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Maman2001 | 2007-08-06 10:12
according to what i've learned so far, we can send our chirldren to tin hau directly either at 08:25 or 09:00. the school will try to provide story telling session both in the shuttle bus and at the tin hau school. details pls refer to the sample time table on their school's web site and i believe the school will confirm the latest version asap. hope this helps.


Quote:原文章由 HeiMaMa 於 07-8-5 16:04 發表

唔好意思, 我想問一問, 是否直接到天后的小朋友就沒有了第一堂中/英故事堂:-? :-?


rchan | 2007-08-07 15:59
Many thanks to chancherry925 and kylie2006.

I tried to read this forum from it's beginning and only able to finish around one-third. I was impressed by you guys and your kids should be really lucky to have parents like you !!

Actually, I think most parents here share our feeling that the education system in HK sucks (sorry for using this word but I can't find another word to express my feelings accurately). The major foci of our 'grand education system' are examination techniques and memories. Of course if you study in famous schools, you need to be really good at sports and music too. I am not saying exam techniques, sports etc. are not important. But what's the meaning of education ? Are exam scores everything ? Absolutely no.

Babies are born with curiosities to everything in the world and that's why they put things in their mouths trying to figure out what it is or perhaps trying to 'taste the world'. I am lucky that my little girl keep asking me many questions and we really would like to sustain my girl's curiosity and eagerness to learn. We don't think traditional schools able to do so and that's why we are considering CKY.

Back to reality, I think it will be quite difficult to get in CKY now as the school has become so famous. May I have your experience sharing on preparation for the interview ? I've read through the CKY web site and attended the information session already. Is there any open day so that I can have more information about CKY ?

Thanks again for all of your kind sharing.

Quote:原文章由 chancherry925 於 07-8-4 21:58 發表
我十分贊成kyliema2006的見解.我覺得與其說cky是揀學生,更恰當的是說揀家長.她與傳統學校最大的分別是家校的合作是更密切的.這樣的合作不只是派成績表時見家長,平時聽下講座那麼簡單,而是貫穿小朋友整個學習的過 ...

chancherry925 | 2007-08-08 09:56
Dear rchan,

記得在今年7月中音樂預備日當天,CKY的劉校長對在座的小朋友說:"知不知你們今天能在這裡,是從很多很多小朋友當中揀出來架!"我聽後有點打個"突",心想CKY都吾係好難入o者.後來我帶我的兒子都游泳學校學游泳,跟家長閒聊,她說兒子考不到CKY,"都不知是甚麼原因,second interview都無".

我記得first interview那天兒子去班房玩活動,我留在禮堂填問卷,我見問卷用英文出,就用英文答,我見有些家長用中文答,有些很會答完,我則用參加公開考試的心態做完它,仲要加紙,原因是學校都要揀家長,他們用甚麼了解你呢,都係這問卷吧,我約莫記得問題先問你對CKY最近發展的了解,知否學校會搬校;然後問家長有沒有報其他學校(我想這方面最好避重就輕,不要o甘誠實);再問你會為子女選甚麼樂器(因12年的課程中,學校一定要學生懂一種樂器,鋼琴除外)


到second interview,家長會分批見老師,有一位外籍老師與本地老師分別見家長,家長英文不太好可見本地老師,所以語文不是問題.當天我是見外籍老師,當天我預備了兒子的portfolio,(其實我是問兒子讀的幼稚園借的,我兒子的學校會為每個學生準備一個individual development portfolio,裡面有近2年的發展評估記錄,已甚詳盡,所以我就沒自己兒子再整理新的了)我彩色影印了這portfolio給學校存檔,老師對這個portfolio很感興趣,我想這portfolio也是重要的,因學校也能對該考生有多點了解.老師其實沒問很多問題,只問我們知道學校會搬,是否介意搬去廣利道?當然大家都係"避重就輕"啦.

兒子去見校長,是分組的,兒子說校長要每個小孩讀一本無字書,看他們的表達能力,然後問我的兒子是否喜歡閱讀,我的兒子答"一時時,有時喜歡,有時不",她再問他長大後想做甚麼,他答"想開遊樂場,因可帶給人快樂"答案幾另類,但我沒給他準備model answer,是他自己照實回答的.

ckwliu | 2007-08-08 14:50
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Maman2001 | 2007-08-08 18:07
yes, our experience was same as yours, not an "interview". and i saw most of other parents did the same too.

Quote:原文章由 ckwliu 於 07-8-8 14:50 發表
during the second interview the teacher told me where were 1500 applicants this year...
but the meeting with parents aren't an "interview". we talked abt nothing and she did not even look at al ...

TomDog | 2007-08-08 18:19
學校網站內不見有08-09 年度P1 application form可download? :-?
kyliema2006 | 2007-08-08 18:26
Quote:原文章由 TomDog 於 07-8-8 18:19 發表
學校網站內不見有08-09 年度P1 application form可download? :-?

Dear Tomdog

ckwliu | 2007-08-09 11:18
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chancherry925 | 2007-08-09 21:27
kyliema2006 | 2007-09-08 10:19
今個學期開始,學校好像又放鬆了。好像去年提倡的Language Policy,現在實行的小朋友很少,連小兒都反映小息時已經沒有學生說英語,若果未能落實,不如取消吧!聽後都覺得很可惜,希望學校可以付諸實行。這樣的制度,說易行難,我聽聞一間港島區的男女校名校(中學),亦有類似的制度,規定在校內說英語,但實行者少,有等於無。蔡繼有的環境已經較有條件了,因為外籍老師多嘛。但是,當學生主要是本地人,硬要說英語或普通話,始終都是怪怪的。學校要堅持到底,不要放棄呀!

另外,每次上學校的網址,其實都非常失望,為何管理那麼糟?網內資料陳舊,【Student Work】是前年的作品,給我的感覺是不尊重學生呢!若學校不能不時更新,不如乾脆刪除那幾版吧!

另外,今年小一學好像多開了一班,變成六班,是否以後都會多開一班呢?新校舍可足夠容納那麼多學生嗎?有點費解。 [ 本文章最後由 kyliema2006 於 07-9-8 10:23 編輯 ]
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