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Iccey | 2007-07-10 19:48
Hummm... the art exibition sounded so good on papers and maybe it is not so then. But do you know if the school will allow anyone to go in and have a look?
You talked about Violin lessons. Do students in the secondary school learn violin? What if they do not know how to? Will the school ask or force students to take extra lessons if they do not know how to play?

In general, how do you find the student's conduct? Do the school give any extra help to students who find school work difficult? I mean like in the local school there are sometime tutorial lessons after school or on weekend.

I have put in application, but there seems to be a lot of people. My son waited a long time and still not yet get an interview. Do anyone know what the child need to prepare for interview? Anyone with experience? I am very worried. My friend who reccommend the school say it is very good, but all the news here is not the same.... :cry:
YC-MOM | 2007-07-11 12:41
Hummm... the art exibition sounded so good on papers and maybe it is not so then. But do you know if the school will allow anyone to go in and have a look? <==應該得,而家放緊暑假,可能要打電話去請佢地安排。

You talked about Violin lessons. Do students in the secondary school learn violin? What if they do not know how to? Will the school ask or force students to take extra lessons if they do not know how to play? <== 中學部唔知駛唔駛學 violin,但小學部係必修的,但佢地會將學生按水平分組學。學校都唔會迫學生另外搵老師學,但如果唔另外學,就可以話根本冇乜進度可言,係舐緊時間。

In general, how do you find the student's conduct? <== 小學部學生普遍都好乖,亦比出面 local school 純品;頑皮極,都係你推我撞,未聽過有真係打交,( 聽聞某名男小學 d 學生打到七彩老師都唔會理),中學部就唔知,不過 so far,都冇乜負面的事。

Do the school give any extra help to students who find school work difficult? I mean like in the local school there are sometime tutorial lessons after school or on weekend. <== 如果話 extra help,學校係有,因為平常課堂就可能係分組學習,但唔會係放學後,或週末會有補習班。

I have put in application, but there seems to be a lot of people. My son waited a long time and still not yet get an interview. <== 我同好多其他家長分析過,好多入唔到英中,甚至 band 2 - 3 學生,都好中意報耀中 ( 無貶意,不過係事實 ) ,多人報讀真係唔奇。

Do anyone know what the child need to prepare for interview? Anyone with experience? I am very worried. <== 耀中中小學的 interview ,都唔係真係篩選學生,就算唔係咁叻,都唔會唔收,即使英語差,佢地都有英語輔導班。

My friend who reccommend the school say it is very good, but all the news here is not the same.... :cry: <== 我估個個要求唔同啦,可能係你朋友眼中,耀中係做到佢的要求啦。我唔知你孩子讀開邊間學校,不過真係唔好諗住耀中中學,會好似英基或漢基之類,真係咁有國際學校氣氛。耀中中學學生全部都係香港/大陸人,咁都唔緊要,最慘係連老師都冇幾個係外藉的,咁我就覺得同讀 local school 真係冇乜分別。或者咁講啦,如果你當佢係有一間,校舍比較靚的 local 英文中學,咁可能就會覺得滿意囉。不過,我自己就由 day one 都唔係想要一間 local school,咁我就覺得唔滿意喇。 [ 本文章最後由 YC-MOM 於 07-7-11 12:44 編輯 ]
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