kunggi201 | 2007-09-27 14:37 |
我相信任何私校選生,主要是選家長,例如是家底(某某名校首選醫生、律師之類的父母)、家庭狀況(某某名校不會考慮在職的母親)。而CKY選家長,重點是家長的教育理念要與學校相同。 Shortlist完家長,就要選學生,比較實在和客觀的標準,是他們的語言能力、出身的幼稚園、課外活動成績、兄姊是否校內就讀等(奇怪,又某某名校interview學生,不會考學生知識,而是叫他們畫一幅畫,難道學校有心理學專家,可以憑畫知道學生的資質?) 至於CKY,我覺得主要是選活潑的學生,能參與interview時的遊戲;如果學生害羞像「一舊木」,都可以expect到,他們不易融入學校的教學模式。 幾年前,某次在學校走廊,聽到一位家長和CKY的男校長傾談,校長說,以他多年來接觸小孩子的經驗,只看一看就知孩子的質素,真係犀利!我覺得並不出奇,有時接觸一些教育工作者、兒科醫生和護士等,他們都會說類此的說話,不知道校方是不是以此「專業」眼光選生? 也曾聽過一些家長,在second interview時孩子的表現很頑皮(說了不該說的童言或做了不禮貌的舉動),結果還是被選入CKY。看來在專家眼中,「頑皮」反而是具有個性,比起被父母訓練得「乖乖坐定定聽大人講野」的孩子更為特出。 雖然我不喜歡黃毓民,但我同意他曾經說過一句話:當今的成功人士,大部份在小時候是頑皮學生;就是他們有獨立的思維能力,才會頑皮。 近兩年,聽到在second interview時要孩子說故事,看來校方是要確認學生是喜歡閱讀。 以上為個人意見。 |
kyliema2006 | 2007-09-27 14:54 |
kunggi201 | 2007-09-27 17:15 |
papa_pop | 2007-09-27 17:53 |
In the case of my kid, he didn't really sit properly during the second interview. He even 'swam' with his hands sweeping the table in front of the principal coz he felt bored to death with the 20-min adult-talk... well... talking about the education philosophy. But he did okay answering questions like "what you'd wanna be when you grow up." That might be the fortunate reason why he got admitted, at last. As the competition for a place gets keener by the year, I really doubt the school can maintain its 'tolerance' as to accommodate so-called naughty kids. Good luck! |
塞曼莎 | 2007-09-27 20:52 |
我個人觀察,校長要女生斯文淡定,男生則要活潑型.可能有些人則覺得naughty一點,我自己覺得幾可愛/得意:-) :-) 2nd Interview時都見過有小朋友(男)落咗枱底,最後有冇收就唔知. |
kyliema2006 | 2007-09-28 10:17 |
waltermama | 2007-09-28 22:09 |
深感贊同呢! Quote:原文章由 kyliema2006 於 07-9-28 10:17 硐表 對於我這些深受【填鴨式】教育荼毒的市民, 當然會對教育制度的失敗而有切膚之痛。當有其它選擇時, 而又負擔得來,就試試吧! 【成功】-何謂成功呢?當上CEO是成功, 抑或搵大錢才算成功?成功的元素, 除了擁有靈活的頭腦及良好 ... |
elizatyy | 2007-09-29 08:37 |
Quote:原文章由 kyliema2006 於 07-9-28 10:17 硐表 對於我這些深受【填鴨式】教育荼毒的市民, 當然會對教育制度的失敗而有切膚之痛。當有其它選擇時, 而又負擔得來,就試試吧! 【成功】-何謂成功呢?當上CEO是成功, 抑或搵大錢才算成功?成功的元素, 除了擁有靈活的頭腦及良好 ... Good point! |
papa_pop | 2007-09-29 11:45 |
There's surely room for improvement for the school. In fact, kyliema rightly pointed out that students at CKY are being well pampered and exposed only to the bright side of the world. The school should consider putting community service in its line-up of extra-curricular activities. It provides an opportunity for these well-off kids to have a taste of what life is like for the underprivileged. While they (and parents like us) may never have a full experience of it, the 'knowledge' of the world around us is critical to one's growth and formation of his values. But we don't need expensive trips to fly our kids to Africa while we could - for a start - do it right on our homeland. |
ckwliu | 2007-10-02 14:35 |
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