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mesenfants | 2007-06-24 20:40

Erm......I don't know if you misunderstood what I said. My child does not have any problem with her English and what I was referring to was the AP's opinion of YC and not my daughter. My family and I experienced it meaning we were present when it happened. Whereas you heard it by word of mouth and obviously believed what you heard. Of course it could be true and we never write anything off! If it is the truth I take my hat off to the student because there are not many about who can grasp the command of good English from YC.

By the way are you a YC parent and also what do mean by an official - can you be a little more specific?

m.(x3) | 2007-06-24 22:09
Sorry I didn't mean your child had English problem. I meant the comment you heard about YC kids regarding their English.

I am a YC parent, at least for a few more days. You can see my comments in this same thread earlier. Quite a few people here know who are my kids and have contacted me or my wife regarding some of my earlier comments.

Official means the person who have access to all the test results and in the position to represent the school. I try not to drop any name here.

mesenfants 寫道:

Erm......I don't know if you misunderstood what I said. My child does not have any problem with her English and what I was referring to was the AP's opinion of YC and not my daughter. My family and I experienced it meaning we were present when it happened. Whereas you heard it by word of mouth and obviously believed what you heard. Of course it could be true and we never write anything off! If it is the truth I take my hat off to the student because there are not many about who can grasp the command of good English from YC.

By the way are you a YC parent and also what do mean by an official - can you be a little more specific?


m.(x3) | 2007-06-25 02:07
Off topic...

Just want to share some pic from Friday's P6 Graduation Dinner.

Everyone had lots of fun, and oh my, the kids grow so fast!

YC-MOM | 2007-06-25 11:12
m.(x3) 寫道:
Off topic...

Just want to share some pic from Friday's P6 Graduation Dinner.

Everyone had lots of fun, and oh my, the kids grow so fast!

Hmmm. I think I know who you are. :)
I have sent you a PM.

Tasha | 2007-06-25 12:21
有家長告之小學部的陳校長以前在中學部的School Office工作的,並沒有擔任教學的工作,不知何解,幾年前調到小學部担任副校長,後來更坐正做正校長.据聞陳校長沒有中文教學的資歷或經驗. (耀中以往的中國籍校長都是中國語文教育工作者).

YC-MOM 寫道:

PS 唔該學校請陳校長趁暑期放假,去學好普通話;又或者,如果學校早會或學校活動,都想安排由兩位校長,一英一中的發言,那就不如請陳校長講廣東話;又或者,單單請 FOSTER 一個說話就好了。陳校長的普通話真的 "很爛" 。

YC-MOM | 2007-06-25 23:18
Tasha 寫道:
有家長告之小學部的陳校長以前在中學部的School Office工作的,並沒有擔任教學的工作,不知何解,幾年前調到小學部

陳校長比我感覺係,一味係笑笑口,一係就乜都話好,一係就乜都話唔知,總之就係耍 d 家長。 [ 本文章最後由 YC-MOM 於 07-7-11 12:49 編輯 ]
Iccey | 2007-06-26 17:46
How is the school's of arts and designs program? My son is in secondary 3 and likes working on projects more than written work. He is very good in making models. Any one know if this will be a suitable school? I heard it has a large art room in the new building. Any one know any student who has gone to good university for archtecture study from this school?
YC-MOM | 2007-06-26 21:40
Iccey 寫道:
How is the school's of arts and designs program? My son is in secondary 3 and likes working on projects more than written work. He is very good in making models. Any one know if this will be a suitable school? I heard it has a large art room in the new building. Any one know any student who has gone to good university for archtecture study from this school?

