Nail | 2005-05-24 23:55 |
mdoip, congratulations!!! so glad to hear the good news. so happy to read the words "normal hearing" of your son by Shiba-Inu. Bless him and also bless 子喬, yanyan... :-D :-D 加油 |
katmami | 2005-05-26 00:37 |
mdoip, 你知嗎? 你BB的情況真係好令人鼓舞口架! :-P 我都會嘗試用正面D, 積極D嘅態度去面對,其他媽媽 都要努力, 唔好氣餒呀!... 近兩星期天氣一時濕, 一時熱, 一時又大風, 我同倆個小朋友都相繼發燒..(仲比医生話我D抗体差, 令三個多月大囡囡都中埋招...)大家要保重呀! Katmami :cry: |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-26 09:00 |
Katmami, Get well soon! I don't know that u have 2 (!) babies to take care of! Take care of yourself and the babies! I think your doctor needs a :sm: ! |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-26 09:03 |
Loveyanpig, "我怕拖得愈耐, 對佢o既語言發展愈有影響!! 點先可以快d做test?? " I understand your worry, but as long as Yan Yan was tested and helped before 6 months, it's considered acceptable. Even in US, the guidelines suggest the diagnosis and any intervention be done by the time the baby is 6 months of age, although the sooner the better. The reasons of setting 6 months as the guideline are: 1. Baby are difficult to test and we don't want to make mistake in fitting the hearing aids, because mistake can be damaging. 2. Researches showed that even for profound hearing loss kids, interventing them at 6 months of age can give them a high chance to catch up with their hearing peers. If u really want to speed up the whole process, the only way is to find a private institutes that specific in testing babies' hearing. Have u got my list of such institutes? |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-26 09:16 |
Daisy, "子喬月底去攞耳機,希望可以幫到件事啦" Good luck then! The first few weeks maybe tough but just hang on for the good of 子喬 ah! |
Shiba-Inu | 2005-05-26 09:24 |
稚言治語, "有個朋友仲成日叫我返火星﹗" Maybe u can spot out some other 火星人 around u and get better communication with them! ;-) "嘩哈哈﹗咁呀﹗咁我就要講多啲佢啲衰嘢你聽啦﹗聽住啦: 佢靚仔有型就唔在講啦,個人仲聰明伶俐,做嘢又勤力又認真,又細心又謹慎... 嘩哈哈﹗I know all his "good points" also, just don't know if my boss knows them or not!!! :lalala: |
稚言治語 | 2005-05-26 09:38 |
Quote: Shiba-Inu 寫道: 1. Maybe u can spot out some other 火星人 around u and get better communication with them! 2. 嘩哈哈﹗I know all his "good points" also, just don't know if my boss knows them or not!!! :lalala: 1. 收到﹗ 2. :-) :-) :-) 我問過靚仔,佢已經將你哋嘅關係講咗畀我知﹗ 8-) 我仲將bk個網址set咗入佢屋企部電腦嘅"我的最愛"度,叫佢得閒上嚟探吓你添﹗ |
稚言治語 | 2005-05-26 09:39 |
mdoip, 恭喜晒﹗放下心頭大石的感覺真好﹗ :pint: :pint: |
katmami | 2005-05-26 10:30 |
Hi, Shiba-Inu, 係呀!我有兩個小朋友口架!大果個兩歲!...你知嗎, 我上次帶小B去見ENT時, 都好驚青咁問埋醫生尼類聽力問題會唔會係基因出錯, 所以或許大B都會有?佢問我点解咁諗, 我話因為每次我叫親大B要自己執拾玩具, 或要佢坐定定食飯, 佢都好似"借咗聾耳陳"隻耳咁乜都聽唔倒....醫生笑話佢患上"選擇性失聰"! :chair: yanyanma, 雖然我都好心急想快D"做D嘢". 但係有時真係急唔嚟口架--好似我早排仲係有輕微感冒, 但係又好緊張想同囡囡傾多D計(又想佢睇倒我個咀"旭吓旭吓"), 所以竟然唔戴口罩, 諗住唔會有事嘅!....点知就令佢中埋招!仲發埋燒tim! :oops: 所以我以後唔敢啦!...仲害咗佢... :yawn: 見倒佢咁細個就要灌葯水, 仲食到頭暈暈咁...心痛呀.... :-( Katmami |
loveyanpig | 2005-05-26 11:04 |
多謝各位的支持, 關心和鼓勵!! :-D :-D yanyan昨日見了耳鼻喉醫生, 如我所料, 只是check check耳仔, 醫生說她的耳垢不算多, 表面看來也沒有什麼問題, 於是要排期做ABR test (7月7日), 但他也說如果我想快些知道結果, 可到私家做test, 再把report帶回去, 但我沒有私家的資料,Shiba-Inu , 可否pm給我? Thanks a lot!!!! 我也問了醫生可否轉介到瑪麗(因我遲些搬去中西區), 但他說要重新排隊, 當新case處理, 可能要等更耐, 會對bb有影響, 大家有何意見? (幸好昨天那醫生很好人, 有耐性, 比上次那個四眼陳好得多了!!) :-? :-? :-? |