Re: BB聽力測試

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mdoip | 2005-05-27 00:03
Hi 稚言治語,

我真的輕鬆了很多 ! 但之前的憂慮實在太刻骨銘心了 ! 我希望我bb的情況真的能激勵loveyanpig and katmami, 即使要做更多的測試 , 也不要氣餒 , 情況未必如你想像中壞的 !
其實 , 在這件事上 , 我們一家人遇到了很多很好很好的人幫我們 , 例如 : Shiba-Inu 為我解答了很多問題 , 健康院的姑娘 , 聽力學家 , 朋友及很多在BK上結識的朋友的留言 , 令我的情緒得以紓緩 !真的感激他們 !
事實上 , 我覺得我在daisy身上 , 也學會了積極解決問題的態度 , 希望子喬天天進步 , 繼續聽到你的好消息 !

多謝 ! 我也祝囡囡繼續進步 , 身體健康 ! 多謝你的鼓勵 !令我十分感動 !!

katmami & loveyanpig ,
Thank you! Best wishes to your babies !

DaisyWong | 2005-05-29 18:36
Hi loveyanpig,

點解轉介又要重新排隊 :-o :-o :-o 。政府d資料係互通噃,上次我去瑪麗,淨係講咗BB嘅出世紙no.,佢哋一check電腦,就見到BB係東區嘅record。你不如試吓問吓瑪麗,睇吓佢哋又點講,既然你遲些搬去中西區,咁梗係瑪麗方便好多啦。

子喬下星期去攞耳機,個心law law攣,又驚BB會唔慣,又唔知佢聽力有冇差咗,心情就好似出面天氣咁 :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

DaisyWong | 2005-05-29 18:46
Hi mdoip,

過獎啦。只不過大家BK mums互相支持鼓勵吓啫,條路一個人行會好辛苦呀。

loveyanpig | 2005-05-30 10:11

真有此事? 等我快d問清楚先! thanks a lot!

放心啦! 相信子喬咁叻女, 一定好快適應到!

我好開心, 因為呢幾日我起身時yanyan仲訓緊, 我就企o係佢床邊叫佢(唔係太大聲), 佢都有醒.....而且佢條頸開始硬淨, 以前佢個頭仔唔會轉向聲音來源, 但近來會呢! 希望呢d係好o既徵兆啦!!


katmami | 2005-05-31 09:35
Hi, yanyanma,

其實你嘅排期都好快吖! 我同小B五月初/中左右去完瑪丽耳鼻喉科見醫生, 跟住都要排期到七月七日(即同你同一日呀)才做ABR...所以如你現在才轉去瑪丽的話, 可能真係會更耐...

我小B尼幾日感冒/喉發炎好似好番好多, 仲成日撩我哋傾計, 仲擘大口"呀", "ya"咁叫, 非常好笑, 我哋都逢陪到底... :-)

loveyanpig | 2005-05-31 10:06
我已book了下個星期一去private clinic (唯聽)做ABR, 因為我的兒科醫生說七月才做可能太遲,因到時yanyan已半歲, 如到時知有事才跟進可能已遲了! 為安心起見, 我都寧願早d做, 而且四百幾蚊, 一d都唔貴! 我也問過clinic是否要sedation, 他們說不會, 盡量要bb自己訓著, 咁都好d!!

yanyan都成日"嘈之巴閉", 特別係無人o係佢視線範圍之內時, 佢就一定大叫, 尖叫, 狂叫, 直至有人理佢為止, 真係比佢激死加笑死 :-) :-) 佢仲成日同佢老豆"唱雙簧", 兩個一齊訓o係張床度, 然後佢老豆就o係度"依依哦哦", 停左之後, yanyan竟識得"接力", 又依依哦哦.....如是者, 一來一往十幾次都唔攰唔厭, 好鬼好笑!!! :-) :-)
katmami | 2005-05-31 13:01
咦?我都係問過唯聽喎, 但係佢哋話要收HKD900! :ranting: 佢哋有冇話包D乜, 点解有分別的?

Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-01 06:18

Sorry that I have not been online for a while and just saw your message. Since Yan Yan has an appt with 唯聽 already, maybe u don't need the list of private institutes for testing hearing now. Let me know if u still want it, I prefer emailing to u rather than pm though.

HK$4xx is also cheaper than what I expect! :-? But after the real testing, it may cost more because the audiologist may check Yan Yan's middle ear status with another equipment also. Just remember to ask them NOT to repeat OAE, since she has the results already.

"佢仲成日同佢老豆"唱雙簧", 兩個一齊訓o係張床度, 然後佢老豆就o係度"依依哦哦", 停左之後, yanyan竟識得"接力", 又依依哦哦"

This is a very good sign! We call this turn-taking and it's the first step to effective communication! Anyway, good luck! ;-)
Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-01 06:23

Don't get angry first! :lol: My guess is HK$ 9xx is more reasonable. "佢哋有冇話包D乜" --- This is the point.... ;-)
Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-01 06:37


:verycold: :verycold: :verycold: Me and 靚仔 Kevin??? No "special" 關係 wor! Don't let my husband gets the wrong impression ah... :-o ;-) As a warm-hearted C9, just want to remind him never bring his very important boss (VIB) to Szechuan kitchen again, unless he wants to wait for 10 more years to get his PhD! :mrgreen:

Just curious: will u attend the CI symposium held by PWH in Nov?
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