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HeiHeiMa | 2009-09-12 00:37
學校網站已經有開學禮o既相睇, 睇落個圖書館又幾大o播! 快d整好就好喇!
samanthahk | 2009-09-14 15:54
Thank you Heiheima,
Where else to buy the desktop dictionary and 2A? Checked w/小樹苗 but they said no stock for 2A. :(
Any 2F 新生parents? pls pm me so that we can communicate.
Thanks again.
lui | 2009-09-14 17:30
My desktop dictionary: you can check with 小樹苗.If they don't, order through Amazon, retail price is cheap, around HK$35.

Longman Maths 2A (textbook and workbook): 天利行 on Nathan Road, just the opposite of 信和中心.

Quote:原帖由 samanthahk 於 09-9-14 15:54 發表
Thank you Heiheima,
Where else to buy the desktop dictionary and 2A? Checked w/小樹苗 but they said no stock for 2A. :(
Any 2F 新生parents? pls pm me so that we can communicate.
Thanks again.

queen.mouse | 2009-09-16 01:55
小兒今年會投考CKY Year 1, 請問 interview當日是否要填寫一份以英文問及以英文作答的問卷, 內容會問什麼?還有家長是否要與外籍老師傾談, 自問英語能力不好,大家可否幫幫我!謝謝大家!!!
HeiHeiMa | 2009-09-16 09:12
記憶中, 份問卷係中英都有, 作答亦可選擇中/英!
內容好似有問報o左幾多間學校, 小朋友睡眠時間有幾多, 點解揀呢間, 如何家校合作之類.......
2nd In有可能見外籍老師, 視乎見o既老師本身講咩語言!

Quote:原帖由 queen.mouse 於 09-9-16 01:55 發表
小兒今年會投考CKY Year 1, 請問 interview當日是否要填寫一份以英文問及以英文作答的問卷, 內容會問什麼?還有家長是否要與外籍老師傾談, 自問英語能力不好,大家可否幫幫我!謝謝大家!!! ...

minggrace | 2009-09-16 11:25
Hi HeiHeiMa,

This is Max's mum, mummy of your son's groupmate. I sent you a PM. Please check and keep in touch.

HeiHeiMa | 2009-09-16 12:44
Please check PM!

Quote:原帖由 minggrace 於 09-9-16 11:25 發表
Hi HeiHeiMa,

This is Max's mum, mummy of your son's groupmate. I sent you a PM. Please check and keep in touch.


samanthahk | 2009-09-17 15:43
thank you Lui, replying my asking on textbks
may I pm you for easy future contacts? are yr kid also in 2F ?
queen.mouse | 2009-09-18 18:03
Hi HeiHeiMa,
多謝你的寶貴意見, 謝謝!
lui | 2009-09-19 11:55
My girl is in 2A. I leave you my contact number.
Did you finally got the books?
My girl enjoys her school life so much. We shared a lot everynite. Her english and putongua proficiency improve dramatically! we got the right choice with CKY.
My girl Chinese is very good, she is able to read books with 70 pages in less than one hour (of course, those with some pictures). However, her interest or ability in reading English, is lesser. I hope I can help her to change the situation with the help and encouragment from school.

Quote:原帖由 samanthahk 於 09-9-17 15:43 發表
thank you Lui, replying my asking on textbks
may I pm you for easy future contacts? are yr kid also in 2F ?

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