,這與傳統的教育是很大的不同.各位家長不要因cky的名氣報讀,而是要有心理準備家長也要參與學生的學習過程的,我不知有多少家長會給小朋友請補習老師,但我自己就不會,有多少補習老師能全方位指導一些沒明確課程的教學內容?只能說作為選讀cky的家長不多不少要有點犧牲,因放在輔助小朋友課業的時間上可能會與傳統學校的一般家長會較多.我不知說得對不對,但我是這麼想的. 另一方面,對學生的要求也不一樣,我同意若懶散的學生會追得很辛苦的說法,所以我不擔心小兒會因較自由的學習的環境而變懶散,而是我相信這種環境應更適合小朋友追求學問,他會視學習是一種樂趣,他應該會變得更積極才對. |
HeiMaMa | 2007-08-05 16:04 |
chancherry925 | 2007-08-05 22:49 |
我都想知,有沒有人知? 補充那天我打電話問學校8月尾那迎新營日子,他們還沒有定案,還說以往是8月最後一個星期六搞的,但今年9月1日是星期六來的,可能會在這天迎新.有沒有人知道? |