唔好諗住讀國際學校可以逃避寫作,其實相反,國際學校要寫的,可能比本地學校更多;而且,耀中高中係行 IBD 課程 ( 即等於預科的階段 ),而 IB 課程係出名 demanding 的。
先前,耀中家長討論的,係學生水平問題,但 IBD 課程本身,並唔係容易 "過骨" 的 : 正正因為學生水平跟不上課程的要求,耀中中學上大學的情形差強人意。
在國際學校,即使係小學時期的 project,都大部份係要寫作的了。你係唔係對 "project" 這個 term 有點誤解?"project" 即係 "功課" 罷了,不過一般係 "大陣仗" d,要花時間做 d research 先夠資料完成。project 的形式,可以係畫畫,可以係整立體模型,亦都可以係要寫幾百字至過千字的文章,個別 project 形式由老師訂定。
想讀 achitecture ,要好多方面都有高水平。Architecture 唔係淨係天馬行空,整下 model,畫下畫就得。唔好比 "設計師","建築師" 的工作性質誤導,以為佢地隨心隨意畫畫,就完成工作,佢地的設計,背後要先有好好多 history ,art,及 math 等的基礎知識。
其實,如果唔鍾意,或怕寫作,恐怕上到大學,讀邊一科都會讀得好吃力。我有朋友係數學系畢業的,可能好多人又誤會,以為讀數學,計下數就得,但我朋友讀的科目,單單係本科數學科的科目,就有差不多四份一係要寫的,越高層次的科目,寫文字比寫數目字還多,還不計非本科科目,如 language,humanities,等。( 我地係北美州讀書,大學不單單要求學生讀本科科目,非本科的學分都要有。讀文學院的,也要修一些科學學分;讀工程或科學的,都要修一些文學學分。)
我建議你同你仔傾下,睇下佢自己想點啦,如果真係想讀上去,無論讀邊一科,都要克服怕寫作這個問題,( 有困難,要克服,唔好逃避 )。講個現實比佢聽,如果真係對讀 architecture 有興趣,就更要唔怕寫作,唔怕閱讀 ( 我哥係 architect,佢當年大學要讀好多好多 history,要睇好多書 )。
Iccey | 2007-06-28 18:34
Thank you so much for your comment and advice! You know so much about secondary and post secondary education. Thank you for sharing!
But before I read in newspaper that this school is good in getting students who do not like the "Peking duck" style teaching and changing them to like learning by mixing learning with art and DT. I also read in the paper that there is an art exhibition going on. It seems like they can give a different ways for children who are not strong with words. As a parent of the school, are there children like that in the school? Are there really success cases?
YC-MOM | 2007-07-03 18:48
Quote:原文章由 Iccey 於 07-6-28 18:34 發表
Thank you so much for your comment and advice! You know so much about secondary and post secondary education. Thank you for sharing!
But before I read in newspaper that this school is good in getting students who do not like the "peking duck" style teaching and changing them to like learning by mixing learning with art and DT. I also read in the paper that there is an art exhibition going on. It seems like they can give a different ways for children who are not strong with words. As a parent of the school, are there children like that in the school? Are there really success cases?

報紙的 "鱔稿" ,當係參考就好了。
我唔係教育專家,但係我唔相信藝術本身,真係可以令孩子愛讀書,愛學習;舉個例,數學弱,唔通真係畫下畫,數學就有進步?要在學科/學術上有進步,始終係要在該個範疇下功夫。不過,無可否認,"藝術" 對孩子學習,成長都有好處;起碼,如果孩子真係鍾意藝術,而在學校又有得發揮,咁佢起碼會 look forward to 返學。

恕我直言,耀中中學部的 art program,跟小學部 / 幼稚園的 music program ,可能都係 gimmick 罷了。耀中孩子,從幼稚園 4 歲就個個在學校學 violin,每星期一堂,這個 in-school violin lesson,做了好多好多年,近年有些本地學校都學,但其實出來學 violin 學得比較好的學生,都係另外有私人老師的。不過,當然,學校有些藝術/ 音樂氣氛都係好事。

另外,你提到的 exhibition,我覺得冇驚喜之餘,直情係有 d 失望。首先,係作品太少,全部作品,夾雜著小學部和幼稚園孩子的 art work,中學部學生的作品唔多。而中學部學生,用的材料唔夠多樣化 ( 中學生,應該要比佢地嘗試用唔同的美術材料,例如,顏料方面,都有好多種可以試用 ),和技術方面亦麻麻,部份我覺得水準比較好的作品,都係某一兩個人的手筆,細看旁邊的名牌,再問問我孩子,完來都竟然係出自小學部的 art instructors ( 其中一位,好似係叫 ms elderidge,希望冇串錯 ) 的手筆,或者佢地真係 art work 唔夠,要老師幫手充撐場面。我最喜歡的作品,反而係小學部和幼稚園小朋友的幾個大形立體創作。
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