Re: BB聽力測試

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Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-05 04:49

Don't say that, I will get :oops: :oops: :oops: ka!

Taking care of two babies is really not easy! Take care and add oil! :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-05 04:56

We always explain to people that wearing hearing aids is similar to wearing spectacles, it's just because the % of the former is not so high in kids that others will find it "strange". Equip yourself with the right attitude so that 子喬 will have it too! :-D

There are still many successful stories after HI kids grow up. Here is one:
Sandy's story (click here)

I know this lady, her HI does not hinder her from finding her own way! :hammer:
Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-05 05:00


That's why your daughter has such a big smile!!! :lalala:

Just curious: I am online during US daytime (HK night-time), but I find that u are also online too!
loveyanpig | 2005-06-05 19:00
聽日去做ABR test啦......好緊張呀.......我仲有d 喉嚨痛, 好似作感冒.... :oops:

reginang | 2005-06-06 00:04
事實是Astha帶給我很多歡樂,因為她,我的性格變得更開朗!!! :mrgreen:

零時十分 ....... 亦不算很晚呵 :lalala:

Shiba-Inu 寫道:


That's why your daughter has such a big smile!!! :lalala:

Just curious: I am online during US daytime (HK night-time), but I find that u are also online too!

katmami | 2005-06-06 10:12
我都覺得做咗媽媽後真係比以前喊多咗....最攪嘢係, 有一日早上响公司上網, 睇倒一則一個35週夭折BB嘅媽媽的深情告白....睇完後我喊到猪頭咁唔收得聲, 嚇死我老板同同事!
:-) (當然我冇講乜事啦, 返緊工係唔可以上網ga嘛!) :chair:

reginang, 你BB真係笑得好開心呀, 佢一定係個好開朗嘅小朋友呢! ;-)

loveyanpig | 2005-06-09 09:08

早兩天上不到bk, 未能即時通知大家結果, 今天終於ok, 馬上通知大家!
yanyan星期一去了一家私人clinic做ABR test, 結果顯示她有"輕度"弱聽(她聽35分貝或以下的聲音有困難, 而正常bb應可聽到20分貝, 甚至15分貝的聲音), 不算嚴重, "應該"影響不到正常生活, "應該"不用帶助聽器! 但聽力學家說7月時可再去醫院做多一次test, 到時有兩個report做對照, 再安排followup會更恰當!

知道yanyan的情況不嚴重我也安心了很多, 但我真的想知道所謂"輕度"是否真的沒大問題? 對yanyan的學習與溝通是否沒有大影響? 聽不到35分貝的聲音問題大嗎? 真的不用帶助聽器嗎? 我現在可做些什麼幫yanyan? (我已成為"問題媽媽", 因為實在太擔心了.....)

我也慶幸自己先去了private clinic 做test, 因為那兒的聽力學家很細心的向我解釋, 令我逐步逐步的知道發生什麼事, 而不是等,等, 等, 然後告訴我:"妳個女有弱聽!" (如果這樣我一定會即場嚎哭!) 如果去東區做, 再遇到上次個"四眼陳", 他一定不會有耐性地向我們解釋, 到時一定被他嚇死, 但現在已知情況, 到時他幾衰也沒問題!!

Shiba-Inu | 2005-06-10 06:27

That's a good news! :-D :-D :-D I believe u and your family should feel more relief now rather than waiting for the July test with uncertainty.

"但我真的想知道所謂"輕度"是否真的沒大問題? 對yanyan的學習與溝通是否沒有大影響? 聽不到35分貝的聲音問題大嗎? 真的不用帶助聽器嗎? 我現在可做些什麼幫yanyan?"

If the test result indicated that Yanyan can hear 35 dB or louder, YES, it's classified as "mild" hearing loss in the frequencies tested. We usually say that mild hearing loss does not affect daily communication much because our normal conversational speech reaches about 60 dB on average. Therefore hearing aids are NOT needed in most of the case.

However, there are somethings to keep in mind too:
1. Speech can get softer than 60 dB on average if you are speaking from a distance, speaking in noise and of course speaking softly, also sometimes it depends on individual speaker.
2. Some speech sounds are inheritedly softer than others, e.g. the consonants /m/ , /s/, /sh/ are softer than the vowels /a/. /i/, /o/

So to help Yanyan in her acquisition of speech and facilitate her learning later in school, bear those in mind. e.g. try to talk to her face-to-face, try NOT to talk to her in a background of TV noise, be patient if she cannot hear u when she's far away, and to communicate well with the teachers later in her school about these.

One more thing: follow the audiologist (四眼陳)'s advice on when to test Yanyan again AFTER the ABR, she will still need regular follow-up just to monitor.

:-D :-D :-D
NatalieLay | 2005-06-10 15:06
Hi 各位媽咪,

我囡囡前幾日係健康院做左OEA testing, 結果兩隻耳都係fail, 要等兩星期後再做,聽到個刻真係好唔開心,跟住宜家日日都同囡囡做'聽力測試'好彩係bk遇到Shiba-Inu,refer左依個forum俾我,雖然都係好擔心,不過起碼有人share,同埋可了解多啲相關資料....

yanyan 媽咪: 恭喜你,希望我個囡囡都可以pass啦!
Shiba-Inu: 多謝你!不過我想問囡囡會不會因為太細(只有22日),所以對個test無反應呢?

稚言治語 | 2005-06-10 19:46

真的是好消息啊﹗(well, 其實是"不幸中之大幸"吧﹗)這樣的話,以後的路會比較好走。

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